
First Demonic Dragon

Carter Williams was your typical twenty year old loser. After a fight in the street leaves him unconscious he wakes up in the body of a young dragon in an entirely new world. Armed with a system to assist him and two beautiful wives to support him, Carter vows never to live his life hiding in the dark again as he seeks the title of dragon king. - Additional tag : Yuri Discord link is : https://discord.gg/q68P5JPnNz

AnathaShesha · Fantasy
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611 Chs

Harsh Examiners (Kinda?)

Finally, two figures stepped out of the smoke and revealed their identities to the weary examinees.

One, a young man with medium length black hair, was giving off a frightening atmosphere despite his ethereally beautiful face.

Like his father, Straga prioritized physical dominance and martial ability over weapons and magic in combat.

His clothes reflected that mindset; being a pair of white dougi pants tied with his own golden belt and a black sleeveless shirt.

His knuckles and wrists were wrapped heavily in bandages, and each one had draconic characters written in sharpie.

If one looked closely enough, it was easy to see that it was the same characters written over and over again to form a phrase.

'It is I who am the gunner of god. When I roar the earth trembles.'

At his side; his sister was dressed in much more formal battle attire.