
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 5 – Finding out the Truth

In the open sea, a ship was seen floating around as a group of soldiers wearing gray suits was on board while a group of tied people was beside them.

"Tsk, Eldian scums, to think you would dare rebel against us. You should be grateful you haven't died back then and we still kept your family alive," said one man as he kicks one of the tied persons in the stomach, making him gag from the force on his stomach.

"Enough with that, we're about to land. Remember to be careful when injecting them, they might turn into a titan while we're with them, it would spell our demise if that happens," said their leader as they nod in response and buckle their rifles as the ship stopped by the dock.

"Pick them up boys!" said the leader as he grabs one Eldian by the chest, tugging him up so that he can stand, and soon, they were all waking up the stairs to the injection site.

"Please! I don't want to d-!" shouts one of the Eldian but he was unfortunately kicked in the stomach once more, silencing him as the one who kicked him smirks showing how sadistic these Marleyan soldiers were.

With the group of 5 Marleyans and 5 Eldians now on top of the wall, the 5 Eldians were forced onto their knees.

"Please! PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" shouts the blond eldian as one soldier smirks, and with one swift kick, he was flung down the walls to act as bait for the titans.

"MMM!" shouts the other 4 who were gagged and soon, the soldiers take out their syringes and prop them on the 4 eldians napes, and as their fat leader claps their hands, they inject the spinal fluid without mercy as they screamed behind their gagged mouths.

With the 4 now infected by the fluid, they were kicked down the wall without mercy as lightning struck in front of them, and soon, matter was created from nowhere with 4 titans appearing where the 4 eldians were previously at.

"Kukuku, now those eldians can fight themselves, how ironic," snickered one of the soldiers as they chuckled at the spectacle of 4 titans running after one man.

But soon, they saw a hook latch on one of the newly created titan's shoulders and with a blur, a person suddenly lands on the titan's shoulder, and with one swift grab, he gouges his arm inside the nape, and with one pull, the eldian inside the titan was pulled as the man nods at the sight.

"That confirms it," he mutters, glancing at the Marleyan soldiers in front of him that hold juicy info, he smirks as two hook shoots out of his waist hitting the wall the Marleyan soldiers were standing on.

And within an instant, he appears right in front of them swiftly killing the one in the middle while the Marleyan soldiers panicked but still managed to take out their rifles and point them at the man.

"DIE!" shouts the man who kicked the blond eldian earlier, shooting a bullet straight to the man's chest and as they watch him kneel down on the ground with his chest profusely bleeding, they start to smirk but soon look at him in horror when he suddenly stands up and the hole in his chest now gone.

"W-what?!" shouts the man and as he blinks in fear, the man suddenly appears right in front of him with his blade now piercing through his forehead, killing him within an instant.

Ducking down to the ground, he dodges the two bullets that the two Marleyan soldiers shoot behind him.

He then turns around, dislodges the blades in his two swords, and swings them towards the two Marleyan soldiers behind him, killing them with one strike as the two sharp blades unexpectedly shoot out from the hilt, accurately piercing through their neck as they glance down with confused eyes.

With the two dropping down to the sandy ground beside the wall, he grabs the Marleyan soldier he first killed by the chest to use as a shield from the shots of the two Marleyan soldiers in front of him.

As he rushes through their gunfire, he reaches the two, and with a blade suddenly appearing from the hilt of the sword in his right, he slashes the neck of the one on the right and slams the one on the left onto the sandy ground beside them, dropping him dead to the titans near them.

'T-this is my chance!' the fat man thought as he reaches for his rifle and points them at the man who has his back turned away from him, hastily shooting one bullet to his head but as if the man has an eye on his back, he slightly tilts his head to the left dodging the bullet that grazes past his ear.

"Hello there," the man unexpectedly said. Turning his body around so that the fat man could see it, he sees a body riddled with blood and flesh that brought fear to the fat man, but he still remained calm as he wasn't the leader for nothing.

"Who are you! I'm a Marleyan soldier who was tasked to subject these Eldians with the titan spinal fluid! What country are you from!" shouts the man as he points his finger at him with a raging voice.

"You don't need to know it, all you need to know is that if you don't answer my questions, you will wish you died right here right now before you experienced the hell I will make you go through," the man said, a voice so calm it even disturbed the fat man as he looks at the cold gaze of the man in front of him.

And with a flash, the man in front of him suddenly disappears and as he feels an arm grasping his neck with a tight grip, he looks down to see him smirking with a malicious smile, and soon, his loud screams reverberated through the area as his personal hell soon appears in the form of a man that he encountered out of nowhere today.

