

A Travel across the cosmos to find the Truth. A boy orphaned by the destruction of his homeworld. Now, he is faced with a harsh reality about the so-called cultivation and how humans are struggling to survive a world that is dominated by a higher level of civilization. Follow Bhram on his journey to explore the cause and effect of a universe.

zen001 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter-11: Mayor’s Mansion

Phillip went into the orb, he instructed the orb to move in a certain direction, and the orb started moving towards a newly constructed avenue.

It was very quiet inside the orb as Phillip sat on his couch and drank some fluids, Bhram wanted to talk to him, but he felt like he was in no position to console him.

He just waited quietly, looking out the window screen. He was fascinated at how fast the city was being constructed, he saw some strange circular drawings being lit up, and immediately a new building would appear after the lights faded.

He even saw a building being made of floating stones, as they were automatically being arranged in the form of a 4-storied building.

A few hours goes by in the silent cock-pit of the orb and Phillip stands up, Bhram who was enjoying his view flinched when he saw Phillip move.

"I'm sorry for your lose, Sir," said Bhram as he approached Phillip.

Phillip nodded his head and stopped the orb, he gestured for Bhram to come closer.

A few seconds later Phillip and Bhram were on the streets and the orb shrunk to the size of a marble and flew into Phillips' hand.

The first thing Bhram noticed was, his difficulty in moving around.

'What the… I can't walk properly. I can't even breathe properly' thought Bhram

"The gravity is a little high compared to your home planets, the city is constructed on a power core which prevents Mortal level cultivators from flying" Phillip explained, as he stood there in the middle of the street as if waiting for someone.

A few minutes later Bhram was slightly able to adjust his breathing and he was able to move with some difficulty. He felt like he was swimming agents the current.

"Mr. Phillip, I'm sorry for your loss. I heard from the Mayor that the librarian was your granddaughter" said a man as he approached the duo.

"Ah… Yes, She was my 3rd granddaughter" Phillip said as he turned his head to face the stranger.

Bhram recognized him as one of the city guards at the entrance and politely nodded his head in greeting.

"The Mayor invites you to the town hall, to discuss things related to the Hellfire," said the city guard.

"I will visit the town hall, as soon as I finish some tasks at hand," Phillip said.

The city guard nodded his head and took out a token that looked like a wooden carving of a swan and said "Please take this token, when you enter the hall someone will guide you to the mayor's office"

The city gaud bid his farewell after seeing Phillip put the token away.

"Sir, I'm really sorry for your loss. May her soul rest in please" consoled Bhram.

Bhram had been curious as to what was Phillips's relationship to the librarian to warrant such grief into an imperial solder with such high cultivation.

"Ah… my sweet Ana, I hoped for her to become a great sage. She had the highest recorded talent in my family; I put in all my connections to get a post of library manager in the hopes of providing a safe and rich environment to cultivate till a Great sage. But… who would have thought that a ticking bomb was present in the 'Safe Heaven of Humans'?" Phillip said as his voice became more and horsier as it reached the end.

Phillip pulled himself from breaking down again and went towards a tall building; it looked like an old dead tree in a field of white roses.

Bhram tried his best to keep up; when he reached the old building stairs he was marveled at the majesty of the building.

It gave him a feeling as if he was at the entrance of a king's palace back on his home planet. The building was a combination of black and gold, the entrance had a stone marble with a symbol of the imperial court with 4 different beasts arranged into a rhombus and a trident erect at the center.

Bhram knew that the Imperial court was ruled by beasts, the current emperor was a White tiger (Ra- Family) and the other families were a black crow (Re-Family), a bull (Sa-Family), and a Lion (Ga-Family).

He heard a legend that the trident was a weapon left behind by the ancestor of the beast family when he left in search of a higher dimension.

It was said that this ancestor was not part of the 4-royal families of the present but a 'Naga Family' from 10 billion years ago.

When the duo reached the entrance of the building, they stopped when they saw a 10 feet tall statue that looked like a humanoid with a face of a monkey, a tail twice its height (shaped like a ring around it), and a weapon that looked like a gun in one of its hand started walking.

Bhram started panicking when he saw this; the dead yellow glowing eyes on the monkey's face gave him a feeling of death.

"Don't panic and make any unnecessary movements" Phillip said as he took out a red card and approached the statue.

'Halt, who goes there?' a mechanical voice was heard from the monkey's face as it pointed a hollow pillar that looked like a gun barrel towards the duo.

When Phillip saw the pillar lighting up he shouted "3rd division of the Imperial Court's Exploration Department, 1ĂLjU0$׆ Mad DOG!!"

The statue paused for a few seconds after which a golden gate was formed allowing an Old hunchback lady in a white and gold gown to walk out.

"You enter," said the old lady.

The statue moved back to its initial position and sat down in a lotus position.

Phillip looked at the old lady, with complex emotion and walked into the golden gate immediately followed by Bhram.

As soon as Bhram passed through the golden gate, he felt his body being eaten away by ants, he felt his whole body burning and itching.

Bhram felt a little better after a few minutes and immediately started puking on the marble floor; he looked so embarrassed and felt like a child who couldn't control his body.

He felt his body going numb for a few seconds; he slowly got up and looked around to see that the golden gate was no longer present.

He was about to get on his feet and look around when he heard a creepy voice.

"How… disgusting… cant event…. Handle …. A simple…. Teleportation…."

The voice came from a creature that looked like a frog and was as big as a water tank.

"Shut up, Raven. You opened up a level 1 portal which is hardly sufficient to hold 2 transcendents; it's a miracle for this kid to be alive much less standing and puking. Get your old ass here and clean this kid up and check if he is missing any limbs" said the old lady.

When Bhram and Phillip heard this they were sweating bullets.