
Finally An Incarnation Where I Can Ascend

Ascención is a complicated topic, enlightenment is thought by some to be the highest form of spiritual Ascención, while others know that there’s always something past the end of the horizon. The endless, the unknown. Lucian lives to find the truth, the reason all of existence was created and for that he has to go beyond time beyond eternity, and beyond Ascención. Join Lucian as he travels the endless universe in search for the truth of its existence.

Immortal_Vagabond · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Green Dragon

Lucian quickly found the winter oasis and was surprised it was just as Althea had said. He could see some people's clothes thrown about while others had been placed neatly around the trees.

The water was very steamy causing the area to look slightly like a sauna. But the most notable thing he saw was the different type of creatures. There were gryphons, bears, wolves, there even was a large green dragon resting on the opposite end of the water.

Lucian decided he'd go swim by the green dragon, he didn't want the other youths to try to play with him, and he knew of all the beast present dragons were known to boast the highest intelligence, comprable to the greatest minds human society had ever produced.

Wo Shie walked along the rocky shoreline until he reached the other side where the green dragon was.

As he got closer to the dragon it opened a single eye to get a look at who dared to approach it.

When the dragon saw that it was a young child it closed its eye back and let out a breath of visible smoke from its nose.

For the most part only children would try to approach the dragon as challenges from their friends or what not, still the dragon did not mind it, it was a welcome break from the territorial disputes between beast and the occasional wars between them.

The smoke and breath from the dragon was pointed directly at Lucian so it made it hard for him to continue his journey, but he couldn't say this dragon didn't just annoy him with its antics.

'Stupid overgrown lizard… you can't just do that to people, I'll show you something.' without thinking too much after Lucian had seen the green dragon close his eyes again he picked up a rock and threw it at the dragon who surprisingly caught it in its jaws before blowing through its nostrils again this time pushing Lucian back a few feet.

'So that's how it is… he thinks he's better than me?' Lucian asked himself seeing how the dragon refused to a knowledge him.

Lucian looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to him and the dragon, nice he noticed neither beast or light family meme era were paying attention to him he slashed the air in front of him with his hand causing a pocket of space to open in front of him causing the dragon to open its eyes and look on at Lucian's actions in interest when it felt the emergy.

Lucian hopped into the pocket of space and surprisingly fell a few feet above the dragon ready to hammer down on its head with his fist.

Before Lucian could even realize the dragon moved 10 meters to the left causing Lucian to plummet into the rocky grounds without hitting anything.

By now Lucian's antics had drawn the attention of some light family members and some of the beast present.

'Hahahaha you're a funny brat, all the other brats are shaking and trembling when they approach me, yet you throw stones and attempt to assault me a divine dragon' Lucian heard an unfamiliar voice enter his mind.

'Divine dragon… so that means?' Lucian. Egan to think before his thoughts were cut off by the unfamiliar voice.

'Yes, this isn't my true size, but with how gutsy you are I take it when the time is ripe you will be having a marvelous adventure, I have a request for you.' The green dragon's voice once again sounded in Lucian's mind.

'Who are you at you that overgrown lizard? What kind of request do you have for a kid?' Lucian thought as he recollected himself from the ground and looked at the overgrown lizard with anger.

'Hahaha just unimaginably brazen, you are perfect I would like for you to take care of something for me.' The dragon spoke as it lifted its wing revealing a golden egg that seemed to be made of golden dragon scales.

Seeing this Lucian's eyes widened before he quickly gathered his thoughts. 'Ahh I see, you almost realized I was superior in strength so you want me to play babysitter? Not happening what's in it for me?'

'A pity, I thought you would be excited for this chance' the green dragon spoke in Lucian's mind before standing and shaking out its wings revealing it had four legs.

'I entrust you with this responsibility, become a good dragon tamer and come challenge me again when you aren't a flimsy fragile brat' the dragon spoke befor sweeping its wings down powerfully causing Lucian to be tossed back and the water to be pushed like a huge wave briefly covering most of the beast and humans in the lake.