
Final Fantasy: Crisis and Tranquility

In a world called Gaia. A different timeline has emerged, a foreigner from another world has arrived. With the strength of will and a faulty memory. Will he change the world? Or lead it to ruin far faster with the villain?

Khay_Cee_Padua · Video Games
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153 Chs

Chapter 139: Eos and First Contact

Returning back with a battalion of pokemon in their playground, Ramiel's team were cruising around at the void and they relaxed at Bismarck's bridge.

He was watching Yuna and Tifa play with the animals and he had a smile on his face.

"Is this what brings you joy?" Schwarz and Bianca asked him as they felt his serene emotions at that very moment.

Ramiel craned his neck at them with a questioning look. The deity of kingdom hearts having an inquisitive face. Full of curiosity on their expression.

"Yes, it is." His lips curved into a smile once again. It was peaceful, there were no enemies, only joy. Maybe one piece really is the friends and comrades they made along the way, he thought.

"I see." She had a contemplating look, going into deep thought. Humans for her were so simple, yet so complicated.

Bianca understood his love of peace, but Schwarz does not. Schwarz knows that he enjoys tearing his enemies apart. While Bianca is clueless why.

"Don't think about it too hard, humans are predictable yes. But they're also the most complex beings if you do not have an inkling of understanding about them." Ramiel patted her head and the two looked up to him in confusion, tilting her head.

"Don't understand huh? Humans are stupid, yet are smart at the same time. They can love like no other, yet are as cruel as a person can get. No one human is the same, predictable. But complex, they're quite hard to understand." Ramiel explained to her.

"They are, we do not understand at all. Why be evil, why be good? They can be as kind as Tifa and Yuna. And at the other spectrum, be like Alexandra and Esdeath." The two sides of the heart could not understand.

"It will come to you in time, my advice to you is check what is your desire. If you learn what it is a human's desire. That makes them predictable." He advised her and they thought about it.

"We want to understand with our own mind." Schwarz and Bianca looked at him and gave him a meaningful look.

"I see, with your desire in mind accompanied by your traits. The two of you will most likely be beings that are working on pure logic. That is useful in trying to understand yes." He chuckled and they raised a brow.

"Why are you laughing?" The deities pouted at him and he pinched her cheek. "You're already human enough for me. A little weird, but still human." He saw her frustration and genuine complex emotions on them.

"Then it's fine if you say so. Hey, can you touch me again? I'm trying to learn why physical contact is pleasant." She put his hand on her head.

"Why huh? I guess you like me more than I thought." Ruffling her hair, he chuckled and they started wrestling for control.

"Insolent, how do you know that?" Schwarz squinted her eyes in disbelief.

"I told you, humans are predictable. That includes you if we take your omnipotence out of the question." Ramiel smiled and he put her on his lap, hugging her on the waist softly with his arm.

"Hngh, this is pleasant." Their voices overlapped and the two sides agreed on his pleasantness.

"Glad to hear it." He smiled and managed the controls so they could arrive at the hub world smoothly.

And while he was checking the surroundings, the demigod and God duo they twitched.

"So much negativity." Schwarz looked down and Ramiel squinted his eyes. Wars developed hatred, created dead, poverty, and broken families.

It was useless, without purpose. Leading to deaths and more right after. And as a participant of one that is much milder due to him and his sister's efforts. It still cost too much.

"Everyone, be prepared. We're going to war." Ramiel could feel juicy energy down there too. It must be a planet even higher in tier than Gaia.

The girls raised a brow. His other lovers prepared immediately. But, the much milder Rapunzel, Elsa, and Aqua looked shaken.

"If you don't want to participate, stay right here." Ramiel sighed and hugged them to calm them down.

It was different from Cynthia's situation earlier. A war is cruel, soldiers fight to eliminate the other's opposing party.

"Hah, a war... Just when I got into your group?" Cynthia sighed and she thought that she was quite unlucky.

"It will be fine, let's see the battlefield for now. Bismarck, show us the feed." Ramiel ordered and sat down on the Captain's bridge. Squinting his eyes on the screen in front of them.

"Multiple dozens of boats are converging on an island fuhrer. Thousands of soldiers are trying to break in to the island. There seems to be a barrier on it. But it looks like it won't last long at all." Bismarck reported and Ramiel looked much more closely.

