
Chapter 1: Gifts and Curses

Humans in general are considered as inferior species compared to elves, dwarves, beastmen and several other races in Valent. Elves are known for their bloodlines and long lifespans. Dwarves too have long lifespans but they are also known for their metalwork and advanced machinations. Even beastmen are known due to their primal forms granting them the ability to change their physical forms to that of their kin's worshipped ancestors. When considering all of these factors, you can rule out humans as the leading race when it comes to might. They can have bloodlines too but the occurrence is too rare to be relied upon. Their metalwork is nothing to laugh at but they pale in comparison to the dwarves. Their fleeting lifespan is even mocked by the other races as well. If all of that is considered then why is it that mankind still dominates the Crescent Continent? There are two factors to consider: One is their population and the other is their gods. The Vermilion Empire has numerous guilds specializing on almost any field you can imagine. The most famous of them is the Adventurers Alliance, a group of guilds that once a person join is considered an adventurer where he can take on quest granted by the populace. Another one of these famous guilds is the Merchants Guild whose influence spans all of Valent. They are the only entity who is capable of contacting Blackrock which allows them to monopolize all their goods in circulation. Although it can be considered as a bad thing, the Merchant's Guild pride themselves as impartial people whose only goal is to serve for the coin granted. The Gods are also a very important factor when talking about man. Although they themselves only talk to their chosen, they can grant any of those who worship them with abilities far beyond what any mortal can imagine. A weak child can be blessed the strength of a thousand men if they pleased them well. This event does not happen often but every tale a bard tells comes from somewhere although somewhat twisted to make the stories sound sweeter or harsher than the reality. The gods can be magnanimous but their wrath is not something any nation would want to weather out. The Yellow Empire known for their flag of the dragon eating the sun was driven to ashes by their enemies after their chosen god abandoned them. The story behind the abandonment was something that is kept secret to this day but people concluded that they broke the taboos given to them and that ended their rule since time immemorial. The Tower of Mages, the most prestigious guild known to man stood side by side with the Vermilion Empire since it's founding a millennia ago. Graced both by the Empire and the God supporting it, the Tower stands tall and proud to this day. Millions upon millions of people try to enter this guild but not even a percent of them are given a chance to learn about the mysteries of mana. Axell of House Romm, is a son of a lowly count who is deemed proficient enough to enter as a novice in one of the schools designed to prepare budding mages in their journey to become a full pledge sorcerer.

"Today's the day I receive my gift and curse."

A gift and a curse. The God of Mana bestows two things to her worshippers when they reach the age of ten. Even though the presence of mana can be felt even earlier than that, the gift and curse can also improve one's standing in life. Being granted the gift of the sword will make you proficient to swords faster. Axell simply wished to be granted the gift of greater mana or anything magic related so that his dream of trailblazing through the ranks of mages will be smooth sailing. Gifts are something that defines your destiny in life sometimes, a simple boost of stamina can do great wonders for a farmer for example. Another thing that the God of Mana graces is a curse, although frightening to talk about they are normally not life threatening when looking at the result in the past thousand years. They can even be considered more of a restriction than a curse when taken seriously.

"Today's the day isn't it?"

"Yes it is old man!"

Axell ecstatically replied to an old man wearing a generic robe worn by mages.

"Ever since you felt mana in your body, you've been visiting this old man's house, reading books and even asking about the Tower."

