
Flame Emperor In Martial Universe ( Fanfic Wu Dong Qian Kun)

Traveling through the Martial Universe, Lin Yan immediately went to the small pond behind the Lin family to find the ancestral stone, and wanted to replace it with Lin Dong. Too bad he was late, the ancestral stone had already been taken by Lin Dong. Just when he thought he could only practice step by step, a system voice suddenly sounded. 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, the login system has been successfully unlocked. ] [Succeeded in entering Secret Cave behind the Lin family and got the Yaolao ring. ] Since then, Lin Yan has continued to enter and get various rewards from other planes. Lin Yan: "I won't be able to become a Martial Ancestor, but the Flame Emperor seems to have a chance?" Then the question arose, who was better at the same time as the Flame Emperor and Martial Ancestor? -------This is a Translation------- Original Author: Kuchiki what to eat today Raw: https://m.qidian.com/book/1036372250.html

Ryhme2288 · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Chapter 2: Trade with the Yao Chen Elder, Preparing to Refine Medicine

Observing the Yao Elder before him, Lin Yan came to a conclusion.

That is, the Yao Elder in front of him probably hasn't met Xiao Yan yet.

Otherwise, there's no need for him to thank me.

The reason he's thanking me is probably because the system saved his life in a critical moment, so to some extent, I'm his benefactor as well.

Thus, Lin Yan already had a rough plan in mind.

"No need for thanks, Senior Yao Chen Elder."

"Although I wasn't on the Dou Qi Continent before, in my hometown, I've heard about your legends."

"Medicine Sovereign, Yao Chen. I truly admire your reputation."

Lin Yan smiled and nodded towards the Yao Elder, showing his respect.

The Yao Elder seemed surprised and asked Lin Yan, "So, according to what you just said... you're not a local?"

Lin Yan nodded in agreement and explained, "The way I came here is similar to how you did, Senior Yao Elder. It's just that, the system belongs to me."

The Yao Elder looked at Lin Yan with deep meaning and said, "I see... You truly have remarkable opportunities, young friend."

He didn't doubt Lin Yan's words, and he had no ill intentions towards him. In fact, the Yao Elder was someone who valued loyalty and had been guided by the system to this world. He seemed to have a sense that he shouldn't be an enemy to the young man before him, or he might face some kind of punishment...

"So, young friend, what plans do you have now?" The Yao Chen Elder asked Lin Yan. He was most curious about what Lin Yan wanted him to do and how he would be treated in the future. Not understanding this made him restless.

"I want to make a deal with Senior Yao Elder," Lin Yan said directly.

"Although I didn't invite you here, the current situation seems to be ending well."

"I know that Senior Yao Elder still has unresolved vendettas in his hometown, and currently, he's just a soul..."

"So, I want to make a deal with Senior Yao Elder."

"In the future, once I've grown, I'll do my best to help Senior Yao Elder refine a new body and assist you in returning to the Dou Qi Continent. All you need to do is use your knowledge and power to provide me with guidance in cultivation before that."

"May I ask, Elder Yao Chen, what do you think of this deal?"

Lin Yan gazed intently at the Yao Chen Elder, waiting for his reply.

After listening, the Yao Chen Elder remained silent for a while, then nodded and said, "Very well, I'll entrust the future to you, young friend."

Lin Yan smiled and shook his head, "It's actually me who will rely on Senior Yao Chen Elder more!"

He quickly stored the ring away, put on his clothes, and left the stone pool.

During the journey, he discussed some matters from Earth and the power system of the Martial World with the Yao Chen.

The Yao Chen Elder was filled with emotion about this. If he hadn't experienced it personally, he wouldn't have believed such things.

When discussing the power system here, the Yai Elder stroked his beard and said, "So you're saying..."

"The grading system here is quite similar to what we have."

"They call it 'Tempering Body' here, while we call it 'Dou Qi.' It seems that fundamentally, there isn't much difference."

Speaking up to this point, the Yao Elder gave Lin Yan a sidelong glance.

"Young friend, your physique is truly weak."

"If I'm not mistaken, you only possess the cultivation level of the second layer of Tempering Body, right?"

Lin Yan awkwardly scratched his nose and replied, "There's nothing I can do, I just arrived here."

The Yao Elder nodded at Lin Yan and then smiled.

"Since that's the case, would you be interested in trying our method?"

Lin Yan's eyes brightened, "Could it be... alchemy?"

The Yao Chen Elder laughed heartily, "You indeed understand me well."

"However, this time we won't be using alchemy. We'll use a type of potion."

"Considering your current weak physique, using a potion would be more suitable."

Lin Yan nodded at the Yao Chen Elder's suggestion, realizing what kind of potion he was talking about.

It was the potion that helped Xiao Yan enhance his physical body during the early stages!

He never thought that one day he would be able to use it as well.

He repeatedly cupped his hands and said to the Yao Elder, "I'll trouble you, Senior."

The Yao Elder raised his hands in a relaxed gesture and said, "It's a small matter."


The two of them began to search for medicinal herbs on the Lin family's back mountain.

Although it was the back mountain, it was still a wilderness area, so some medicinal herbs could be found. Moreover, there were some demon beasts in the deeper parts, and their demonic cores would be needed when making the potion.

"Yeah, I found it, Purple Leaf Orchid. It might not be called that here, but this is it."

With the Yao Elder, Lin Yan spent quite some time wandering on the back mountain before finding the first type of required medicinal herb.

Following the Yao Elder's instructions, Lin Yan plucked the herb, stored it properly, and also collected other useful herbs along the way.

After searching for a while, they finally found the other type of medicinal herb they needed.

"Washing Bone Flower, as long as we get this, we'll have gathered all the required herbs."

Seeing the herbs, the Yao Elder smiled.

However, they soon saw a giant leopard circling around the herbs.

The Yao Elder's eyes lit up, "It's truly unexpected, a stroke of good fortune falling from the sky."

"The final ingredient needed for the potion is a first-grade wood-element magic core."

"The demon beast in front of us, we have them in my hometown too. It's a first-grade wood-element one, which is just suitable for potion-making."

However, Lin Yan was in a somewhat difficult situation.

Having just crossed into the Martial World, he wasn't particularly skilled in combat yet. Moreover, his current strength was weak; he was only at the second layer of Tempering Body. Facing this demon beast, he didn't have much confidence.

"Hahaha, young friend, don't worry."

"A mere beast, leave it to me."

Seeing Lin Yan's hesitation, the Yao Elder burst into hearty laughter.

Afterward, he flicked his finger, sending out a cerulean, cold, bone-chilling white flame that shot straight towards the leopard.

The flame was incredibly fast, and once it made contact, it burned fiercely.

Before the leopard could even react, it was already burnt to death by the Yao Chen Elder's Cold Fire, leaving behind only the first-grade wood-element demon core he had deliberately preserved.

The Yao Elder picked up the demon core and collected the herbs, then returned everything into Lin Yan's ring.

"Let's go, young friend."

"Find a safe place and let's start refining the potion!"

Lin Yan nodded at Yao Elder's agreement and headed towards home. But as he hurried along the road, the excitement in his heart couldn't be contained.

If he wasn't mistaken, the Yao Elder from just now was quite similar to the one who battled Yun Shan during his time at Yunlan Sect.

Wouldn't that mean he now has a Dou Zong-level expert by his side protecting him?

This feels pretty awesome!