The barrier was like it was powered by Mako. And it had a peculiar property. It only lets in people who have a particular bloodline.

And at the enemies' side. Ramiel raised a brow at their uniforms, understanding now where they exactly were.

Right at the vanguard, he noticed a resonance from the barrier and an individual. And that person just opened the strong barrier.

"A traitor..." He furrowed his brows and stood up at once. "We go in, now." Ramiel ordered and a hatch opened at one side of the bridge.

Everyone immediately jumped and they dived into the scene. With everyone having a sector of the island as their coordinates to protect.

The creation trio were flying from the skies and their roars were heard by the people of the island, as well as the enemies.

Ray opened up with a black hyperbeam right at the vanguard where the traitor was and the hole in the barrier began to close up.

The Gigas landed right at the top of the barrier like drop pods and started blasting. The elemental regis caused havoc as electricity, steel, ice, draconic energy, and rock were thrown all over the place.

"What are those beings?" A redhead that had a decorated cape on his back saw that they were there to help. But their other motivations in doing so is unknown.

Regigigas ordered to continue the onslaught. Kyogre entered its primal form with Groudon and the ocean was begun to stir.

Molten rock hit the boats from underneath while Kyogre's flaps of its fins created storms and tornadoes.

Lugia flew to the skies with her birds and it started to flap its unique wings. Intensifying the storm, turning it into a super typhoon.

The invading army were sent overboard and the dozens of ships got annihilated one by one.

"D-divine beasts!" The soldiers believed that divine punishment was being enacted right now due to their insolence.

Regieleki, regidrago, and regice added to the storms and it was a disaster. Debris and energy running wild all over the waters.

Rocks from regirock and steel from registeel travelled through the tornadoes and storms as bullets and shred anyone that was unlucky enough.

And all those who were sent overboard felt the bite of cold from kyogre's ice. Freezing anyone to blocks as they sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Never to be seen once again.

While the Pokemons were taking care of the armies, Ramiel knocked on the barrier and he was glared at by red heads.

"You!? Who are you?" They were understandably suspicious of him and he shrugged. "Who do you think? I'm the one taking care of those guys." He pointed at their mons causing havoc.

Whispering at each other, the would be defenders called for their leader and after a few minutes. A man wearing a cape appeared.

"Thank you very much for your help, but please do understand that you are a stranger. Forgive them for their apprehension against you." The man bowed slightly and Ramiel nodded at him.

"No worries, the only thing I want is for you to read and send this letter." Ramiel snapped his fingers as letters appeared on his hand.

With a bit of nervousness, the leader took the letters from the other side of the barrier and read the one for him.

"I-is this true!?" He was shocked and in rage. "Send it to the recipents and they will investigate. I assure you, never trust your apparent comrades." Ramiel advised and he turned back, observing the battles once again.

After a few minutes, all the survivors were dealt with by the other team members as they annihilated the invading army.

"Ramiel, no signs of human life for dozens of miles. They're taken care of." Samus reported to him after scanning the area and he also checked with a Mako pulse.

"Un, that takes care of it. This world is interesting, we will be returning here later. I wonder what this would bring?" He smirked.

Ordering Bismarck, she controlled her ship's builder bots and created a defensive perimeter for the island that targeted people that are hostile.

Electro magnetic turrets that were powered by the source of energy from the planet. Making it able to run indefinitely.

"There, let's see these guys try to invade here again when they're being peppered by tungsten bullets that are travelling dozens of miles a second." He nodded in satisfaction at the defense system.

Ramiel then sighed and ordered for everyone to return back to Bismarck.


Travelling back to the hub world, they crashed right onto Ramiel's large sofa in Tokyo.

"Ahhh, that was quite the sour end on our vacation." He scratched his head and looked at the newcomers.

They were alright, thankfully. And Cynthia was just checking out their house.

"Nothing really special? I thought your house would be like super advanced because of Bismarck." She chuckled.

"That's too troublesome, this is our house. Not our base of operations. That's in Ataraxia academy." Ramiel gave her some information about their massive academy in the middle of Tokyo bay.

