
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 54 – Braun Versus Elizabeth Part 1

'UOOOOHHH! Elizabeth is so strong master! She already defeated 5 other guys!' the slime atop his head shouts, its body wriggling around in excitement as he only chuckles in response.

"Well there goes our 5th contestant of the day, it truly just shows the might of Elizabeth the Ice Princess! Even after 5 consecutive fights, her Ice Titan remains standing tall without a nick nor a scratch! But will our 6th and final lucky contestant finally defeat the unstoppable win streak of the Ice Princess!" As the crowd roars in excitement, the lights around the arena shut down as the final lucky draw is about to happen.

'Master, is it our turn now?' the slime asked, glancing around the arena with curious eyes.

'Indeed.' Braun responds, in tandem, nearly everyone in the arena raises one of their monster cards to the air and as the slime on his head hops to the air, it transforms into a small card which he grabs and raises along with the hundreds of other trainers such as him.

Watching the headlight move from one person to another, he simply closes his eyes without worry, it was as if his victory was already certain.

'The slime transforming into motes of light has attracted the person manning the light's attention, and due to me being not raising my card since the start, along with my ability to see with my eyes covered, and finally the slime… then my victory was already assured since the start.' Braun thought, and as he opens his eyes once more, he finds his whole body was covered by the headlight above him.

"It seems like our final lucky contestant is finally here! Could you please state your name for all of us to hear!" the announcer shouts, standing up, Braun clears his throat and grins.

"The name's Freidrich Braun, the one who will defeat Elizabeth with my partner!" Braun said, his body disappearing and reappearing directly at the metallic platform on the left side of the stage.

"It seems like we have a confident one here! Not even Ethan the Pyromaniac and his hot-bloodedness dare proclaim that!" the announcer shouts, riling up the crowd as they waited for his incredible partner.

"So just like before, it would be a 3 on-"

"No, I would like to shake things up a bit to give a grand ending for everyone to enjoy," Braun said, his voice both loud and quiet at the same time that everyone inside the arenas could somehow hear his voice without him shouting.

"Then go on!" the announcer responds.

"How many monsters do you currently have dear Ice Princess?" Braun asked, a toothy grin flashing on his face that made Elizabeth somehow irritated at him without any valid reason.

"4," Elizabeth coldly responds.

"Then I would like to challenge her into a 1 versus 4! I would only use my partner against her vicious, monstrous 4!" Braun said, his grin widening as everyone roared in disbelief.

"You hear that folks! Freidrich Braun here is so confident he is only going to use 1 monster! By all means! Do as you please!" the announcer shouts, his voice louder than usual, clearly excited at the twist of events.

As the light points at the 2, everyone quiets down and waited for Braun's oh-so mysterious partner.

"Here we go buddy," Braun muttered, pinching the card in his right hand between two fingers, he flicks his wrist forwards and watches the card land in front of him that transforms into a…

"A SLIME?!" the announcer shouts as everyone's eyes bulge in shock, disbelief, whatever it was, they couldn't trust what they were seeing.

"Indeed! My partner is a slime!" Braun said, his nose pointing to the sky while giving a condescending stare at Elizabeth.

"Are you sure you're not high, drunk, or joking? You know this could be a once-in-a-lifetime experience!" the announcer shouts.

"I'm not joking! For I am Freidrich Braun! Professional Biologist and Slime Researcher!" Braun shouts, his grin widening as he could feel it, the abundant victory slowly gathering at the arena, seeping into his field like a weak vortex.

"I guess we have a maniac on our hands folks! But will this maniac perhaps be the one to finally defeat the Ice Princess! Let us see!" the announcer shouts, and the timer finally counts down.

Watching the slime in front of her with disdainful eyes, Elizabeth only shakes her head in disappointment at this lackluster final fight.

"Ice Titan, just finish this quickly, I still have to go back home and challenge that bastard again, that reality-bending hack," Elizabeth said.

Nodding its head, the Ice Titan glances at the slime in front of it and decides to be gentle, only using a little of its physical force.


Slamming its right leg to the ground, an ice pillar erupts from the ground below the slime shooting it high into the air, its body becoming a wobbling gelatinous mess while an ice path forms in front of the ice Titan.

