
Chapter 11


This has been the most traumatic twelve hours I've had in years, and yet I feel strangelyÉ calm. Settled. Relieved. I told someone. I told two people, and nothing bad happened. In fact, something good came of it. I feel like I've made a new friend in Skylar, and her referral to Jessica was just what I needed, even if it was hard to hear a lot of what she had to say.

I'm also determined to be honest with Eric. He deserves the truth about my past before we get any further into whatever this is that's happening between us.

When I get home, I go right to the freezer and make an ice pack to put on my eyes, hoping to repair some of the damage before Eric arrives. I stretch out on the sofa, ice pack on my eyes and think about the things Jessica said. I try to reconcile them with the image of John I've carried with me all this time.