"Wha? Are we going to college?" Cynthia paled as she saw that all of them were holders of multiple degrees.

"Want to? Just cram it all in your head with magic or something." He was too tired to tease her and informed her what they did.

"So, what do we do now? I don't think I want to attend Ataraxia. I want to laze around~" Alexandra curled up to him like a cat.

"Good idea, time didn't really run here because of Bianca and Schwarz. We can laze around a bit longer." Lulu shrugged.

They decided to retire for the day. Eating and watching TV peacefully. "Really? Reality TV?" Cynthia stared at him and he gave her a weird look.

"What? It's pretty entertaining? Come on, watch while we eat some fondue." Ramiel changed the channel and they were watching the island.

"Alright..." Cynthia sat down and thought they were fancy alright. Their go to snack while watching TV was cheese fondue after all. It was bourgeois as fuck.

And after a few minutes of watching, the girls were raising their brows. "Are these women fucking idiots?" Samus snorted and thought they'd die in a real tropical island in less than a week.

There were no poisonous snakes, bugs, etc. And they obviously received help multiple times from the filming crew.

"Why do you want to watch this crap Ramiel?" Alexandra raised a brow at him. "Because it's funny, don't you like seeing delusional people be complete idiots?" He chuckled and popped a meatball covered in cheese.

"Well, when you look at it like that." Lulu was getting really fucking annoyed earlier, but when he explained. It started to be more enjoyable.

But their door got opened violently and one rogue Alice Nakiri entered. "Ramiel! Ataraxia is really hard!" She was about to complain some more.

Though before she could rant, she saw Cynthia, Elsa, Rapunzel, and Aqua being chummy with him.

"Ahem... Who are these ladies?" Alice smiled at them, but her lips twitched madly.

"Ahh, Cynthia here is my lover while these three are my girlfriends." He made a distinction and they pouted at him.

"G-girlfriends? Wait, what's the difference with her?" Alice pointed at Cynthia. "It means they're sleeping with each other." Alexandra explained plainly and dipped some nacho chips at their cheese.

The young Nakiri was shocked. "Mou, Alice. Why did you run here right after classes? Sorry about this Ramiel-san." Erina appeared too and bowed for her cousin's insolence.

"Don't worry, how about we watch some TV? I've got some good cheese made from miltank milk." Ramiel pointed at their pot of fondue.

And he made some cheese from miltank milk. It was surprisingly very delicious. He even tried its milk from the source which was an experience. His intrusive thoughts winning.

"I demand a date! Or I will tell Erina and mom your secret!" Alice fumed. "Ohh, go on then. Tell them, not like Leonora doesn't know." Ramiel shrugged and she gaped.

"What secret?" Erina raised a brow. "Ahhh, now that I think about it. Even your mom, weird brows know." Ramiel remembered curing her god tongue.

"W-weird brows?" Erina didn't expect that and Alice was still shocked. Tatsumaki and Fubuki then entered the theatre room while floating.

"Ahh... Should I erase their memories?" Tatsumaki looked towards Ramiel and the two got a bit nervous.

"Eh, not really. It won't affect us anyways." Ramiel waved his hands lazily. "Ahhh, nii-sama. This cheese fondue's really good eh?" Alexandra fed him like nothing was wrong.

"So? You gonna watch tv and eat some cheese or not?" Ramiel looked at them and they sat down.

"You guys have powers? Oh, this is delightful." Erina asked and she took a bite of a crouton after dipping it in cheese.

"Yeah, we're awesome like that. Want us to kill someone?" Ramiel chuckled and they squeaked.

"So... The problem with uncle Azami, you incriminated him huh?" Alice was sharp and he nodded.

"Of course, the guy's crazy as hell. Besides, Mana and Erina doesn't need him." He shrugged and they kept on asking things.

They learned more of their little trips at other universes and of course, Alice had an interest in coming with.

"Can I go?" She had a smile on her face and Erina frowned at her. "Alice... Weren't you listening? The places they go to is dangerous." Erina chided her.

Though she was curious about magic and the like, wanting to go too. "Ask your mother for permission, then we'll talk about it." Ramiel sighed.

She'll pester him like no tomorrow anyways, it was a matter of time before she wanted to go. The girl's as curious as they can get.