Sliding forwards, the Ice Titan rears back its right hand and as the slime lands in front of him, he slams his hands forward, holding back most of its strength but still strong enough to create a boom and send the slime flying forwards, its body slamming into the wall in the far distance and exploding into countless blobs of blue sludge.

"And there he goes!" the announcer shouts, sighing in disappointment but after looking at Braun who suddenly smirks, he felt something was amiss and halted the guy beside him who was about to press the buzzer to end the match.

"You know what they say, everyone wants the underdog to win whether through normal, or abnormal means, so I must say my sorry but I am the underdog in this story!" Braun said, and as he watches 3 screens flash in his vision, he chuckles and prepares to turn the tides of the battle.

[Boost – Level 1] [Energy Transfer – Level 1] and finally, [Ability Transfer – Level 1]

"It's time to turn up the heat!" Braun shouts, and as everyone watches the slime in the distance reassemble back to tip-top shape, its body glows dark blue and its wriggling slimy mold slowly changed shape, and as everyone gasps in shock, the slime transforms into a perfect replica of Freidrich Braun.

With 5'6 in height, wearing a white shirt and black pants along with black leather shoes, their black hair slick to the back of their head, a confident grin plastered on their face while their eyes glow a dark shade of blue.

"So this is the power you meant, master!" Slime said, their grin widening while it felt absolute control over its slimy body, the knowledge of biology seeping into its mind.

"What a shocking twist! The slime suddenly turned into an exact replica of Freidrich Braun!" the announcer shouts while Elizabeth looks at the slime with intrigued eyes, but in the end, her Ice Titan is just too strong.

Grinning, Slime walks back into the stage while both of its arms transform into a gun-like construct that uses its slime as bullets.

"I'm not going to let you down, master!" Slime shouts, and round two starts.

"Don't hold back, Ice Titan," Elizabeth coldly orders, deciding to finish this in one go and the ice Titan simply nods its head in response.

As both forces lock eyes, Slime points both of its hands forwards and felt Aim-Bot taking effect as if its arms were possessed, Slime shoots a multitude of slimy, but hard blue bullets at the Ice Titan who slides around the area at a rapid pace while Slime's bullets trails behind its path.

Raising its two arms, the Ice Titan manifests two scythes in both hands and swings it forwards once he was right beside the Slime, in response, the Slime only lets the Ice Titan swing its scythes to it and it felt both of its scythes rebounding back into its body as if it had hit an invisible barrier around the Slime, its arms disintegrating into countless ice crystals while Slime's left gun change in shape.

"Kaboom," Slime said, activating the new gun that has more oomph but longer reload time as it needs more slime to have enough strength, and as he watches the hard, cannon-like ball of slime pierce through the chest of the Ice Titan, Slime widens his grin when the Ice Titan shatters into motes of light and transforms into a card that returns back to Elizabeth.

"WHAT?! A SLIME OF ALL THINGS MANAGED TO DEFEAT THE ICE PRINCESS' ICE TITAN?! HOW RIDICULOUS COULD THIS DAY GET!" the announcer shouts with an exaggerated voice, riling up the crowd further as Braun smiles at Slime's success.

"You! That's not a slime! I know what a slime looks like so what is that!" Elizabeth shouts, her eyes turning into a cold, deathly glare.

"I told you, I'm a biologist, I study biology! What more should be said! I'm simply an innovator unlike you," Braun responds, his grin widening as he watches Elizabeth takes out her nice card, the appearance of an Ice Elemental appearing in its card image.

Throwing it with grace, the Level 7 Ice Elemental Manifest in front of Slime. Its body is in the shape of a human encased in crystal blue ice, its eyes glowing a light shade of blue while its mouth lets out cold mist, a series of floating, pointy ice appears on its back while its four limbs were pointy and perhaps deadly.

Raising its right gun, Slime shoots a barrage of deadly slime bullets augmented by Boost but the Ice Elemental simply lets it collide with its ice body, not even a dent has been formed after hundreds of bullets were fired.

