
Chapter 1: Her

•September 1•

~first day of school~

Today is the first day of a new school. I am going to be the new transfer student and hopefully nothing bad happens.

I fixed my bed and clean my room a bit, before heading downstairs. It was only 7am and school starts at 7:45am so I had time to make a little breakfast. Quickly walking to my mom room to see if she is sleeping still, she lays peacefully. "Mom are you hungry?" I asked "hm" I can only hear. I walked towards her handing her medicine. "I'm going to school, there's food made in the kitchen" I said kissing her forehead.

Walking out of the house, I was blinded by the sun rays. Great, a sunny day! I put on my black shade of glasses and headed to school.

"Okay class we have a new student, please welcome y/n". I bowed my head then looked up at everyone. "Jungkook! Your her new seat partner" says the home room teacher. "What the, your crazy?!" A guy yelled. He looked up at me then went back to writing in his journal. Did I do something wrong? Do I look funny?

I slowly walk to the empty seat next to him. Wow he's really good looking. As I look up all the girls are staring at me like he's the precious king. I then realize I'm sitting next to the kingka of the school. Great... I probably look like a nerd. I touch my face feeling the rim of my glasses. Oh no! I forgot I have glasses on. Not going according as plan! I quickly took off my glasses and paid attention to the teacher. "Will you be my girlfriend?!" He asked. Out of nowhere, we're did that come from?? I immediately said "no" and grab my book to block me from him so he won't see me blush.

Man, what is wrong with this guy?