
Fire Within Me (Book 1)

Kelvin lives a boring life. An orphan child that grow up with his auntie, he longs for an exciting life. Until he enters a world were nightmares exist. Getting powers he didn’t know and he have and a prophesy to fulfill or he will die. Is he the one of the four that the Diwatas are waiting for? Or another fatal failure? This is a reboot of my earlier work, hope you like it

PaoNel0408 · LGBT+
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27 Chs

Ombra Saves

Suddenly, there is a light that comes out of nowhere and when I look behind me the aswang is few feet away from me his head is consumed by the light. What the heck happen? I look at Light and I saw him aims behind me. Takeshi is also ready to shoot the aswang behind Rolando's when suddenly it's gone, they are really fast.

Matt grabs his weapon from the earth. It gets big as my size but when he swings it to the Alpha; he dodges it and quickly appears in front of Matt. He swipes Matt's chest and throws him. He hit his back against a tree and became unconscious. Rolando tries to shoot the Alpha as well as Takeshi, the Alpha quickly dodge Takeshi's bullet but Rolando's arrow follows him. The Alpha flies and outrun the arrow; he suddenly appears behind Rolando piercing his own arrow into him.

And then he sees me; I immediately turn my arma into a whip for a longer range. But as I am about to whip him, he appears behind me grabs the end of my whip and chock me with it. His hands are burning because of the fire but he barely notices it. I saw Light aims his gun at the Alpha but an aswang flies to attack him. But before the aswang hurt Light a shadow like vines slam the aswang into the ground until he dies.

"The Ombra." I heard the Alpha's harsh whisper.

"We have to run guys!" and then he looks at me.

"This isn't over yet Apoy." He slams my head into the tree trunk and throws me fifty feet onto the air. I don't even remember that I hit the ground.

When I woke up all I see is light. I hope I'm not dead. I look to my surroundings; it is an ordinary room, a male room. I saw Takeshi whom for some reason is not hurt, lucky bastard. When he noticed me he calls the others, I saw them rush to see me, aaww they all love me. All of them don't have the evidence of injury.

"Are you alright dude?" Rolando ask me.

"I am thirsty." Rolando put some ice chips in my lips.

"You fucker, you have us all worried!" Light said.

"Oh now it is my fault that I'm injured and almost died. Sorry for the inconvenience." I answer back sarcastically.

"How long did I sleep? And where are we?" I ask him.

"You're asleep for five days; we are in Dr. Caday's house. He graciously let us borrows it until we all are healed. Light heals us, but apparently you are stubborn enough not to wake up. Dr. Caday said that your head is healing because you have a head trauma. But I think you're just being lazy." Takeshi answers me instead of Light. That is the longest speech I heard from him.

"Did you know what happen? Why the Aswangs retreat? I thought we're going to die." Matt asks me.

"As I said for the last five days someone saved me---"

"It is Shadow that saved you" I interrupted Light and everyone looked at me like I'm insane.

"Why did you say that? It is impossible." Takeshi said.

"I know what I saw and heard! When some aswang attacks Light a shadow like vines kills him. And the Alpha said Ombra." I said to them. Light lost in thought.

"I think this is not the first one that Shadow saved me." All of us dumbfounded as we look at him.

"What? It's true, as long as I can remember when I was in trouble someone or something was saving me."

"Why did Shadow always saves you, Shadow is your arch enemy right?" Rolando asks him never believing what he heard.

"I... I honestly don't know."

For five days that I'm asleep many things happen. Eric misses me or Vina at least, that he always asks for me. Dr. Gainza was growing suspicious of us now that we notice that he is keeping tabs on us. It started when we're gone for five days and we are always leaves at dawn. And then Carlo comes back, apparently he is with his parents for the days we are here because the doctors thought that he is cured. But one day he is found burning a rat... a living screaming rat... I'm an Apoy diwata but it creeps me out. One day before I woke up a dead victim appears, hanged in the ceiling. Except for the victim being guys, there are no other connections; we never saw the bodies so we can't investigate it. Dr. Caday is searching for a way so we can see the bodies without any suspicions but we still never heard from him.

Light is tired waiting for Dr. Caday that he simply disappears to find and talk to him. Now the two of them is still gone for three days and we still don't know what to do. Until one day Light calls us to meet to Rolando's room again. When we get inside Dr. Caday is with him.

"We have some challenges and obstacles in order to do this, but we find a way to investigate the latest victim." Light said to us. This excites me; we will finally see the body.