"Ice Elemental, attack," Elizabeth coldly orders, and as the Ice Elemental crouches down, Slime watch it suddenly disappear from its vision, and before Slime knew it, Slime's whole body got encased in ice and felt it slowly crushing him into a small sphere.

'Slime!' Braun shouts in its mind.

'Master! I'm stuck!' Slime shouts, its body struggling to break through the unbreakable ice encasing.

'Just follow my command and we would win this!' Braun shouts as slime metaphorically nods its head.

Feeling their mental connection growing stronger, Slime teleports its body outside the ice encasing and above the Ice Elemental who looks bewildered when its body suddenly disappeared.

Manipulating the compartments of its biological gun, Slime shoots a spray of slime to the ground below the Ice Elemental and watches its leg gets stuck under the slime.

Changing its left leg into a scythe, Slime teleports directly in front of the Ice Elemental and swings its left leg to its neck, watching the Ice Elemental's head flying off into the air, Slime lands on his right leg after spinning in midair to execute that command.

'We're not done yet, Slime.' Braun said, his grin widening as the headless body of the Ice Elemental freeze the slime grabbing its legs and breaking them with a single tug, flying back to its head, the Ice Element put it back on its stump and goes back to normal.

[Synchronization – Level 1]

As Slime felt its mind melding into one with Braun, Slime's body glows a darker shade of blue while its physical properties got enhanced further with the activation of Boost, considering Slime has no muscle, this is a miraculous feat to achieve for a slime.

Manifesting a series of tentacles on its back, Slime transforms them into a multitude of guns and felt Aim-Bot taking hold of their aim.

'You ready?' Braun asked in Slime's mind.

'Mmm!' Slime responds, and with that, round 3 starts.

Launching a series of slime bullets as hard as diamonds, the ice Elemental weaves through them like a shadow while Slime launches high up into the air after kicking on the ground to dodge the ice spike that appeared below it.

Spinning its body high up in the air, its slime bullets covered the whole stage in slime while the Ice Elemental flashes from one place to another, as if it was teleporting from one ice to another.

Turning its head up, Slime watches the Ice Elemental shoot a series of Ice Shards at it hit straight into its chest, automatically twisting his body to the left, the ice shards graze past its cheek and both Braun and Slime grin after seeing the Ice Elemental teleports right in front of the Slime.

"'Checkmate.'" Both man and slime said upon seeing the Ice Elemental fall into their trap.

Exploding its body outward like a tidal wave of slime, Slime covers the Ice Elemental whole inside its slime body, and with the sound of ice shattering, the Ice Elemental inside it explodes into ice shards and into motes of light that formed a card right in front of the slime that shoots back to Elizabeth.

"WHAT?! Did you see that people! A Level 1 slime managed to defeat a Level 7 Ice Elemental, now that's a god slime if I ever see one!" the announcer shouts while the crowd cheers, many eyes look at the slime in disbelief at its absurd abilities.

"Tch, I didn't expect that somebody would force me to get serious in this no-name kingdom, but I guess here we are," Elizabeth said, shaking her head and clicking her tongue in disappointment at herself.

"Well, I guess you will be the first one to meet my full wrath!" Elizabeth said, pointing her right index and middle finger at Braun as a card suddenly manifest between her raised fingers, the image of an Ice Dragon residing inside the oval-shaped frame.

'I guess we're going to fight a dragon right now, buddy!' Braun shouts as the glow in Slime's eyes grows brighter at the new challenge.

AN: This is 2314 words, you're welcome.

Fucking hell, its so anime!

Future Author here, Volume 6 was so fucking raw, like eating raw human meat kind of raw, like cannibalism type of raw, like eating your childhood friend that got fucked by the hero kind of raw, like eating a whole village kind of raw.

Writing is hard, so send me some powerstones.

Tutorial on how to send powerstones to newbies out there who were like me and have never sent a powerstone their whole lives. First, if you're reading this and are at the end of the chapter already, you'll see the [Vote] button down right there, just click it and send me all your powerstones because honestly, you're kind of a leech right now, a useless parasite compared to the hardworkers in this "community".

(June 15, 2022 – 203rd day of writing)