
Chapter 2: Journey

Jasper's mind blanked out once he heard Axell spout out the words 'Fireball'. He can't believe that the first offensive spell he taught him was gonna be the last. Prime Spell, a curse that limits a mage's mana slot is a bane of all mages. The young mage left the house disheartened by the events that happened. He asked Axell to rest for now as he plans to mull things over for a while.

The House of Romm is the heart of the county. The people loved the nobles ruling them due to their just rule spanning generations. Their liege, the Duke of Daggers, favors them also with each Count from the House of Romm always being appointed a seat on the Dukedom's Council. Their humble abode is nothing to awe about but the hospitable look it gives the commoners shows their sincerity to the masses. Everyday, the count gives a few hours of his day to listen to the problems placed upon him by his subjects and acts upon them should he need to. The House of Romm never strived for a place above anybody else. This contentment gave them powerful allies that made the surrounding nobles be mindful when entering their territory. Axell entered the mansion dumbfounded on what to do next. It's as if all his dreams are now in jeopardy due to the curse bestowed upon him by Sola. He entered his room and slept for a while. A knock on the door woke him from his slumber as he lazily stood to greet the one who needs his presence. A gentle smile is what greeted him, it was his Big Brother John. John is the heir to the County of Romm. He is as diligent as his father and is also as loved by the masses. His perfect gray eyes common to all of Romm nobles somewhat noticed Axell's down mood.

"What's wrong my little brother?"

A look of concern filled John's face as he asked his brother on what had transpired in the ceremony. Axell briefly explained what happened and he now started to console his brother.

"Well at least if you want to change your class this would be the right time to do so. Maica would also be glad that you wont be leaving for the Tower any time soon."

Axell wanted to retort but he quickly removed any thought of answering back. His brother has a point, if he wanted he could change into a warrior which does not limit his current mana slot. But deep inside he wanted to be a mage. He wanted to be known throughout the lands. That was his dream and continuing on as a warrior will deeply wound not only his pride but also his inner self.

"I want to be a mage. "

There are no surprises in the eyes of John. He knew his brother's stubbornness when it comes to what he sets his mind to. He will subvert any expectations whether it be good or bad.

"Well then I don't think you'll listen to any advise I'd be giving. It's better to talk to your master about the matter. I'll tell father you'll be dining with Master Jasper this evening."

Axell bowed to John, a sign of respect and thanks for his brother well timed assistance.

He packed his bag ready to leave but as soon as he stepped out of their home, he encountered a problem.

"Big Bro!~"

It was Maica, a long flowing jet black hair came following her as soon as Axell saw her running towards him.


A gentle smile was plastered in Axell's face as soon as he saw her. She was Maica Romm, his twin sister. Although they were seconds apart, she still looked up to his big brother. This was one of the reasons why Axell dreamt big. Maica looks up to him and he strived to achieve excellence in turn. The sole reason why Axell wanted to pursue magic is because of Maica. When they were five, the two of them entered the Dusk Forest playing adventurers, there they encountered a pack of wolves. He desperately tried to scare them away but the appearance of a kid waving and stick while snot filled his face is not exactly something you could call intimidating. It was then when a lone wanderer with a wave of his hand terrorized the wolves enough to leave them running for their lives. The two youths eyes sparkled as they saw magic done in front of their eyes. Axell decided starting from that day that he will become a mage.

Meanwhile inside a room filled with paper scrolls and books scattered without any care, a busy count met his heir. John explained Axell's situation. While busy writing on a parchment, the old count began talking.

"Your brother is in quite a predicament. What is his plans going forward?"

"Father you know him better than I do. If past experiences are to be considered, he'll likely come to you soon enough."

"He really is like his mother. Full of determination."

A nostalgic smile crept up on the old count's face as he recalled giving birth to the twins. Rosa knew that giving birth would have complications but she still successfully gave birth to two wonderful children. If only she could see them grow up. One is in the path of magic and the other a prodigy of the sword. Both inheriting their mother's excellence in any path they chose to set their foot in.

"What is Master Jasper's thoughts on the matter?"

"He was really looking forward to teaching him further but because of the curse, everything seemed to come to a halt."

Nobody knew why a mage like Jasper decided to live in Romm's County but it was a welcome one. Any mage whether a new one or an old retired one is good news to any territory. Their fighting prowess as well as knowledge couldn't be measured in coin. Jasper was stroke of good fortune for the count's territory.

Evening came and a knock was heard yet again to the old count's room.

"Come in."

A timid young boy tool little steps towards the room. As if he had done something wrong. His eyes are looking down while the Count gently smiled and said.

"My son, why the long face? Come sit and tell me your worries."

"Father I.."

Seeing his father point at the seat next to his table. Axell sat himself near his father.

"Now what seems to be the problem?"

"Did brother already tell you?"

"Yes and he also told me that you would be staying at your master's place. Did something happen?"

Axell's face sunk even lower when he heard what he said.

"He asked me to think about my situation carefully. He wants me to be fully resolved before coming again. I want to be a mage. How can I convince him to continue teaching me?"

"You just need to show that you are sincere."

Axell contemplated on what his father said. He also knew that mage like Jasper would need a lot of convincing.

"I don't know what to do."

Almost teary eyed, this young boy seemed hopeless. Clenching his fist, he was frustrated at himself for receiving that curse.

"Make do with what you have and flourish."

Axell looked at his father's eyes. The grayness of it all showed wisdom through his years of service to the people. 'Make do with what you have and flourish', a common saying. And then, an idea struck Axell like a lightning bolt.

"Father I have a request."

A new resolve filled Axell's eyes as he once again looked at his father's gentle gaze.

"And what is it my son?"

"I'd like to go to a certain place for a while."

"A journey?"

Sorry if it's a bit short but I promise the next chapters will be longer than the previous ones. Do comment on what you think so far. Thank you for reading!

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