
Finding Camellia

Author: Jin Soye
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  • 128 Chs
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    58 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Finding Camellia

Read ‘Finding Camellia’ Online for Free, written by the author Jin Soye, This book is a Romance Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Her life was nothing but lies.Camellia was just 12 when she was taken away from her mother in the slums and forced to li...


Her life was nothing but lies. Camellia was just 12 when she was taken away from her mother in the slums and forced to live as the son of an aristocratic family. But under the layers of secrets and lies, she never forgets. She continues to struggle to be her true self again, to reclaim the life of Camellia. ⓒ 2020 Jin Soye Original Korean edition published by Younsong, Republic of Korea. English edition copyright ⓒ 2021 Ridi Corporation, Inc.

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Omo omo. This is one of the manhwas that I love. Thank you Webnovel for bringing the original English translation here 😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍😍


I'm really loving this book so far! I like the development of the characters, some of the details that are put in. for example: laying in a hammock in large yard, and the noises you would hewr, the sky and clouds. *chefs kiss*


I can t continue reading from chapter 37...Network issues?!Error 12600..something like this.Not sure what is happeing as I can acces other books. Can someone help with some advice regarding this, please?


OMG I FOUND IT!!! I've been reading the manga on manta but the novel version is not free so I've looked everywhere for the original English version. I love the writing and the story plot is very original! 100% recommend this story and the manga!!


it is a good novel and I finished reading it, and my first that led me on this path of web novels and the very reason I started using Web Novel. I love Camellia, pity her for how she was used by Marchioness, but then again this is how she met Claude. I love both Claude and Ian, they are both my cup of tea, because both of them would do everything for her. even though it's not a very long story, however it is well developed, because you can understand how all of those intricacies work in upper society as well as how people live in the lowest one, also the development of the story is smooth. I highly recommend [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]💙💛🖤


‘Finding Camellia’ is a very underrated novel. I enjoyed this novel from the moment I started reading it. The english version is great, smooth and the writing is beautiful. The story plot is captivating. (The constant theme that Camellia is struggling to reclaim the truth, and the longing to become herself again ~ all these things make the story so intense and addicting to read). I appreciate the characters and Kieran is adorable. The relationship between her and her big brother is so sweet. The world background is amazing. I am also reading the manga (thanks to Manta apps) and the art is gorgeous. I hope to read the hardcover/paperback version of this book one day. Author, thank you for this lovely romance story and for all your hard work. Great Writer. ~ Highly Recommended ~


Guys go read this on Manta. You pay 5$ for a monthly subscription and can binge read the whole thing


I've been in love with this story since the second I started reading. It's not your typical romance and I think that's why it stuck out for me. The painful "almost" moments, the constant theme that Camellia is not living as her true self, and the longing to become her own person - all these things make the story so intense and addicting to read ❤️❤️❤️ Only a great writer could evoke these kinds of feelings and thoughts


i have a question😊 is finding camellia first a comic or a novel? i've read the comic on manta ..............................................


I loved this story the first time i read it! it was hard to put down from start to finish...i wasn't ready for it to end...i was hoping there would be book 2 about Ian Sergio where we could see a glimpse of Claude and Camellia, and the kids...any news about that?


Amazing story! Read it and reread many times. Carachters are amazing and such an originaly brilliant love story. Highly recommend


It is well written. The story development are excellent and neat.


the story starts off nicely done, i can still picture everything, every step every street faces, etc from the first chapter. And the love story is rather sweet, i really liked a character like Claude and a Character like Camellia. there were moments where i could feel their joy or their sorrow and i believe only a good storyteller can move people with their stories. But, the story itself and the way the characters behaved at times came out a bit short at times, some necessary details were left out and it was a bit to the imagination to do the job. Many things I feel were left unexplained, especially the past referring to Laura and Gilliard (it was his name right?) like the first scene where Laura is "working" or when it was mentioned that Gilliard had known Laura for many years as in childhood (?) ... Then, it feels also a bit weird that a whole weight in the story is the possible homosexuality between Claude and Lius, but then the young king easily changed the laws. like, how does that even work? and at the end the excessive adulation towards Camellia and the kids was perhaps too much. don't get me wrong i enjoyed Claude's jealousy every second but it felt like pushing it and cheesy all together ... Anyways, there were holes on one side and extra bits on the other side... Execution wise it needed just that bit more to be just excellent.


this was truly a great read...but i feel like to ended abruptly, and there's still so much potential to continue the story but with focus on Ian, Rose, Jessica, Cahrem, and Calix, but still have a glimpse of Camelia and Claude...i feel like this was a missed opportunity, it has so much potential for more!


Wow! This story is very interesting and well written. The translation is perfect. I am loving it very much till now. It's been a long time since I have enjoyed a historical novel this much.


A wonderful story. To play a role of another person must be terribly difficult, especially as you grow older


ive read spoilers and as much as the art is gorgeous and i see little to no problems with the translation, i find this story to be mediocre and predictable. first of none of this would have happened if that scum of a man just kept it in his pants. he is the real antagonist here and as evil as the deeds the wife did, she'd not have went insane if not for what he did. whats worse is the guy acted like an innocent bystander . i cant go past it. anyway, the rest of the story is cross dress gender bender historical and they get married in the end. overly gorgeous leads btw. very glittery. if you know , you know.


Reveal spoiler


I literally love this book. It is my favorite story ❤️❤️❤️


Great novel! Love the ending 😍 And I loved all the characters’ namesss ✨


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