
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 4 – Revelation

In a forest full of overgrown trees filled with moss and weed all around, a sound reverberated all around the silent forest as a shadowy blur swung from one place to another leaving behind a trail of gas behind them.

And in front of him, a group of 10 titans was wandering about as most of them were 10 meters tall which was dangerous for one man to take alone, but the blur rushes to them without hesitation as the sound of blades being drawn alerted the titans.

But as they glance at the blur, it suddenly disappears and without them noticing, the blur appears directly in their middle as a single titan was slain with a single blade cutting its nape while the blur shoots another hook to the titan on the left's right eye, using it as a point of movement to fly to the left.

'9 left, two on the right in a straight line, pierce the tree with my right hook and spin to kill both of them with one swing.' He thought, as the hook on his left retracts back from the eye of the titan, he shoots one straight hook to the tree on his right that was parallel to the two titans' napes and gas soon erupts from his waist shooting him straight to the right near their nape.

"HA!" he shouts while spinning like a sharp saw, directly cutting both of the titan's napes, slaying them within an instant.

Soon, two more hooks shoot out straight in front of him as he appears behind another titan to cut its swinging arm and shoot another hook towards it to loop around the arm and directly appear behind the titan whose arm was cut in half.

With a big swing, his sharp blade directly cuts the nape killing the titan.

'7 left.' He thought while glancing around him with a cold gaze, and with one more swing, he rushes all around the series of trees to assassinate the titans one by one with rapid movements that would have killed any normal human being.

And as the last titan's nape was cut, another hook shoots towards a tree so he can hang on it and recuperate.

"10 titans killed in less than a minute, mistakes made to a minimal. Finally… my training is done," he mutters as he glances at his body, patting his strained muscles that were defined beyond a point imaginable by humans.

A body sculptured for combat and survivability, a body specifically suited for his needs.

'Let's go back home, now I can finally leave this place and start finding other humans. How many years have even passed by already?' he thought while he jumps from the tree and the hook on his right shoots out to grab another tree.

As he swings from one tree to another, he glances around the forest with nostalgic eyes that he will have to leave soon now that his multi-year long training has been finished.

Arriving at the series of trees protected by a barricade of wooden reinforced planks, more gas shoots from his waist directed to the ground, shooting him high in the air reaching past the roof of green overgrown leaves.

And as he lands back on the roof of reinforced wooden planks, he opens the same hatch that he has used for years and looks below him, glancing at his humble abode that he has stayed in for years.

With a smile, he drops down without fear and as he was about to hit the ground, gas erupts from his waist halting his fall within an instant.

Now that he was here, he takes off his clothes and walks toward the river with a calm smile, glancing at the crystal clear water that reflects his body, he sees his body rippled with muscles that was not too bulky nor lean, just in the right spot that maximized his strength, agility, and adaptability, a body fitted for someone who has been hunting titans in a forest for years.

Looking at his long hair and stubble filled chin, he chuckles and dunks his body in the refreshing cold water to wash the blood and dirt off his body, easing his mind to a point where he was calm and starts to reminiscent of the past few years he was in this world.

He learned blacksmithing, fishing, fighting, combat, survival, made a base from scratch, learned how a titan's physiology works, etc. that would have been unimaginable to his past self.

His past self that was weak, scrawny, and an insufferable idiot who kept shouting in a titan-infested forest.

'Sigh, I was really stupid back then, I wonder what society I would find out there in the world. Is it one of the supernatural with vampires or werewolves? A one where humanity has eradicated the titans? Well, only one way to find out.' He groans and got out of the river with his wet body soaked in water.

With wet feet, he puts his feet on the grassy ground and walks towards a crudely made drawer, grabbing a knife, he walks back to the river and puts the knife near his hair which he grabs with one hand.

With one swift cut, his long black hair was cut into a shorter one that doesn't obstruct his vision. With his hair done, he nears the knife on his stubble and slowly shaves it off with the sharp edge of the knife, and soon, he finished cleaning himself with his face now much more appealing to look at.