Soon, on top of the wall, a pool of blood was seen as the man glanced at the dead man below him that has begged for the release of death for a few hours straight.

'So I'm currently in Paradis Island, the island where the Eldians flocked to a long time ago, and Eldians are considered to be the devils of this world from their rein a few centuries ago…' he thought in his mind as he browses through his mind from the knowledge he gained from the man a while ago.

'Hmm, the Armored, Colossal, Female, and Jaw Titan are currently in Paradis Island for that mission. Sigh, I guess I shouldn't waste time fearing the unknown, I should just use the spinal fluid already and see what happens.' He thought while the syringe appears in his right hand that holds the titan spinal fluid.

'I've already tried it out on the man and nothing happened to him, so if nothing happens to me, well I guess I should just find a way to incorporate the DNA of eldians into my body later.' He thought while putting the syringe on his neck, and as the tip of the needle made contact with his nape, he pushes it without hesitation and pressed down the syringe so that the fluid can enter his body.

And as he expected, nothing happened after a while and he sighs in response.

'Sigh, I guess I should experiment for now before I head out to Marley.' He thought, and as he walks to a different place far away from the blood, he kneels down on the ground with a human suddenly appeared in front of him.

"So this is a version of Eldian 1 who was ripped out of the titan, he seems to have lost his ability to think already but his body is still regenerating. So it means his body is still alive, a body that I can perhaps gain if I slowly transfer his body to mine one by one through surgery," he mutters as he takes a deep breath, and as he chops the index finger of the eldian in front of him, he nears his right index finger to his mouth and opened his jaw wide.

'Here goes nothing.' He thought and with a loud audible chomp, his index finger was bitten out leaving a fountain of blood inside his mouth.

Hastily grabbing the index finger of the Eldian, he puts it on his severed right index finger and as the hot steam slowly burns the stump of his finger, he slowly felt it regenerating back, and slowly, the finger somehow became his!

"It worked!" he shouts as he glances at his new index finger with wide eyes, taking out a knife from his pocket, he grazes it and watches the small cut release steam and heals back without any problems.

"It means… sigh, this would be messy but this would be the easiest way without having to waste decades before humanity reaches a technological level enough to suit my needs," he mutters while rubbing his temple while letting out a sigh.

As his gear appears back on his waist, he glances at the dead eldians and marleyans around him with a cold gaze while rubbing his new index finger against the trigger, trying to see how different it feels compared to his old index finger.

'it seems like my muscle memory still transfers back, but if my plan succeeds, then the regeneration ability of that eldian would be mine which means my muscles would regenerate faster, which also means I'll grow stronger at a higher peak compared to my limit right now. And with my muscle memory, it would only hasten my new body's growth and I should reach this body's physical capabilities in a couple of months of training and perhaps even less as I still don't know how effective the regeneration would be for muscle growth.' He thought as he nears the edge of the walls and with a single mental command, the titan that he was previously riding on suddenly appears right below him.

"Let's go!" he shouts while taking out the same stick that has an arm on it and with his mighty steed by his side, he rushes through the lands of Paradis Island as he will start to make the contraption that would allow him to gain a new body of an eldian and gain their supernatural abilities.

'And luckily enough for me, the eldians I found seem to have a higher physical talent already and the one I picked has the most defined muscles out of all of them, soon, I'll gain his body and have the potential to gain the titan shifter's abilities, but that's a few years into the future, right now I would have no way of killing them and eating them.' He thought while he looks at his index finger with a smirk, soon, the wonders of the eldian physiology showed themselves as the finger starts to transform into the same as his old one, a very useful ability and it shows that his future body would slowly transform into the one he has right now which means his combat mastery won't degrade due to having an unfamiliar body.

'Regeneration, ability to become titans, higher physical growth due to the regeneration, hmm, those 3 are already enough for me, but if my head is that of a non-eldian, would my consciousness remain if I inject myself with the fluid again later?' he thought with a curious smile as the forest slowly appears in the distance.

With a flicker, a blade appears in his right arm that gleams under the setting sun that dyed the land a warm color of orange, and with a single hop, he appears right at the nape of the titan he was on and slashes the nape without hesitation, killing it just like that as he hops on the ground and starting his walk back to his base to start his plan of gaining an eldian body.

AN: This is 2046 words, you're welcome.

Writing is hard, so give me some power stones.

And also, I'm already in Vol3 so yeah, Vol1 and 2 is very short, especially Vol2, it's only 1 chapter.

(May 17, 2022 – 174th day of writing)