
Preview: The Nightshift

Out of the entire group, Casper was voted to take the night watch, despite Chance's protests. They all knew that the monsters could still hunt them in the night, that maybe these "things" didn't need sleep, but blood. They would need someone to wake them up should the creatures appear, and Casper was the best at paying attention. "But what if they drag ME off?" Casper protested. "We all know I can't handle a bully, let alone these things!" It was true, Casper wasn't one able to put up a fight. People weren't even sure if he ever threw a punch in his life. "Maybe we'd be losing dead weight, you're too much of a baby for anything!" Parley responded, giving a look that suggested she meant what she said. She had not changed in the situation whatsoever. "You're too young to be here, and now you're wasting the adult's time." Clowey had never realized Parley was like this to Capser and Bruce just shook his head disapprovingly. Max however supported her with a "You tell him!"

Casper nearly started crying and Chance gave her a look himself and said exactly what he meant by it. "Okay, seriously, you need shut up." He said getting straight to the point. Hearing that from her crush did indeed shut her up, and she seemed to be a bit angry about the whole thing. Chance turned his attention to Casper and set the empty Freddy head he still had down. "I know you've got this. If they get ya, just yell and I'll be to rescue ya, alright kid?" He patted Casper's shoulder and sighed. "I'm sorry I dragged you into this." He stopped and looked around before going back to the closet they had found, getting the worn sleeping bags for them to sleep on.

They couldn't afford potentially getting stuck inside the bag and not being able to run. They all laid down on top of the bags and Casper grabbed the flashlight from Chance, ready to flash it at whatever he'd see. Not soon after, the others began sleeping and Parley began snoring. The sound was quite disturbing and Chance woke up for a moment, placing his pillow over her head which seemed to clog the noise. He looked at Casper, gave him a thumbs along with a wink, and went back to sleep. Casper laughed a bit, but covered his mouth to not make noise, turning his attention back to the darkness. He began to regret the fact he was not tired. Still, he shrugged it off and began flashing around the room.

An hour passed before Casper heard something. A bellow of metal from his left. He flashed his light to find nothing in that direction. At first he was relieved, but then realized all of the boxes that blocked that "hallway" were gone. He shook Chance who's grumbling instead woke up Parley. She slapped Casper's hand, proceeding to throw Chance's pillow at the brat. "What are you doing? I don't hear anything around us..." she said tired and cranky.

"I heard something over there." He said pointing to the now empty left hall. "All of the things there are gone too, I think something got is in here with us. Like in this room." Parley looked to the left and grabbed the flashlight away from Casper, looking on the walls, ceiling, and even looked between the metal tubes that came from above and went through the floor. She handed back the flashlight to Casper and with a stern voice uttered, "Don't. Wake us. Again." She slapped so hard he fell to the ground. His face was bruised and hot when he got up. It so much, he started crying quietly.

Within moments Parley was back asleep and Casper began to look through the room once again. Another hour passed when Casper heard breathing. What confused Casper was the volume of the breathes he heard. It wasn't heavy breathing, but it was loud. At first, he thought someone was snoring, so he turned around. Instead of seeing his friends, something was behind him.

It was twice his size and was stripped in a dark withered green. It had a bow tie and a top hat accompanied by one bear like ear. It's eyes were more like white beads faded red and vibrated constantly. Slowly it's mouth opened and it's head leaned, but it's eyes were fixed on Casper. It was as if it was giving an evil smile. It put its hand on Casper's throat and then disappeared. Casper shivered And again tried to wake Chance up only to be met with another slap from Parley, who didn't bother saying anything before going back to sleep.

Again, Casper began weeping softly. He began looking throughout the room now never losing sight of a shadow lingering where ever he looked. It was a shadow of bunny ears. Casper gulped and looked at everyone before looking back into the darkness. He felt his cheek and whimpered. It was... nothing... He was just a crybaby... He... He... THUMP! Casper jumped. That came from directly behind him! When he looked though, all he saw was a huge shadow in the middle of the hall. It was as if someone stood there, casting it, but Casper saw no one. Again, the ears. Willing up what little courage he had, he began to walk towards the shadow, holding his hand out, trying to feel for something. Then, he felt something. Cold... Damp... Metal... His flashlight lost power and he was in the dark. Frantically he turned it on again to find the shadow gone.

This time, Casper did not hear something, but saw it. He turned around to be face to face with the creature from before. However, it was a strange yellow. It didn't go away, he wasn't seeing things this time. He realized that it was talking. "Find me. Join me." Then, silently, it vanished. A knock came from somewhere behind Casper, and he realized something horrible. Something was holding him by the throat. All Casper felt was pain before he blacked out.

Whatever had him had struck him with it's other hand, and moved him, for Casper was next to his friends. Except, Max was missing. Casper shook Chance frantically as he searched the room with his eyes. Some of the lights were on and he still couldn't see Max. Where was he? Was he Ok? Did he just wander off? He then looked at the former bullies sleeping bag and saw blood on the pillow. He had indeed been taken.

Instead, of the room with Parley and everyone else, Max was in a copper room when he woke up. It lead into a silver hall that was dark, even when Max shined his spare light. On the side of the room were chains and attached to them was a body. Max ran to the other side of the room. 3 bodies were across the wall. Each one dead, each one having their face covered by a strange white mask. It had a painted smile and two cut out eyes, both of which had purple streams of tears coming out of them, also painted on. It was disturbing. Max screamed and ran down the silver hall. He ran until he couldn't run. Until he hit something. He felt a strain on his throat. There was something towering over him. He was being strangled and picked up off the ground. He struggled as the metal hand grew tighter around his neck. He could barely make out the figure trying to kill him, they were shrouded in the darkness, even though Max's light was shining straight at them. All he could see were two bunny ears.



Chance must have been a heavy sleeper, because despite all of Casper's attempts, he wouldn't wake up. Finally, Casper did something risky. "Chance! Wake up!" He yelled. Not just Chance, but everyone jumped off of their sleeping bags. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!?" Parley scolded, preparing a back hand as if she was trying to break the poor child's neck. Chance, though very much still half asleep, was not having any of this, making his way over. Bruce was already up and got to Parley first, grabbing her hand tightly when she flung it. "What the hell is wrong with you?!? For all you know, they could've been right above us and you're focused on attacking a kid???" Parley on the inside was relieved it wasn't Chance that got in the way, as she had no problem talking back to Bruce. She prepared to speak but Bruce wasn't giving her an inch. "Well he-" She began.

"He what? Did what he was told? To warn us if anything came close or happened??" Bruce redacted.

"Well I told him-" Parley retorted.

"YOU told him? Who put YOU in charge?!? You're the last person I'd trust, in fact, I'd never trust you! You're absolutely entitled, and your way of doing things would get everyone but you killed, NOT EVEN THAT ACTUALLY!" Bruce said, raising his voice again.


(Just a sneak peek of what's after "The Shattered Corridors"... For some reason.... Hm.... Why did I make this?)