
Flame Emperor In Martial Universe ( Fanfic Wu Dong Qian Kun)

Traveling through the Martial Universe, Lin Yan immediately went to the small pond behind the Lin family to find the ancestral stone, and wanted to replace it with Lin Dong. Too bad he was late, the ancestral stone had already been taken by Lin Dong. Just when he thought he could only practice step by step, a system voice suddenly sounded. 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, the login system has been successfully unlocked. ] [Succeeded in entering Secret Cave behind the Lin family and got the Yaolao ring. ] Since then, Lin Yan has continued to enter and get various rewards from other planes. Lin Yan: "I won't be able to become a Martial Ancestor, but the Flame Emperor seems to have a chance?" Then the question arose, who was better at the same time as the Flame Emperor and Martial Ancestor? -------This is a Translation------- Original Author: Kuchiki what to eat today Raw: https://m.qidian.com/book/1036372250.html

Ryhme2288 · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Chapter 3: Fourth Level of Tempering Body, Ten Resonances of Back-Penetrating Fist

In a quiet room, the Medicine Elder picked up a purple leaf orchid with his left hand, squinting his eyes slightly. After a moment, he exhaled gently. A pale green flame emerged on the palm of his left hand.

As the flame rose, the temperature in the room increased significantly. The Medicine Elder remained calm, using the Bone Spirit Cold Fire in his hand to directly incinerate the purple leaf orchid into a green liquid.

Continuously using the Bone Spirit Cold Fire to purify the liquid, when the Medicine Elder successfully refined the liquid to perfection, he added the Bone-Cleansing Flower that he had collected earlier into the flames. After thorough scorching, it finally merged completely into the green liquid.

With one hand, the Medicine Elder transferred the freshly refined liquid into a container and began the fusion of the demon core.

Now, only the final step remained.


The entire process of alchemy lasted for more than half an hour.

Lin Yan had been silently observing on the side, feeling that he was broadening his horizons.

When the Medicine Elder completed all the steps, what remained in front of him were a few drops of green liquid enveloped by the Bone Spirit Cold Fire.

He stored them separately using jade vials and then looked at Lin Yan with a faint smile, saying:

"It's done."

"Young friend, you can use this for cultivation."

"One drop of the liquid can be used for one cultivation session. Fill a basin with water and drip the liquid into it. Let it soak your physical body."

"This way, breaking through to the Fourth Level of Tempering Body should not be difficult after cultivating for a period of time."

Lin Yan was overjoyed upon hearing this.

He first expressed his gratitude to the Medicine Elder with a thankful bow: "Thank you very much, Senior Medicine Elder!"

Immediately, he took a few bottles of the medicinal liquid and carefully placed them away, leaving only one bottle in his hand.

Following the Medicine Elder's previous instructions, Lin Yan filled a large basin with water for bathing, and then he dropped the medicinal liquid into it as instructed.

As the liquid dripped in, the water in the basin immediately turned green, and a strong medicinal fragrance wafted through the air.

Taking off his clothes, Lin Yan immersed himself in the bathtub without hesitation. Instantly, a strong sense of comfort surged over him.


After several hours passed, the color of the liquid in the basin faded, indicating that the medicinal power had been fully absorbed by Lin Yan.

Standing up from the basin, Lin Yan dried himself, put on his clothes, and once again tested his physical strength. He was astonished to find that his body had reached a level of hardness akin to wood or stone. A look of surprise appeared on his face.

"This is the Fourth Level of Tempering Body!"

Originally, Lin Yan thought that achieving the Third Level of Tempering Body through this cultivation would already be quite impressive.

However, he unexpectedly improved by so much—directly advancing two levels to reach the Fourth Level of Tempering Body.

"Perhaps? Could the medicinal materials and their effects here be stronger?"

The Medicine Elder observed this development with some astonishment, absentmindedly stroking his beard.

Nevertheless, the two of them didn't dwell on this matter for too long.

After all, being able to exceed their expected increase in strength was a positive outcome. Apart from this, they had more important things to focus on.

"Next, let's practice martial arts."

"Since your body has just absorbed the medicinal power, it's not advisable to continue absorbing more. It's better to completely absorb the remaining medicinal power through intensive training and then proceed with the second round of cultivation."

Lin Yan shared his thoughts with the Medicine Elder.

"Well said."

The Medicine Elder nodded in approval.

Given that most people would likely have been unable to resist immediately attempting a second absorption of the medicinal liquid after discovering its effectiveness, Lin Yan's calm analysis showcased his excellent temperament.

"Then let's start practicing martial arts."

The Medicine Elder agreed with Lin Yan's plan.

As for Lin Yan, he assumed the appropriate stance and began to practice in the courtyard.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

He was clearly practicing the Lin family's one-star martial art, the Back-Penetrating Fist.

Although it was a one-star martial art, if the Back-Penetrating Fist could be developed to the level of ten resonances, it could rival some two-star martial arts.

This was the main reason why Lin Yan chose to practice the Back-Penetrating Fist, as this martial art had a higher growth potential than most others.


"This martial art is somewhat similar to the Yellow-Ranked Battle Techniques on our Douqi Continent."

"However, our Battle Techniques rely more on the use of Douqi, while these martial arts seem to emphasize physical body utilization."

The Medicine Elder had been observing Lin Yan's practice from the side, and he concluded on the distinction between battle techniques and martial arts.

However, as a Dou Zun himself, in the context of the Martial Realm, he was equivalent to a powerful expert at the Death Venerable level.

So, from his perspective, these martial arts seemed relatively simple.

With just a few glances, he could already discern their essence and walked up to Lin Yan, saying, "Young friend, take a break from practicing. Watch me demonstrate."

Lin Yan immediately halted his movements, turning his gaze towards the Medicine Elder.

Without wasting time, the Medicine Elder demonstrated the Back-Penetrating Fist to Lin Yan.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

The crisp sounds resonated quickly. With a powerful momentum, the Medicine Elder unleashed a punch. As Lin Yan counted the sounds, he realized that the Medicine Elder had just executed the highest realm of the Back-Penetrating Fist—a resonance of ten!

"Do you understand, young friend?"

The Medicine Elder asked with a smiling expression.

Lin Yan nodded in response.

"I'll give it a try."

Following the observations he had made earlier, Lin Yan delivered a punch.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

Although he didn't achieve the highest resonance of ten that the Medicine Elder had just displayed, this time, Lin Yan successfully executed a resonance of six. This progress was significant.

"You're truly a martial arts prodigy, young friend."

"Merely after observing once, you've made such progress."

"Very well!"

The Medicine Elder couldn't help but praise Lin Yan, his eyes filled with approval.

After nodding in response to the Medicine Elder, Lin Yan continued his practice of the Back-Penetrating Fist.

He continued practicing for several days.

Finally, during one practice session of the Back-Penetrating Fist...

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack

! Smack! Smack!

As his fist struck, the clear sounds rang out like overlapping waves, echoing continuously.

After executing this punch, a deep sense of joy appeared in Lin Yan's eyes.

"This is the Ten Resonances of the Back-Penetrating Fist!"

"I've achieved mastery!"

The Medicine Elder nodded in approval.

After a moment of contemplation, he turned to Lin Yan and asked:

"Young friend, you're truly a martial arts prodigy."

"However, with your talents, learning such low-level martial arts seems somewhat wasteful..."

"I have an advanced Profound-Ranked combat technique called 'Eight Extremes Collapse.' Would you be interested in learning it?"