
Final Fantasy: Crisis and Tranquility

In a world called Gaia. A different timeline has emerged, a foreigner from another world has arrived. With the strength of will and a faulty memory. Will he change the world? Or lead it to ruin far faster with the villain?

Khay_Cee_Padua · Video Games
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153 Chs

Chapter 134: Gym Shakedown

Ramiel made lunch at Cynthia's place and they were currently eating, when Tifa reminded him of something.

"Hey, we only collected one badge right? I'm not really aiming to be a champion pokemon coordinator, so it's fine. But what about you guys? Didn't we come here to battle the city's gym leader?" Tifa announced while feeding her new gible and they froze.

"I totally forgot about that, damn." Ramiel flinched. They were too pre-occupied with getting a one up on team galactic that they forgot.

"You guys are still only at one badge? That's a shocker, I would've thought you'd have them all by now." Cynthia raised a brow.

"Well, I guess you'd think that. But we took our time in travelling by foot and camping." Fubuki thought about their itinerary. They mostly camped outside and trained their pokemon to be unstoppable beasts.

"Don't we have a lot of time before the main comp of the league starts? Like the elite four here can even make a difference anyways." Tatsumaki shrugged, continuing to eat calmly.

"I don't know about that. If you only had one gym badge on you right now. Then you'll have to beat 7 more, including Eterna. If you take your time just like you've been doing. You won't get all the necessary badges." Cynthia explained and the esper sisters panicked a bit.

"Ramiel, can't we fly to go around? We promise it'll just be to get from point A to B, we won't be using it to catch Kyogre or Manaphy or something." Tatsumaki pleaded and Ramiel sighed.

"We can just be quicker with our journey, it's not like everything we see is interesting too." He shrugged.

"Hey, what's a Manaphy? It sounds cute." Tifa smiled and Ramiel showed her a picture of it. "Oh my, I'll get one so I can brag to Rapunzel. Her Jirachi is too cute, so I'll get this one."

"You guys are insane, talking about catching a mythical Pokemon to brag with your friends..." Cynthia gave them a weird look.

"Heh, you wouldn't understand blonde. It's because you're too normal." Tatsumaki had a smug look on her face and Ramiel chopped her. "Hey, don't be an ass. She might be normal, but she's a champion. If you were normal, I'd bet you'd get bodied by pokemon." Ramiel chided her.

"Ughhh, that's true... Encountering wild Pokemon would be scary as hell if you're a regular joe." Tatsumaki rubbed her head and thought of the scary aggressive ones.

"We'll be going after this, Cynthia. Thanks for the guest room yeah?" Ramiel smiled and Cynthia nodded.

"Umu, you guys were a big help..." She sighed as she looked at them. Remembering the time back then when she used to clamor for badges too. Catch Pokemon, and then battle in the league.

"Hmm? What's the matter, you look bored or something?" Tifa gave her a knowing smile after she noticed it.

"Uhh, it's nothing really." Cynthia gave a wry smile. "Hmm, Ramiel. Can she go with us? How will we train her pokemon if they can't spar with ours?" Tifa asked and Ramiel nodded.

"You're right, she can't be too weak. You'll be a laughingstock if my pachirisu can beat your ass by itself." Ramiel chuckled and Cynthia pouted at him and Tifa.

"Heh, don't be shy with me Cynthia... I see you." Tifa smirked at her and she was surprised at her sudden change. From being calm and pleasant, Tifa now looked like she was analyzing her like a specimen.

"There's another reason, right? You're interested in him?" Tifa went up to her and put her arm on her shoulder.

"W-what? How can you insinuate that? We only knew each other for a couple of days at most." Cynthia furrowed her brows and Tifa rolled her eyes.

"Oh please, I'm a woman too you know? He's handsome, mysterious, powerful, but kind. And he'd use it for the benefit of people around him. He ticks a lot of boxes, no?" Tifa was playing mind tricks on her.

"N-now that you said it. H-he does. Wait a minute, are you setting me up with your lover? But why?" She frowned and Tifa sighed.

"Isn't it obvious? Not only are you pretty, you're also a champion even though you're just a normal human. Ramiel has dubious tastes sometimes, like with Esdeath. But I'm sure he appreciates your conviction to be a champion and enforcer too." Tifa wiggled her eyebrows.

"T-this is weird." Cynthia was apprehensive, common sense dictates that she should be with a guy that focuses on her only.

"It's just new, besides... Didn't you see him naked? He takes care of himself, no?" Tifa lured her into the dark side.

Ramiel sighed in the corner and shook his head at Tifa's antics. "You shouldn't force her Tifa, I do like Cynthia as a person. But that doesn't mean that I should pursue her." Ramiel massaged his temples.