"Don't forget your promise okay!" Alice immediately called Leonora and of course it was approved.

"Damn, I was banking on the chance that Leonora would disapprove." Ramiel sighed, such was life.

Erina was fidgeting around and it was obvious that she was jealous of her cousin. "Ask Mana, if she agrees." Ramiel chuckled at her and thought Erina was still too shy.

"I... I didn't really want to come." She blushed and Alice slapped her on the back. Calling Mana, she asked for her cousin's permission and the Nakiri agreed.

"There you go Erina, ain't I a nice cousin? You're hopeless without me." Alice had a smug smile on her face.

Erina groaned, Cynthia raised a brow at him. "Aren't they normal girls? You can protect them, but it will be one hell of a ride."

They would surely have life changing experiences to wherever they will be going. Just learning about their powers is already quite big of a change.

"It's fine, I have a place in mind. It's a world similar to our home world." Ramiel thought of the least dangerous final fantasy world.

And relative to the others, it was quite peaceful besides the kingdom and the empire. Just don't go out at night and be murdered by demons.

Which was saying a lot to how dangerous other final fantasy worlds are to normal people.

Though when the endless nights began, it was much much worse than bleak worlds like attack on titan.

The sun never rises, demons roamed around in droves. Never ending amounts of them will kill anyone in sight. It was simply a matter of time when humanity will succumb.

"Now that I think about it, this is a really bad idea." Ramiel smiled wryly. "Ahh, fuck it. They won't live if they don't have some adventure in their lives." He shrugged.

"How's the others fitting in Ataraxia?" Ramiel asked the Nakiris and they looked pleased.

"Everyone passed the exams, though it's quite difficult for the others. Especially Souma who has no idea about basics. He got some nice lessons from his Stagiaire, but Ataraxia is on a whole other level." Erina explained and he nodded.

"Well, it's a school that houses the best. It would be a disgrace to have a student that doesn't even know the basics." Ramiel smirked and they agreed.

"Totsuki has been accepting some rabble and hoped for the top to succeed, while Ataraxia accepts the best and nurtures them to be at the apex. It's a pretty good system." Erina smiled at him and was really impressed by the academy.

"So, where will we be going?" Alice jumped on him and pressed her chest on him. "Hmm, it's a world called Eos. The stars, it's quite nice there. Though everything will go to shit." He laughed, Alice was excited, but Erina froze at his words.

"What do you mean?" She furrowed her brows and Ramiel explained the eternal darkness.

"A-Alice... I don't think it's a good idea to go there." Erina got cold feet. It was an incredibly dangerous world.

"Didn't you hear Erina? It'll only turn like that after a decade. Before that, it's pretty much harmless unless we side with the kingdom of Lucis." Alice pointed out.

"Ahem, what is this I hear about an adventure?" Rindou appeared and she thought they were going on a trip to learn more about exotic food.

"Rindou-senpai... That's none of your business, now is it?" Alice's cheerful countenance immediately turned cold. Looking at the cat eyed senior like she was a pebble in the road.

"Scary~ I was just going to report to Ramiel that I passed, and I overheard your conversation~ You're not really being cute right now." Rindou went up to Alice and smirked.

"So this is what the others mean when you've got highschool girls pining for you? This is troublesome..." Cynthia patted him on the back.

"I know right? Kids are really feisty too, just look at them. They look like they'd fight any moment now." Ramiel laughed and Alice pouted at him.

"Tell her she cannot come Ramiel! Shouldn't we be the only ones to come with you?" Alice glared at Rindou.

"Now you make me want to come more, what's this about?" Rindou smiled sweetly at Alice and the two almost created sparks from glaring at each other.

"Ramiel! I passed the entrance... Exam." Nikumi also appeared and he sighed. "It's a nightmare, it's hard being popular."

Alexandra smiled at him. "It's your duty to propagate our blood Ramiel. This is God's will." She elbowed Schwarz and Bianca.

"Umu, it is." They got roped in to Alexandra's shenanigans. "Hah, sure, sure. Come and get traumatized or something."

Ramiel rolled his eyes, it was most likely a set up by his sister. "I have raised you well." He gave her a meaningful look and she smirked at him.

"Alex, you're too damned obsessed about his harem." Samus chided her and she snorted.