A warm smile crept on the man's face while recalling this innocent kids first visits to his little home. Barely the age of six, this kid was personally sent here by the count when the doctors were baffled by his condition. He was in a state mages called 'Mana Flare' where the body adjusts the mana inside a person which results to them getting a ridiculously high fever. When the boy woke up then, he felt mana like it was air. Ever since then this boy was treating this place like a second home. Axell read each and every book Jasper had to offer. Mana Theory, Magic Formation, and Basic Spells. All of them were thought to him in the past few years. The boy's name was Axell Romm, the second son of the House Romm under the Vermilion Empire. He was not considered a prodigy in his mana sense but it is something that is considered a good start for a budding mage. And today by diligently worshipping the God of Mana Sola for four years, he was finally getting his own gift and curse. They say that prayers to the God of Mana is considered when receiving a gift and curse so Axell prayed every day and night for the past four years. He sincerely prayed to Sola for a chance to become someone he can only read stories about. A legendary sorcerer that can decimate an evil army of undead with a single spell. A summoner that called upon a rain dragon that ended the ten year drought of a dukedom. A sole Magic Engineer that created a Magic Formation that held back a million troops for a day. All of them exceptional and all of them have long since passed. Axell knew his day would come sooner or later. To become a famed magician, that is his dream.

"Are you ready?"

"Lets do this!"

Axell knelt at the pedestal. He carefully examined the pedestal, it was very old looking and was clearly not used for a very long time. Intricate designs are abundant in the wood carvings. The old mage stood in front of him and started chanting a spell using runetongue. A language only known to those who practice magic. Even Axell can cast simple spells but what the mage was saying seemed foreign to him. Axell knew the man performing the ceremony ever since he came to their territory five years ago. The name of the man is Jasper and although his father did not tell him everything about him, he knew that he was a mage from the tower itself and has retired to the countryside after his service has ended. Suddenly a strange blue hue enveloped Jasper's body, there was no traces of surprise in Axell's face. He knew that this meant Jasper was performing a high tier spell because of the mana leaking from his body. It slowly encroached the room until it surrounded the entire house. After a split second all of the mana that encroached the house quickly gathered back to Jasper's finger and was sent directly to the pedestal.


As if given a signal, Axell closed his eyes and entered a state of daze. It's as if his soul was transported to another world.

[My child...]

A soft gentle voice can be heard surrounded by the light glimmering around him. This voice caressed his soul like a mother's warmth.

'Are you Sola?'

A loud chuckle surprised Axell as he felt like he was floating. He was neither touching the ground nor feeling being held up by someone. He was just there.. floating in space.

[A gift and A curse. That I will bestow upon you.]

'Thank you.'

A strange glow surrounded Axell, the color cannot be distinguished but he felt as if his soul was slowly absorbing this light.

[The gift is Greater Mana.]

Axell felt a rush of excitement as he heard the gift given to him. He already knew that this was an extraordinary gift even when analyzing the gift by it's name. Before he can even say his heartfelt gratitude, the God continued. Another glow although dimmer than the last appeared before him. And just like last time, his sould absorbed this light.

[The curse is Prime Spell.]

He seemed dumbfounded by the curse since it was not a curse found in the books stacked in Jasper's library. A sense of unease was felt by Axell. He recalled what Jasper said before about curses. Every common curse was written in the books given to him. If he could not remember the curse then he will just ask him when he returns to the mortal world.

[Your journey will be tough should you tread upon it but as you have faith in me. I too have faith in you.]

Axell may have imagined it but a faint smile can be felt in that dazed state he was on. He slowly felt his consciousness returning to the mortal world and as he opened his eyes. He saw Jasper waiting patiently for him to say something while sipping on his tea.

"Old man I.. received Greater Mana."

The old man dropped the tea cup and his face looked like someone dropped a bucket of cold water on him.

"That is fantastic! Greater Mana is one of the best if not the best gift one can initially receive!"

As joy fluttered heavily on Jasper's face, another shocking news came crashing down.

"But my curse is called Prime Spell. Do you have any clue as to what that is?"

Jasper's face stopped moving as if a time stop spell was cast upon him. In that moment, the only thing Jasper was worried about is the last spell casted by Axell. While having a panic attack he asked.

"Y-you.. what spell did I last teach you?"

Cold sweat trickled down Jasper's back as he waited for Axell's reply. He nonchalantly said.


Hello and thank you again for reading this weeks chapter. If anyone is willing to make a book cover for me feel free to contact me and I'll gratefully use your art as a cover. Thank you again!

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