
Finally An Incarnation Where I Can Ascend

Ascención is a complicated topic, enlightenment is thought by some to be the highest form of spiritual Ascención, while others know that there’s always something past the end of the horizon. The endless, the unknown. Lucian lives to find the truth, the reason all of existence was created and for that he has to go beyond time beyond eternity, and beyond Ascención. Join Lucian as he travels the endless universe in search for the truth of its existence.

Immortal_Vagabond · Fantasy
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52 Chs


They quickly walked through into the pristine office, and through the door on the opposite side of the room entering a large chamber that had fires lit along the walls every 1.5 meters or so.

A large circular building stood surrounded by statues of humans with blindfolds holding swords and different weapons standing in different positions each with a circular plate of golden light beneath them that made them look even more oppresive as the shadows casted on their faces from below.

Lucian and Althea's eyes went wide, the light family had amassed a plethora of information and history that it taught its youth's dating to the earliest times before the ancient war.

Yet still they had never seen a temple with such splendor. The ominous blindfolded statues each were placed in pentagonal spaces engraved in the wall each wide enough to place one statue in.

The walls looked like in their glory days would have resembled a pristine marble like structure. There weren't any temples or structures like this that Lucian nor Althea had seen before.

"Eh-erhm" the guard coughed getting the attention of two youths.

They both withdrew from their shock as they looked at each other and nodded at one another before walking towards the guard that was guiding them to the courtyard.

This room was another that seemed almost endless only lit by fires along the walls.

This time the image of the temple had burned itself into the mind of the youths as they could stop imagining the image of the blindfolded figures unable to shake the feeling that the blindfolded were watching them, even now so far from the temple it was no longer in sight the feeling of the oppressive figures watching them remained.

"What kind of building was that?" Lucian asked unable to hold himself back any longer.

"We believe it is an ancient temple only the highest ranked members within the Light family are permitted to know off its existence, we think it dates to before the ancient war." The guard spoke further increasing the shock in the two youths.

For a moment nobody said anything as the two youths understood that this could be a huge discovery.

After a while another light beyond the tuner came into view where the two youths could see a small clearing forming a road between rows of massive trees that were wider than buildings seemingly the height of mountains while they only saw the lowest level of branches obscuring the sky further.

Fluffy white clouds could be seen through the branches further taking away from the light seen in the forest giving it a dark gloomy look outside of the path carved between the trees.

As they got closer to the exit of the tunnel the air became more frigid, and the closed inspection showed that there was snow on the ground.

They would have been cold but all of their clothes were made of a rare adaptive spicers that's hide would become more insulated in colder temperatures and breathe freely in warmer temperatures. It was also highly durable providing an excellent ammount of protection all the way through rank A.

The clothes were made of a weaker and cheaper material than what was standard amongst the light family in order to create a level of balance among the fighters.

They exited the cave tunnel that had been carved into the side of a mountain with the utmost precision into a half circle onening.

Waiting in the road outside the cave was a chariot drawn by four hourses each 3 meters tall.

The horses resembled shire horses with maines and hooves of fire, there were the the white and red horses in front leading the black and pale almost vanilla colored horse behind them. Upon the guards arrival the horses neighed while clamoring up ad down before the guard went to pet them feeding each of them a treat of some sort before opening the door of the wooden carriage with exotic engravings all around it.

Inside of the carriage looked like the living room of a large mansion, way more space than what could be seen outside.

"This is the carriage of the family protector it will deliver you to the courtyard of the palace up ahead." The guard said while ushering the youths into the carraige.

"I leave them to you!" the guard said as he closed the door and slapped the carraige causing the horse to neigh and begin to run off at a simply unbelievable speed.

Not even a minute later a knock could be heard from the door of the carraige to which Lucian opened where he was met with the sight of his parents and another guard.

"This carraige will drop you off in turn at your respective destinations." The guard spoke as Lucian and Althea's parents boarded the carraige.