"Yeah, that's right." Tatsumaki quipped and thought it would be disadvantegous with another pretty blonde. Samus and Scarlet are already baddies, Cynthia would be another sexy young lady.

"Shush, It's ultimately hers to decide yeah?" Tifa smiled and looked at Cynthia. "Don't rush into it Cynthia, though you can be our travel companion. I'd imagine that the champion knows her way in Sinnoh." Ramiel chuckled.

"What? You just want a compass and a map? I can't believe you." Cynthia pouted at him, giggling at his offer.

"You know what, I haven't had fun like this in ages. It's all work and duties as a champion. I'd like to join you guys. I think you'll be doing ridiculous things here in Sinnoh. It's my job to watch over you too." Cynthia huffed at Ramiel.

"Wait, we didn't do anything. I even stopped Ray from making a mountain disappear with her dragon ascent." Ramiel rolled his eyes and they shared a laugh together.

"Fubuki, we need to be more aggressive. Or we'll be beat!" Tatsumaki whispered to her and she nodded. "That's right, he's simply like a magnet."

The esper sisters schemed and they started to go to the gym in Eterna city.

After letting Cynthia pack, she was shocked at their storage and wondered why they were travelling lightly.

And the team went to the gym in Eterna. Which of course shocked the gym leader, because Cynthia was with them.

"T-the champion!? Why are you here!?" A girl wearing a green poncho panicked. Thinking if she was going to get arrested or something.

"My friends are having a battle for your badge of course. What more do you do at a gym? I believe you're Gardenia right? They're here to challenge you." Cynthia raised a brow at her reaction.

"Ahhh... Is that so, then please." She got anxious and Ramiel looked at her. "I think when we battle next time, you shouldn't be here. Not like we'll struggle against her, but look at the girl. She's scared shitless."

"Not my problem that they're scared of me. What am I? A bad guy? Hmmm, now that you say it. She might be doing something fishy if she's that scared." Cynthia squinted her eyes.

"Hah, not likely. Just watch on the stands or something." Ramiel sighed and let them go to the viewing area.

"Now, this girlie here is a grass type specialist right?" Ramiel took out a PokeBall that was a fire type and wanted to see how it was doing.

"Three pokemon each, could change at any time. Start!" The referee shouted and they threw their pokeballs.

Gardenia's was just a turtwig, it was pretty weak too. What surprised everyone is Ramiel's pokemon.

"What in the world is that?" Cynthia tried scanning it with her Pokedex, but it didn't have any information on it at all.

Ramiel's Charmander already began mutating and it was as tall as a Charizard now. Instead of a fire on its tail. It had a metallic tail that looked like a knife.

It developed hard scales and its color turned a dark navy blue. Looking like a carnotaur with vicious teeth.

"Like it? I'd call it a glavenus." Ramiel smiled and it put its blade tail on its mouth. A sound like metal being grinded resounded and it roared right after, making Gardenia's turtwig cower.

"What in the hell... Did it just sharpen its tail using its mouth!?" Cynthia frowned as she stared at its tail. It looked extremely dangerous.

"Use overheat, glavenus." Ramiel ordered and it located a stone. Grinding its heavy tail on it, the friction started turning it yellow hot.

"Holy crap, is he planning on killing that turtwig?" Cynthia got anxious as the dangerous looking beast roared once again.

"T-turtwig, use razor leaf!" Gardenia anxiously barked orders and her turtwig just froze in fear. Glavenus' blue beady eyes just staring at it like it was easy prey.

"Don't eat it, it won't be tasty anyway. I'd imagine a turtwig would taste like dirt and plants." Ramiel reminded it and decided with a soft headbutt that made it fly across the stage.

"Turtwig is unable to continue." The referee announced and glavenus stared at him. Almost making him piss his pants.

"I guess it's pretty successful, this is awesome." Ramiel smiled and was pleased. He then took it back to his PokeBall and released another one for Gardenia's roserade.

A massive mammoth appeared and it was easily as large as an average house. With its trunk, it roared and a siren like sound came from it. Intimidating the tiny roserade in front of it.

Swinging its trunk left and right, strong winds blew. It then stood on its hind legs. Stomping on the ground that shook Eterna's gym.

"T-this isn't fair..." Gardenia went pale. "Gammoth, go and swat that green little pokemon with rose for hands softly, okay?" Ramiel smiled and it basically nudged the roserade a bit.

"R-roserade isn't able to continue..." The referee announced and it was time for the last one. Gardenia took out a cherrim, which looked like a stubby yellow creature with petals on it that made it into a flower.

