
Final Fantasy: Crisis and Tranquility

In a world called Gaia. A different timeline has emerged, a foreigner from another world has arrived. With the strength of will and a faulty memory. Will he change the world? Or lead it to ruin far faster with the villain?

Khay_Cee_Padua · Video Games
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153 Chs

Chapter 15: Playing With The Kids

Ramiel and Gast began experimenting immediately. The thought of having full control of Jenova's cells was too much of a boon for them.

"Okay, Gast. I'm ready for test number 1. Commence." Ramiel looked at the equipment in front of him that will give Aerith's cells some Jenova goodness.

Gast managed the machine and slowly injected Jenova cells to their test subject. "I currently gave it one cell. And it's already beginning to multiply, go and put it in a Mako environment kid!" Gast looked at the screen where the experiment was under a microscope and Ramiel slowly influenced the experiment with Mako.

After a few minutes Jenova's cells went dormant and it only multiplied a couple of times. Stopping the mutation, but there was a problem. "Hah, I knew it was the right call. But it's going to be a difficult task to get right. You used too much Mako, kid. The Jenova cells are too dormant, they might be alive. But they can't help the original cells to live under the Mako poisoning."

Ramiel sighed at Gast's words. "Damn, and I was really careful too. Only giving it small incremental increases. And this is just a little test with a tiny bit of cells. We need to use this on a real organism. With different types of tissue. This will be a nightmare." Ramiel frowned as they didn't know how the human body's multitude of cell types will react to Jenova's cells.

"You're goddamned right, that's why we need to experiment on this for a long ass time." Gast laughed and was already used to the failures they just experienced.

"Anyways, this is how much I used for this experiment. I better spend some time with the kids for a change." Ramiel wrote on a piece of paper how much Mako he used and Gast thought that was incredibly important, as he knew that he could precisely do that. And their experiments would be incredibly faster with his accurate measurements.

"I think I can do this for now, we have a Mako reactor here anyways. I can get a lot from it, what I need you for is the larger experiments. Your fine control is much better." Gast gestured for him to go away and Ramiel smiled.

"You just want me to play with your kid, heh. Sure thing, that's perfect though. I can only be here for a year at most. We'll probably be away for years once the war starts." Ramiel sighed and clicked his tongue at the exchange he needed to give in order for Shinra to not be suspicious of them.

"Yeah, yeah. Go." Gast gave a wry smile, wanting Aerith to spend more time with them. Because no matter what he did, the little brunette really liked Alexandra and Ramiel.


At the afternoon, Ramiel made Alexandra call the kids because he would be cooking a lot of things with Ifalna and have a feast for their return.

Inside the kitchen of the manor, the two were preparing a lot of food. Because Ramiel and Alexandra could definitely inhale a lot of it.

"So, how are things going? You guys are really busy, aren't you?" Ifalna looked at Ramiel and had a sheepish smile on her face, thinking that she and Aerith had a part on their busy ass schedule.

"Hmmm, not really. We have a lot of free time right now. And there isn't a lot of things that could be a danger to us. So we can relax, a few years ago yeah. But now, enjoying the fruits of our labor is fine. That's why we worked hard in the first place you know?" Ramiel chuckled and Ifalna as well.

"Yes, you kids aren't even in your teens yet. But look at how mature and grown you are now. It's definitely a happy and sad occurrence." Ifalna's smile hardened, thinking of the things they needed to do in order to have a semblance of peace in their lives.

"Hah, don't go there. You already know that our fate was already locked in for this when Hojo experimented on us. There's nothing we can do, but excel in it and don't have any problems." Ramiel snorted.

"Well, you're right. With your strength, I don't know what can affect you guys. Mako is basically brimming in your bodies." Ifalna stared at him and thought that they were quite monstrous.

"Hey, Ifalna-san... I have an idea, do you want to help Aerith?" Ramiel seriously looked at her in the eye. Having an idea, but didn't know if Ifalna would agree to it.

"What is it?" Ifalna raised a brow and Ramiel sighed. "You do know that me and Gast have been experimenting on Jenova's cells right?" Ramiel scratched his cheek sheepishly and Ifalna nodded.

"I'd like you to help Gast in our endeavors. We found out that Mako and concurrently, the lifestream. Can make its cells go dormant. Only giving the good stuff to the people. And we plan on perfecting the method... To give it to everyone." Ramiel paused for a second and Ifalna went wide eyed.

"Y-you want to give Jenova cells to everyone? That's absurd." As a Cetra, Ifalna's first thought was that is a really insane idea that will have dire consequences.

"No, we're serious. Ask Gast, besides. Look at me and Alexandra, I might be a special case that could take Jenova's cells like a fish in water. But Alexandra is doing exceptionally well too. Though it was because of a perfect blend of Mako and luck." Ramiel sighed and thought that Gast would definitely have an easier time with the support of his wife.