"Hmph, I can't let hussies get to my brother now can I? So I have to get him busy with a plethora of women that I approve." Alexandra nodded sagely.

"This is getting old Alex. Whatever, let's just go when I have prepared you guys for the journey." Ramiel stood up and measured the girls' sizes.

Turning Orichalum into threads, he began creating clothes for them. Using his dexterity, he weaved them quickly into cloth and started enchanting the clothing with magic.

"Yeah, that's about good." He checked it out and even the astrals in that world who are the top dogs won't be able to put a scratch on them.

"I'll be teaching you guys how to fight too, at least enough for you to protect yourself." Ramiel put a hand on their heads and inserted memories inside their brain.

Their eyes glazed over and the girls internalized the memories for a few minutes. "That was weird..." Alice tried to move around like in her memories, but her body can't keep up.

With a look of disappointment, she thought that she could be a bad ass martial artist right after.

"You girls are too weak, let's just supplement it with a bit of Mako." Ramiel felt a bit petty so he pulled in Rindou and craned her neck upwards.

"W-what is it?" She felt his hand on her lower back. "Shhh, it's a part of the treatment." He opened her lips and licked it. Putting in some Mako into her mouth.

Rindou melted from the Mako infusion and he steadied her with his arms. And after a few moments of wet kissing sounds, Rindou fell on her butt and panted heavily.

"T-that's ridiculously good..." She got dazed and Alexandra was gaping like a fish. "Hmph, two can play at that game my dear sister."

He pulled in Nikumi and fondled her chest, giving her body Mako through his hands. "R-Ramiel! Not in front of everyone! Ahhhn~" Nikumi fell to the ground as well.

Erina and Alice looked at him hopefully and he squeezed their butts nice and tight. "Give my sister a little show yeah? It seems she likes it when I do this."

Ramiel kissed them and played with their bodies a bit before they couldn't hold it anymore and fell down from getting high on Mako and pleasure.

"Nii-sama, that's not fair." Alexandra pouted at him and he snorted. "No kisses for you, young lady." With a huff, he carried the girls and put them on a couch.

"Okay, listen to me. We'll be in a new environment, you've gotta be careful." He warned them and they all nodded while in a daze.

"Hah, I guess this can count as work? Let's go then, to a whole new world." Ramiel ripped open a portal to the void and protected them with magic.

Locating Eos wasn't too hard, it was pretty near Gaia and he had a connection to those lines of worlds with his origin from FF7.

And not to mention, he has summons that were pretty much like the astrals. With a bit of searching, they were pretty easy to spot.

"Hmm, I guess let's get on with it. Noctis and his bro squad huh? Pretty much the opposite of what I have." He looked at his companions and chuckled.

After travelling for a while, they arrived at Eos stealthily and entered the universe without alerting any of the astrals.

"What's the timeline here? Eh, we'll just wing it." Ramiel didn't really want to know what time they were in. And care he did not.

They were in a desert like road in Nevada, his companions looking around curiously. "Tche, this place is boring. I thought there'd be dragons flying in the sky and horned rabbits jumping around."

Alice was disappointed as she read some of the manga that Erina read to pass the time.

"This isn't an Isekai manga Alice-chan, what the hell are you talking about? Come on then, let's check the ingredients here!" Rindou ran towards a cactus and checked if it was edible.

"We're really in another world?" Ikumi and Erina looked around and didn't really notice anything different.

"Yup we are, this is Eos. Pretty exciting right?" Ramiel sarcastically smiled at them because they were in the middle of nowhere.

"Exciting my ass, watching Erina look at your picture while giggling is much more entertaining than this." Alice was in a bad mood because it was hot and they were most likely lost.

Ramiel squinted his eyes at her and had an idea. "You wanna see a nice monster right? To know that this is a fantasy world?" He smirked at them and he located a nearby monster that will surely satisfy what they wanted to see.

He teleported them to a forest and they suddenly froze. In front of them was a behemoth that was quite bigger than most.

It growled at them and the muscles on its forearms that were thicker than a tree trunk bulged. Ready to lunge at them and turn them into its next meal.

"R-Ramiel... Is that thing friendly?" Alice stuttered and she broke into a cold sweat. "I don't know, maybe you should try and pet it."