"Astalos, let's go." He took out his mutated charjabug and now it was a wyvern that was arcing green electricity all over its body.

With its red eyes, it looked vicious and savage. "Astalos, just nudge it a bit like gammoth okay." Ramiel was careful and it used its pincered tail to catch it with blinding speed and threw it out of the arena.

"Ramiel wins this match, congratulations..." The referee was done and he fled immediately.

"Ramiel, what are those pokemon!? I've never seen them before, or heard of them at all." Cynthia questioned him of course and he shrugged.

"I transformed them, I call them the fated four. Pretty neat right? Though my Mizutsune didn't have a time to shine. Well, it's pretty peaceful anyways." Ramiel explained.

"Hah... So, you created them?" Cynthia gave him a bad look and he nodded. "Yes, basically. What? Don't look at me like that, it turned out good."

"What do you mean turned out good. Hah, I give. I won't help you with that if people swarm you for information." Cynthia rolled her eyes and was done too.

"Hey, where's my badge? Green poncho girl." Ramiel called out to the gym leader and she reluctantly gave him the badge.

"We'll come back tomorrow yeah? They need your badges too." Ramiel pointed at Tatsumaki and Fubuki.

"Umu, and were those the fated four from generations ultimate? You've got good taste." Tatsumaki nodded at him for bringing the fated four to the pokemon world.

They weren't overwhelmingly strong like the elder dragons in that game who can destroy cities in a day. It was pretty balanced in her opinion.

"Yeah, they're basically kids right now. I can't wait when they grow to their full form." Ramiel was excited.

"So... Uhh, we actually need to return to your house for now. Because she can't fight again." Fubuki explained to Cynthia with a wry smile.

"Ugh, damn. I didn't think of that... Hey you, Gardenia. Can you give them the badges? I assure you, their pokemon would destroy you." Cynthia remembered their insane Kadabras that can pry open steel vaults like tissue paper.

"A-ahhh, yes... Certainly." Gardenia gave them the badges and the esper sisters felt weird about it.

"Hey, we came here to have a league. It doesn't matter if we'll win. We need to have the fight you know?" Tatsumaki complained.

"Well, it would take two whole days before we start to get out of Eterna city. And that will be two days too long for my taste." Cynthia argued and the two started quarrelling

"Hmm, how about we just get out of Eterna city for now? I think Cynthia just wants to explore. And we can get the badges fairly at the next gyms?" Tifa suggested and they thought about it.

"Hey, what do you mean get them fairly. I asked Gardenia and she agreed." Cynthia pouted at Tifa who basically called her a cheater.

"It's true though? You did a shakedown in this gym and strong armed her into giving the badge with your reputation as the champion." Ramiel deadpanned at her and Cynthia blushed in embarrassment.

"You know what, fine. I won't do it again." She puffed her cheeks and Ramiel patted her head. "Good girl, you shouldn't cheat you know?" He laughed.

"Don't treat me like a kid! Damnit, put some respect on my name." She huffed and they ignored her. "Yeah, whatever. Sinnoh's champion, pft." Tatsumaki made fun of her and they travelled to the next place to gather the gym badges.

And while they were out in the wilderness, Ramiel of course checked their pokemon and prepared the most optimal diet, training, etc.

The fated four were lazing around and were growing up real nice. And Ramiel let them be, because if he trained them, they'll be super strong.

His toddler gammoth was already as strong as Hafthor. And it was both still mutating and growing up to its maximum size.

Swolechamp was fighting with Danny and they were slugging each other fiercely. With Danny using its ability to phase through physical attacks with absolute accuracy and precision.

While his machoke was developing spatial awareness immensely. Getting a feel for attacks that suddenly come from out of nowhere.

"Did you teach them how to fight?" Cynthia observed the battling pokemon and it made her trainer soul burn.

"Yeah, they're pretty strong right? They've got the basics down." Ramiel smiled and was satisfied with their progression.

"Th-that's just the basics? What in the world are you teaching them?" Cynthia was shocked and she can't imagine the advanced fighting style.

"Well, I can show you. Danny, Swolechamp, it's time to spar with me in order to make you advance further." He stood up and walked up to them.

The two squinted their eyes and were sizing him up. Creating strategies inside of their head to attack, or they'll instantly lose and be beaten to a pulp.

Swolechamp nodded at Danny and the latter melted into the ground. Using bulk up, Swolechamp strengthened himself to the max and released a karate chop at Ramiel's shoulder.

A shockwave made Cynthia close her eyes due to the rubble and she opened her eyes. "No fricking way." She imagined how strong that strike was and she shivered at the thought of being hit by it.