"I... I know, but I need to think about this some more. You do know that Jenova wiped out the Cetra. So this is quite the scary thing for me. And to give it to Aerith, Tifa, and Cloud no less..." Ifalna was understandably skeptical and scared.

"It's fine, I understand your worries. That's why I haven't given Alex some Jenova cells further. It's incredibly dangerous. Though I do partake in her cells regularly." Ramiel smirked and controlled his body's mutations a bit, pointing his palm upwards as a sharp bone exited it, freaking her out.

"One of my abilities. I call it the Macabre bone pulse." Ramiel began chopping some vegetables with the bone knife he created and put it back in his palm after a little demonstration.

Ifalna frowned and was looking at him with shock. "Y-you can control it immaculately? You don't have the same feeling as it. But you can mutate yourself to anything you want, can't you?" Ifalna remembered the stories that Jenova mutated life everywhere and they turned into monsters that became killing machines.

"Yes, strength, durability, and regeneration isn't the only thing she could give. With mastery, you could control your body and morph it to your will." Ramiel smirked and thought that Ifalna would at least consider it so that her daughter could protect herself.


After the little feast, the kids were full and they have a happy face. Cloud and Tifa even have large containers beside them that Ramiel gave them in order to share with their family.

Cloud patted his stomach and had a smile on his face. "Ramiel-nii, Ifalna-san. Thank you very much for the meal. Now, mom doesn't need to cook for a few days with this too." Cloud though of his mother and was really happy that she could get some more rest.

"Yes, thank you very much." Tifa had a smile, but it was a little gloomier than normal. "Thanks mom, Ramiel-nii!" Aerith was already energetic and didn't succumb to the food coma, being a frisky little kid with too much energy to spare.

"You're welcome. Now, how about I help you digest all of that?" Ramiel smiled at them and they got excited.

"Ohhh? Nii-san, it's that right?" Alex got excited as well because that was really entertaining. "What is it!?" Aerith was too excited and she was like in a sugar rush.

"Hehehe~ praise me! For I have brought these!" Ramiel took out some helmets that had a visor on them. Virtual reality gear that uses an exo suit to make the person move in real time.

"What's it for?" Cloud was a bit confused and Tifa also didn't know. "Huhun. While I was in Shinra, I got a nice little system from one of the superiors called the worldwide network. And with its software, I have created a pretty crude rpg!" Ramiel had a smug smile on his face and thought that even this little crude game was revolutionary.

The kids didn't understand him, so he let them wear the gear and made them follow him to a separate room. "Don't get too excited now. You'll exhaust yourselves if you play too much." Ifalna smiled at them.


In another room in the manor, Ramiel constructed it to be a training room for himself and Alexandra back in the day. But they quickly outgrew it because of their destructive tendencies.

He repurposed it as the gaming room for the virtual reality and set up the necessary tech for it to work. It was currently the most expensive gaming set up in Gaia.

"Heh, behold! I call it, final fantasy. You choose your classes and receive skills as well as magic based on the ones you choose!" Ramiel and Alexandra also put on some gear and the kids were awed by the sudden change in scenery.

"Wow! This is amazing!" Aerith jumped up and down and thought it was really cool. Ramiel then smiled, thinking it would be a nice little preparation for them for their inevitable fights in the future.

"Yes, it is awesome. I made it after all! Guhahaha!" Ramiel laughed and Alexandra rolled her eyes. Cloud immediately picked the warrior class, Tifa chose the monk as she was training martial arts and even had a teacher. While Aerith was interested in magic and chose a magician.

They then entered the tutorial and saw some weak beasts that roam Gaia. The AI in the system acted as their tutor.

Cloud charged at it with reckless abandon and Tifa had a wry smile on her face as she followed him. Aerith then prepared healing spells as she was the most influenced by Ramiel. To be prepared and cautious all the time. And it showed in her being careful.

Cloud was able to slice it up and maimed the beast, though it was just a feral dog. Tifa then punched it at the ribs and finished it off.

"Wow... This feels so real!" Cloud looked at his sword and Tifa clenched her fist, feeling the weight of their blows.

"This is awesome! Thanks, Ramiel-nii!" Aerith cheered and the other two looked at him with reverence.

"Heh, I told you I'm awesome." Ramiel said smugly and Alexandra sighed at his antics. "Nii-san's happiness is weird, he's too hard to please sometimes. But things like this makes him really proud."

They then played the game for hours on end. Ramiel had a meaningful smile on his face as the kids learned how to fight and coordinate with each other. Tifa obviously being the leader and Aerith was the shot caller as the cautious one while in the rear.

"Kukuku~ yes. My minions, train like you mean it! And we will rule the world! Guhahaha!" Ramiel laughed like a maniac and Alexandra deadpanned at him.

"So that's your plan, well played indeed. This is basically high level training that will make them used to fighting. Though they need to match their in game physiques and magic." Alex shrugged and thought her brother was too efficient.


Thanks for reading everyone, anyways. Ciao.