With a roar, the behemoth started charging at them ferociously. Its savage strength mowing down all the trees in front of it like toothpicks.

"Fuck! That thing isn't friendly at all! Run!" Alice cried out and they started running.

"Alice! This is your fault! I'm going to curse you forever when I turn into a ghost!" Erina cursed her in her mind.

Though they didn't notice that they were running at a similar pace to the behemoth due to their Mako infusion.

"Nakiri! I swear to God! If we get out of here alive, I'm gonna poison you!" Ikumi glared at Alice. "Wait, aren't we like super strong?" Rindou shouted to them as she noticed that they could outrun it.

"Where's Ramiel anyways!?" Alice looked around and they saw him at the top of a tree, observing them while drinking iced coffee and eating a cream cheese bagel.

"Ohh, work hard~" He lazily waved his hand to them. "Tch, Alice. You can't keep your mouth shut can you?" Rindou clicked her tongue and stopped in her tracks.

"Rindou-senpai!? What the hell are you doing?" Ikumi tried to pull her, but the behemoth was already almost on them.

"We have to fight, Ramiel isn't helping us. This means we can beat it!" Rindou concluded and she shouted at the behemoth, charging at it with her fists drawn back.

Due to her memories that was gifted to her, she dodged the ferocious bite of the behemoth and slugged it on the side of the face.

The behemoth got a concussion as her piss poor punch rattled its brain. "Attack!" Rindou ordered and Ikumi who was the nearest charged with forced courage.

She kicked it on the head and Rindou soon followed, they tried beating on its face.

The behemoth roared and they did not know that it can use magic. The air exploded with a violent combustion and the two flew right at a tree, snapping it in two from the force of their flight.

"Mito! Rindou-senpai!" Erina shouted out in worry and Alice picked up the broken tree, bashing it right at the behemoth's head like a bat.

Its horn cracked and it glared right at them, thinking that they were not worth the trouble for such low meat. It retreated and they were able to defend themselves.

"Ugh, fuck. That was not fun at all." Rindou stood up and she felt a bit dizzy. Their enchanted clothes only work reactively after all.

It can block anything in Eos, but it would only block a certain amount. So they won't get complacent, thinking that they could still get hurt.

"Alice! This is all your fault!" Ikumi pointed at her and they were surprised at her next action.

"Y-yeah, sorry... That was really scary." Alice bowed at them and she was shaking. She thought that they got seriously injured from the magic of the behemoth from earlier.

"Ugh, just keep your mouth shut next time okay? I think Ramiel will do this again later." Erina groaned and they dusted themselves off.

"Good job ladies, I'd say you did well." Ramiel chuckled at them and they glared at him, then at Alice who winced at their painful stares.

"How is it? Liked the fantasy setting? That thing isn't even the most dangerous thing here you know?" Ramiel smiled at them and they all nodded quickly.

"Good, now you know this is a place with magic. I'm gonna teach you how to use it while we're on the way." He made them regulate their Mako and control it in order to cast magic.

"Magic..." They all checked out some low level magic as the elements appeared on their hands. The girls getting giddy at the thought of using fantasy powers.

"Ahhh! My left arm is throbbing! Mystical dragon fire!" Rindou fired out a small firaga that only left scorch marks on a rock.

"Pft..." She heard muffled laughs and Rindou blushed like a tomato. "What are you? 12?" Ramiel looked at her pitifully and Rindou hid her face in embarrassment.

She thought that a big fireball will appear. But it failed miserably. "Rindou-senpai... Don't worry, we won't judge you." Ikumi smiled at her.

"Ugh, kill me now." Rindou crouched on the ground and Alice started laughing her ass off at her fail.

"What? Can you cast magic?" Rindou glared at Alice and she had a smug look on her face.

"Heh, look at my awesome skills. Watera!" Alice pointed her palm at a tree as well, but water just squirted out of her spell like a water gun.

"Guhahaha! What the hell is that? A 5 year old's water gun!?" Rindou laughed in return and Alice glared at her.

"Much better than that fart of a mystical dragon fire of yours." Alice quipped back and they started quarrelling.