The ground below Ramiel cratered as he blocked it by catching Swolechamp's hand. "Hmm, good strength. No follow up though?"

Danny was then about to lick him from below in order to send paralyzing poison, but Ramiel immediately caught him. "Too predictable." He then smacked their heads towards each other.

Danny phased through it, but Swolechamp crashed right on Ramiel's other palm. It then kicked at him to back off.

"Stop with that strategy crap, that will only work on normal opponents. With me, you have to just believe and fight with all you've got." Ramiel urged them and they nodded.

With a roar, swolechamp ran right at him and entered a stance. With quick finger jabs, its fingers that can now pierce through metal like a skewer against a marshmallow. His machoke tried to strike any vital point.

Danny threw confuse rays, poison, and shadow balls at every opportunity. But they were all blocked with one hand.

"Woah, that machoke is moving like flowing water. What is that?" Cynthia looked on in awe at a fight that she had never seen before.

"Faster, stronger, attack with more prejudice!" Ramiel shouted and countered Swolechamp's attacks by grasping on its wrist and pulling it towards him.

With a knee to the chin, his machoke flew to the sky. Ramiel then grabbed a shadow ball that Danny threw, sending it back right at it. Hitting it right on the forehead.

"Fiercer, more agile!" Ramiel instructed and the two charged back at him. Going in for the full offensive, his pokemon used their fists and legs to try everything.

"Strike harder! Like this!" He slugged them right on the face with a straight, sending them flying. Crashing right on the ground while cracking dozens of trees.

Danny gassed out from throwing tons of energy attacks, but Swolechamp stood up and wiped the blood on his lips. Spitting out a tooth, his body starting to have a blue hue. Focusing on its fists.

"That's... Aura?" Cynthia went wide eyed. If his ridiculously strong machoke can use aura. Then it would be unstoppable.

"Master! Thank you for your guidance!" Ramiel's machoke communicated with him through aura and he nodded.

"Then come, give it your all." They ran at each other and their fists met at the center. Their clash created a shockwave that shattered nearby trees.

"Woah, that was dangerous." Fubuki smiled at Cynthia as she protected her with a barrier.

The two traded blows much faster now and a golden metal was starting to form on Swolechamp's arms.

Ramiel did an experiment and fed him Orichalum, testing Pokemon's adaptability. And with the lifestream they were drinking, it started to bear fruit.

Swolechamp got hit left and right, but it continued on. Soldiering through the blows. Feeling itself improve, even further beyond.

"That's it, a man shouldn't give up that easily!" Ramiel gave it a nasty elbow on the chin and Swolechamp started to glow.

Evolving in the midst of battle, with its extra pair of arms. Swolechamp released a flurry of blows as it roared.

Ramiel then nodded at it and disappeared, appearing beside it as he gave it a hook right on the jaw. Making him go unconscious, or it will continue to soldier on and be seriously injured.

"Whew, that was some nice exercise." Ramiel smiled. "Are you insane? You beat it up real good. We got to go to a pokemon center." Cynthia went up to his Machamp now and inspected its injuries.

"Don't worry, you're too tense." Ramiel casted a curaga on it and Swolechamp got healed.

"You can heal too?" Cynthia's eyes twitched. "You could have told me that earlier..." She glared at him and he shrugged. "Well, you didn't ask."

Ramiel cleaned his Machamp up and checked its body. It was much larger than normal machamps which was expected. It's about 2 meters tall and its arms have a golden coating on them like gauntlets. (pic)

"Is that? Hoh? You're shaping up to be a pretty strong guy ain't you?" Ramiel recognized it from somewhere and he could still feel that its evolution wasn't finished yet.

He excitedly waited for its final form and then mega evolve it to go even further. The peak form of the Machamp species that will go down in history. One where every fighting type will worship it as the prime example of being a wild Pokemon rising to the apex.

"Is that how you train them? You're crazy." Cynthia was baffled and understood now why they were so strong.

"He's going easy on them too, you should've seen how my training went." Tifa reminisced about her time when she was a teen.

"That's him going easy on them?" The three gasped and Tifa tilted her head. "You don't know how he trains people seriously? You'd be in a constant loop of battle and physical training 24/7."

They went pale as Tifa described the brutal training. Held down by gravity, force feeding meals to regenerate and anabolize nutrients, entering combat with live weapons.

"Umu, that's par for the course, no? How are you going to kill someone if you don't know what your weapon does to people?" Ramiel thought that was natural.

"I don't know!? Ease them into it or something?" Cynthia was really concerned and the espers nodded at her.

"Well, no time like the present. So of course I told Tifa to go at me like she wanted to kill me." He shrugged and they left it at that.