"But we don't need all of you, we just need one." Dr. Caday said to us.

"But... why?" I ask him.

"Dr. Gainza is already suspicious of us, we don't need him to ask more question when all of you disappear all of a sudden... again."

"And we choose Kelvin, I don't why the Head Babaylan asks for you but we can't ignore her commands." Light said to us, he is clearly annoyed. What the... what did I do?

"We don't know, you can ask her if you want." Light said to me, I know sarcasm when I hear one.

"We leave tomorrow 5 o'cloc--- "

"In the morning, I know..." I interrupt Dr. Caday, diwatas and their morning.

"Not a morning person, I see." Dr. Caday said, smiling. And then he saw Matt smirking at him, and he blushes.

They discussed more about the mission. They talked about their speculation and theories for the mysterious person whom voluntarily gave his body to Shadow. Me? My mind is elsewhere... to Eric of course, on how will I approach and confess that I am a guy. To Carlo, the mystery guy with an obsession with fire. And when I look to Light, lo and behold he is looking at me with a furious expression. Fudge! He just read my mind!

"We will talk about this after the investigation, don't you dare looking for him until we have the talk." Light said to me furiously and everyone looking at me and Light.

"You are guys dismiss, sleep well. And Kelvin, remember 5 o'clock in the morning." Light said to us. I leave with a heavy heart, what will I say to Light?

"Everything...obviously." Light said to me.

We are in the morgue... The question is... what will we do to the body? I don't know any kind of autopsy. But here I am helping them... and Light doesn't talk to me since this morning, he is clearly still pissed at me.

"You damned right I am." Light said to me, reading my mind.

They investigate the body while I am watching. Suddenly I smell it, I sweet smell of burned flesh. If you're an Apoy a burned thing smells sweet. I walked near the body to search for that burned smell and I found it to the victim's toe. It is so small that it's barely recognizable.

"Hey guys look; there is a burned mark to the victim's toe." I told both of them. They look into it and then Dr. Caday paled. Light is also shock to what he saw and I don't know why.

"What did this means Light? Tell me." I ask him.

"This is always happening when a person looks for an Iroga. An Iroga is immune to the element of their intended Diwatas when they receives Bathala's blessing, sometimes we found persons drown, buried alive, burned and throw from the sky. This is not good..." Oh fudge, I know what it means... Shadow is searching for my Iroga. Light looks at me worried.

"Go look for him." We both know when everyone found out that my Iroga is Eric, he will be in danger.

"Let me help you." Dr. Caday said to me, giving me his hand.

"I'm staying here; I need to investigate more." Light said, not looking at us. He looks older and more frustrated.

I took Dr. Caday's hand and suddenly I can't breathe. We are in a wormhole, and I am light as a wind. And then it stops, we are in the institution. In front of Matt's room, I look at him puzzlingly.

"We travelled with the use of my element." He said to me blushing.

"Wow, can you teach me that?" I ask him, not about why we are in Matt's room. Giving him some mercy.

"Light will teach all of you." Dr. Caday said to me, grateful.

"Can I ask... no don't answer that, it is dangerous. Just be safe and be alert." He said to me.

"Thank you." And I started to run. Dr. Caday really is cool and kind. I don't know his first name yet, I will ask him sometimes. I don't know what's happening between him and Matt but I know they are not Irogas, Matts Iroga is human and he is not one.

I run into my room to change. I don't know what I will tell him. But this is something I needed to do. If he is my Iroga or not he is still in danger. I can't kiss him yet as a girl...fudge! I really want to confirm if he is the one. When I enter his room he is reading some book. When he saw me he smiles...that sweet smile I craved every day of my life.

"Vina, long time no see. What happen to you?"

"I'm fine, just a family emergency. Ahm... listen, always lock your door and don't let anyone enter your room except for me." Please just listen to me...

"Why? Is there something wrong?" I saw him looking at my wig.

"Just do it please, for me?"

"I need to know why." He said to me. Why are you being stubborn?

"You know about the dead patients around here? I think it was not suicide." I told him the half-truth.

"Whoa... seriously, alright I will do it." Eric said to me, he looks disturbed on what he heard.

"I need to go; I have some errands to do." I said to him ready to leave.

"Wait there is some red strands in your hair." He pulls it and my wig falls. Eric gasps when he saw me without my wig and the he touch my chest... my fake chest. He scrambles into the ground and scream.