
Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest Mode

When I woke up in another dimension, surrounded by nothingness and a ROB. I did not know I would be offered to quest around the multiverse to fix different problems or gain power. But we both knew the real reason; it was more than simply questing across the multiverse. It was my journey to become more and find my purpose. (All properties, characters, and settings mentioned belong to their original creators) ( Except chapters in the middle or end of the day)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs

AI Should Never Be Exposed To Memes

Entry 9:

Linus POV:

As I woke up on the 6th day in the worm verse, I began to feel that adding platinum kryptonite was only the best idea with preparations.

Because of the platinum kryptonite, I am gaining the abilities of a Kryptonian in the human form as different sensations are now overloading me. I can hear things from hundreds of meters away, and it's only worsening.

But then I remember the advice from, ironically, the terrible live-action Superman movie Man of Steel. Oh, focusing on a singular point, and thanks to my essence, this process is much smoother as I have begun to regain control of my senses.

This process takes me a couple of hours by the time I look at my wristwatch, and it is now around 9:00 in the morning for reference. I woke up at 6:00.

"Damn, kryptonite is a hell of a drug, and to be honest, I feel slightly stronger; it's quite invigorating, to be quite honest, and I can't wait to be able to fly into space oh wait, I can't because of the flying Death Angel."

The threat of the end bringers is quite daunting as they have the durability of most silver age superheroes comparable to even the avatars of the Darkseid and have multiple powers that make them high-level threats.

And yet even now, as the end, the presence of Eidolon is nerfing the endbringers as a means of gathering more data, their powers are still godly in comparison to normal superhumans in this universe superhumans.

The mere presence of an end-bringer causes natural disasters and a ridiculous amount of radioactive fallout. Due to Leviathan's attack on Japan, the entire island of Kyushu is unlivable.

But before the overwhelming danger begins to get to me again, I remind myself that I still have around four years, as it's still early January 2008, and as the saying goes, fortune favors the bold.

"Luckily, I'll be able to get rid of the platinum kryptonite after a couple," I say to myself, and thanks to the nature of the platinum kryptonite being from the early age of comics, I'm not only going to become a regular, Kryptonian I could become the level of silver age Superman.

Although I will have to prepare my mind for another download of information tomorrow as I will gain another tech tree. Hopefully, it's something I can use, unlike my Little Pony, although having technology that can run off a friendship and love would be interesting.

As I'm about to leave my room, I crush the door handle, and I internally sigh as I begin the panted holding the egg, which, to be honest, only takes me about an hour as it is easier to control my external strength rather than my internal senses.

Let's say I lost many ingredients in training my physical strength, and I will have to return to the convenience store nearby to buy more eggs.

But I soon returned to the workspace, which I will have to get a name for, as I can't just keep calling it the workspace. If I'm going complete comic hero/villain, it needs a name, but that's for the future me.

Soon enough, I begin advancing the underground areas of my home as well as the experimentation room, which holds a multitude of different experimental machinery and other possible blueprints.

I have also added a training room similar to the danger room from the Marvel Universe, but not exactly because I'm basing the room off of a different tech created by Batman that he uses in the watchtower for the Justice League's training.

The training room is a sizeable cube-like room with shock-absorbent planning lining the walls with advanced hard-light holograms. In order for myself to practice martial arts as well as physically strengthen me while I do have these essences, I need to train in order to make the most of them.

So me being the idiot that I decided to create Batman to train against to see where I stand, and let's just say it didn't go well.

"I hate you so much, which honestly means I hate myself as I created the tech to make you." And I swear to the source that I saw the hologram smile, which should not be possible, but I'm just going to attribute it to my concussion.

The training itself, if you could even call it training rather than torture, lasts until 4:00 p.m., and as I am thrown onto my butt for the 60th time today, I end the training. Still, I also smile as my combat skills have grown exponentially since the beginning.

In contrast, I could barely throw a decent punch at the beginning. I can now incorporate a few different martial arts at a proper level.

" Im no Karate Kid, but maybe soon enough, I will be," I say to myself to cope with my immense pain. But luckily, due to my improved physiology, the pain begins to lessen as the exponential growth begins to show itself due to The increased potential given by the essence of the generic Isekai protagonist.

But taking a break has allowed my body to heal, which will help me in pain tolerance as I check on Dread's progress on gaining some properties in the city that I can use as my startup for my business.

Luckily he was able to find an abandoned property that was sadly located near the docks, which meant having to deal with the merchants in the area but to be honest, that could be a boon as using my technology, I could help the area, which will grow my customer base which means I have to focus on more medical studies which indicate having to deal with both the protectorate and the FDA.

But honestly, it is a sacrifice I'm willing to make, as Lex Luthor knew how to cure hundreds of diseases.

Still, I'm just going to start small by introducing inoculations injections that could help with addictions inoculations that could help with addictions in addition to cures to certain sexually transmitted diseases, which have seemingly run rampant along with the absurd amount of graffiti.

I then return to the lab area of my base and begin creating the prototypes for the different cures, as each type of drug requires a different approach to cure the addiction.

Even though the gangs are weaker due to me being at the bay before the main story, there have been many deaths due to the drugs pushed out by multiple gangs, which is only worse because Panacea hasn't been triggered yet.

" You know, I kind of find it ironic that I'm beginning my crusade in heroism and business by going to war against drugs in America in the early 2000s, but it is what it is".

After spending a couple of hours creating the different cures, I return to Dread to update him to be closer to a Kryptonian AI like Kelix in the fortress of solitude.

Most Kryptonian technology would solve a majority of the issues in this universe. Still, it would be viewed as Tinker Tech, which would prove to be a problem as most companies wouldn't be replicated due to the materials being off-world.

After completing most of the updates, Dread is operating much more efficiently and effectively than in his previous capacity. Still, a problem presents itself as he keeps saying terrible one-liners. It's like I have Yang from RWBY as my ai.

[Relax Creator, You Can Cope and Seethe Later]

"I should not have added meme culture to your data banks because now I feel like I have made a grave mistake."

[But I Am Currently Your Greatest Creation, So What Does That Say About You]

"You are an Ass, and you know that."

[Sadly, I Am Not A Type Of Equine Counterpart]

"You're messing with me, aren't you?".

[I Apologize Your Voice Is Fading Out Are You Heading Into A Tunnel?]

"I give up. Just focus on testing the cures and other inventions. I am gonna go to sleep for the night".

I then return to bed and fall asleep, but as the clock strikes midnight, a barrage of information assault my mind, and I wake sweating and breathing hard as I say with a smile.

"I Am Deviant."