"How about you girls? Any luck on casting magic?" Ramiel ignored the two and looked towards Erina and Ikumi.

"I think I got it." Ikumi casted a pretty average fira spell and Erina used a blizza. Ramiel then clapped at them and the two were fighting stopped. Staring at the two with frustration.

"Okay, we practice again later. Let's roam around yeah?" He teleported back to the desert they were in earlier because if they just continued down the road, they would see civilization or something.

And after an hour of running, the girls were going to give up from the hot sun that battered their skins.

"Hah, hah, Ramiel... You know I'm from Denmark right? Look at my skin, it's pale right? We're gonna die out here." Alice complained and Ramiel stopped.

"Why don't you use magic to cool down?" He smirked at them and they noticed that he wasn't sweating at all.

"Why didn't you tell us? We're dying of thirst and heat..." Erina was a bit angry. "Well, you didn't ask." He shrugged and they got all pissy.

Alice used a steady steam of watera like a fountain to give themselves water and Erina used cold air to keep them cool.

"You coat yourselves in magic to keep the elements out. It's that simple you know?" He instructed them and the newbies didn't know the applications of magic at all.

They immediately practiced it and began to feel much nicer. "Stupid Ramiel, not teaching us the necessities." Rindou muttered under her breath.

And while they were grumbling, they saw a truck that was going their way. "Ohh? A truck! Come on, let's hitch a ride!" Ikumi started waving at it and they also tried to stop it.

It stopped beside them and they saw the driver. "What in tarnation? What are you gals doin' 'ere wearin' sweaters like that in the blisterin' sun!?"

A blonde woman that was wearing a cap was surprised by their group who clearly looked like rich girls that are lost. (pic)

"Hehe~ We got a bit lost you see?" Rindou couldn't really say that they just popped out there after all.

"Get in here you rascals, name's Cindy. Cindy Aurum, you call me Cindy girlies." She introduced herself and they entered the truck.

"Mister, you dun know how to navigate? You'll be a failure as a man y'know?" Cindy noticed Ramiel who was with them and he shrugged.

"They actually wanted to be lost, I can return to the city in a heart beat you know?" He smirked at the girls and they pouted at him.

Cindy looked at them weirdly and raised a brow. "Well, whatever. Let's get you to the hammerhead at least." Cindy started to drive and they arrived at a workshop.

There was a gas station there and a diner too. "Welcome to hammerhead girls and boys, now keep yourselves pretty in the diner. Maybe have a bite, you look tired." Cindy advised them and she started to check on her engine.

She bent down and the outline of her plump butt was clearly seen, making the others glare at Ramiel who of course was admiring the scenery.

"What? Blessings from god shouldn't be slighted. It is a privilege to see it up close, ain't that right Cindy?" Ramiel nodded sagely and caressed a nonexistent beard on his chin.

"Right-o, what were you admirin' anyway? This place is pretty deserted if you ask me." Cindy looked around and it was all desert.

"He was staring at your ass." Rindou deadpanned at him and thought that would get him in trouble.

"Yeah, it has a nice shape, plump, and tight. You work out Cindy?" Ramiel smiled and Cindy smirked at him.

"Sure do, cowboy. Next peek's gon' cost ya though." She chuckled and the girls were shocked.

"Tch, he's unstoppable. I thought that would get him in trouble." Rindou clicked her tongue.

"Wait a minute, are we in this desert because you wanted to see her?" Alice raised a brow.

"What do you mean?" Ramiel gave them the poker face and they suspiciously stared at him.

"This is preposterous, I'm a man of honor and dignity." He huffed at them, but they still didn't believe him and kept a close eye at his intentions.

They still stared at him suspiciously though. And he had to take matters into his own hands.

"Besides, you girls have nice figures too. I should know, they were really soft you know?" He laughed at their embarrassed reactions and he quickly used the forbidden technique of changing the topic.

"Okay, let's have a meal first. Aren't you curious about the food in another world?" Ramiel smiled at them and thought what would happen if they ate food in Eos. They can give buffs after all, so it must be saturated with Mako or something.

The girls looked towards the diner and they were pretty hungry after fending off the behemoth and running around in the desert.

"Hmph, you're off the hook. For now." They all were in sync and they went to the diner to order some food.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.