
Phoenix-cheerleaders ain't perfect

I sit down next to my sister, the other cheerleaders sit behind us. I look towards Fiona, such a nice, pretty girl. I remember when I was like her, I had the same gothic style and I was super outgoing. But everyone made fun of me, even my own family, so I changed into a "perfect" cheerleader. Except I'm not what people want me to be, hidden deep inside there is a ghost of a goth Lesbian girl, but i'm too scared to bring her out. But this Fiona girl she is confident in who she is, she is everything I ever wanted to be. I can't take my eyes off of her pretty face, I hope she never changes for anyone. "What you looking at sis"? I look towards my sister and say: "huh, what, I just zoned out". She chuckles and says: " Well I'm happy you got out of that goth phase, unlike that goth girl." I look down at the ground and say: "Uh yeah me too". " Having first day jitters"? My sister asks. "Yeah I'm a little nervous". I say back. I mean I'm not lying I really am nervous. She moves her hand across her face and says: "Don't worry about it, you'll blend in just fine, your a lightier, you were born for this". Was I really, cause it sure doesn't feel like it. "Yeah, I got this". I say back. I do got this, right? Boy I hope I got this. The bus comes to a stop everyone slowly piles out. Me and my sis get up and so does Fiona and Amber. Me and Fiona's hand brush upon each other. She winks at me and I quickly wink back, giving her hand a quick squeeze and I then let go. Her skin was so soft and warm, it felt nice on my cold hands. I smile a little feeling a little more confident maybe I really do got this. The day went by fast,history, math, English, drama,science and art. But I couldn't focus all day, I can't stop thinking about Fiona, I have to talk to her and get to know her. I head to the bus, get off and head home. I run straight to my room, close the door and lock it. I head to my closet taking my key, around my neck, to the last drawer. I look to make sure the door is locked and slowly open the drawer, trying not to make any noise, I open it a crack more, revealing tons of goth/black outfits. I take a short black shirt with a button up black skirt, I quickly put it on and look in the mirror. One more thing, I run to the bathroom grabbing my black eye shadow, I apply it on my lid and under my eyes, finishing the look off with dark purple lipstick. I look in the mirror and smile, this is the real me, it's days like this that I wish I had never changed. "Time to eat sis". I quickly take off everything, putting on pjs. I eat and then fall asleep. I am transported to the school's playground, I am wearing all black. Fiona starts making fun of me and ever laughs, she pushes me to the ground, laughter surrounds me. I wake up abruptly, tears stain my face. I get up and splash cold water on my face, I head to the window and jump out. I run through the forest into the tower, running up the stairs and laying down onto the cold ground, staring at the stars. All of my stress seems to fade, I lay there for a while. I hear the click of boots walking up the stairs and I sit up. I thought I was the only one who knew about this place. I see Fiona come out of the shadows and sits down next to me. " I guess we had the same idea". She says. I sigh and say: "I had a terrible dream, woke up crying, the stars help all of my worries go away". She looks at me with sympathy and curiosity and asks: "What was the dream about"? I don't tell people about me being goth, I am usually scared but I feel safe with her so I say: " When I was in middle school, I was just like you, but everyone made fun of me, even my own family, so I changed. I dreamed about you making fun of me and everyone laughing". tears run down my face, she pulls me close, hugging me tight. She whispers in my ear: "I would never make a fun you, your beautiful, screw anyone who thinks differently." She pulls away and I smile. We both lay down and she asks: "So how did you find this place"? "When I was little me and my sister found it, I've been coming here ever since, what about you.I answer. "I'm new here so I just found it and I found a beautiful rapunzel in it". She answers back. I look at her and she looks at me, staring deep into each others eyes. She pushes a hair behind my ear and kisses me on the cheek. Whispers in my ear: "We should hang out more". I wanna say yes but I can't help but think about what others would think. "I like you but what about other people,I'm too afraid". I say back. She places her hand on mine, gets up and says: "I understand". "Wait can I think about it"? I say. She smiles and nods, walking away. I smile and walk back to my house.