Swolechamp then woke up and felt better than ever. "Machamp!" It started flexing its arms and his muscles rippled.

"Nice, you're getting there. I'm going to train you and Danny even harder now. Hafthor, you go lift gammoth alright? You'll be the tank." Ramiel gave his orders and increased the intensity of the physical training on them.

Ramiel was sure that Swolechamp will beat the shit out of Thanos, at least the MCU one.

"And come here you two, I'm going to teach you two new fighting styles that will bolster your potential." Ramiel prepared to show them.

He bent the light on him and turned invisible, also masking his presence to the maximum. Basically turning into a ghost.

He then started to attack Swolechamp out of nowhere, giving it an RKO. "I want you to learn this Danny, I'm going to call it spectre combat."

He also did a more advanced version of phasing in and out of his physical form. And to weaponize it, he showed a downgraded version of dimension blade that Akua Shuzen uses.

Phasing in and out incredibly quickly, he sliced a tree in half. Bypassing its physical defense. But it pales in comparison to the real dimension blade which does it with obviously dimensions. Which is basically unlockable unless you have massive control over space.

"How about that? Cool, right? You can assassinate someone in a heartbeat, crush their brain or hearts instantly!" Ramiel smiled and Danny's eyes were shining.

"T-that's brutal." Fubuki commented and the others nodded at her. "Well, it's an Assassination technique. Of course it'd be, very effective though." Ramiel was satisfied at the technique he taught his Gengar and went to Swolechamp next.

"Now that you have control over aura, you can feel the energy move inside of you right? I can't teach you meteoric burst because you lack energy, though this would work much better for you anyways." Ramiel started to unlock Swolechamp's energy pathways.

It was similar to the 8 gates, but instead of chakra. It used up aura, which is much safer. Though still destructive to the body.

And it has a much stronger burst with a more limited time frame. Due to not having any chakra pathways. The whole body instead gets energized to the maximum limit.

Swolechamp's eyes dilated and his body exploded with aura. Looking like he was going ultra instinct. Which wasn't far off, because aura also helped with senses.

"You're only qualified for I'd say, 4 gates? Train your body more and you'll unlock more." Ramiel patted it on the back and Swolechamp kneeled from the immense strain.

He just called it the 8 gates because he was lazy. And the walls to how much energy it could stand were like gates anyways.

"How can I compete in the championships with that?" Cynthia was of course upset because he was cheating.

"Oh, I'm not going to use these three against you. Nor the fated four, they'll murder your Pokemons easily. I'm going to use this little buddy, I just need to find more like him." Ramiel pointed at his pachirisu who was eating some nuts.

"Pachirisu!" It waved at him and he patted its head. "O-okay, not that makes me happy at all." Cynthia looked at his pachirisu and thought it was a massive blow to her pride.

"It's okay, he's just really absurd." Tatsumaki understood her pain and patted her on the back. "Well, he's that kind of person after all. And I think he's just training them more seriously now after we reminded him of Alexandra."

"Umu, that girl will 100% min max her pokemon. She's really competitive after all." He thought about it and was feeling some very large presences in Kanto.

Samus' group had a couple too, with Rapunzel's Jirachi and an unknown one which felt like it had a different energy signal from the planet.

"A deoxys? Probably Samus'. Kinda suits her, being an alien and all." Ramiel chuckled.

They then went on a spree to beat the shit out of all the gym leaders in Sinnoh.


"Sir, our black market in Eterna city was compromised. Cynthia managed to find them and eliminate the base in Eterna." A mob was reporting to someone.

"I see, no matter. They were being too obvious anyway, it doesn't cost us much... Especially when we have this in our hands." A blue haired man took out a cube.

"Yes sir, team galactic can finally summon palkia and dialga." The mob was delighted.

"Not yet, we need to get our hands on the orbs. Now leave and plan to retrieve them. This worked in our favor, they are busy handling the compromised base in Eterna." The man ordered and he looked at the cube with interest.

"Dialga and Palkia will destroy this universe and I will rule it as its God." He squinted his eyes, giving a smile at how close team galactic's plans were.


Thanks for reading everyone.

I'm also planning a poll for the next place they'll go to. I have tons of options, but I narrowed it down to these. Please leave a comment on them and I'll count it to the vote.

Final Fantasy XV, maybe give Lunafreya a better role and Noctis a better fate. And of course, beat the shit out of the douchebag that is ff15's bahamut.

Return to MCU. Less of the avengers, more of the mutants. Which should've been introduced to the MCU a long time ago tbh.

Naruto, Make the female cast better? Because Kishimoto's kunoichi has tons of potential. Which is sadly underutilized.

That's all, ciao.