'Good thing I didn't receive any scars to my body, it would have reduced my charisma by a lot. If only I was more handsome, oh well, I'll deal with that later.' He mutters in his mind, walking away from the river, he goes to his living quarters and grabs a pair of clothes with bad craftmanship but he still likes to wear them as it was more light and less tight compared to his first outfit that came from the man who died in the titan's stomach.

With his clothes now set and his stuff all in his save files, he glances all around his base with a melancholic smile, and with a hook shooting out of his waist, it reaches the wooden roof above him straight to the hatch he flies through with a single jump.

Now out of the roof high above the air, another hook shoots out of his waist to the hatch's handle to close it with a tug and both of his hooks retracted at the same time.

'Goodbye.' He thought in his mind silently as he lifts his hand up to the air with two hooks shooting in front of him, latching on to two trees, he starts flying out of the forest at a rapid pace dodging trees left and right as a shadowy blur.

As he flies through the forest with trees flying past him, he encountered a multitude of titans that he simply ignores and continues to swing in the general direction.

And soon, after a few minutes, he starts to see the edge of the large forest and what he saw was a field of grass, and as he saw that, his eyes remain unchanged wearing the same blank stare he always has.

Landing on the ground, the machine on his waist disappears with a flash while he crouches down on the ground, crunching his feet to the ground, he takes off into a ridiculously fast sprint that was on the level of an Olympic athlete but he continues to run at the same speed for a long time, continuing to reload his body to an optimal condition that shows one of the most practical applications of his powers.

'Oh? There's also titans out here?' he thought, glancing at the lone titan in the distance walking around at a slow pace.

'Hmm, why not, I don't mind riding on a titan once in a while.' He thought, with a flash, his gear appears on his waist once more that he accurately shoots towards the head of the lone titan in the distance, and with a swift pull, he was flung towards the head of the titan which he stabs with his sword to hang on to.

Now that he was here, he stretches his hand out and out came a stick with a human arm dangling on the thread attached to the stick.

With a pat on the titan's head, it finally saw the arm and like a pig trying to catch a carrot, the titan became a simple toy for him to use to move around this open field.

'Hmm? This one moves faster than I thought.' He thought, directing the titan in a single direction and he doesn't mind wandering around for a few weeks straight, he already spent years in isolation while inside a forest and his mental mind has grown since then.

With the titan rapidly running towards the direction where the arm was dangled, he sits down on the head while taking out a piece of bird meat to eat and he was greeted with the same bland taste it always has, but the taste was nothing but a pleasantry to him, as long as it can help him grow, he would even eat a mosquito if it can benefit him more than it can hurt him.

'Maybe I should start experimenting with titans later, they have this regenerative ability and seems human enough, maybe I could transfer their cells to me later so that I could gain their regeneration.' He thought while glancing at the smoke coming out from the pierced head of the titan that shows they don't even need a brain to function but he wonders why their nape is their weak spot.

The few times he inspects them, he only sees nothing but the flesh and a weird nerve structure that seems to hold most of the titan's control, kind of like the spine for humans.

'Hmm, so much is in the unknown for me right now. But I have a million years left to find my answers before this world dies so it's not a problem for me.' He thought, watching the field around him with a blank stare as the titan continues to run forwards but soon, it started to get tired and that's when he reloads it back to its previous state and now it ran faster than ever before.

And as time passed by, they soon entered a desert-like area and he hears the slight sound of waves shifting which means they are near the sea.

But as he stands up to look ahead, he was greeted by the sight of something unexpected.

"Huh?" he mutters the moment he saw a wall in the distance, and as he kills the titan below him on the nape to halt its movement, he jumps down to the ground glancing around the area with raised eyebrows.

And while wandering, he felt his foot making contact with something that instantly crack and as he crouches down to inspect it, he saw a set of leg bones on the ground.

'Human remains?' he thought, intrigued at this new discovery, both of his hooks shoot to the top of the wall, and with one tug, he was flung high into the air and landed on the wall without a hitch.

And as he glances around the wall, he looks down at the ground to see bloodstains on the wall itself.

"Blood?" he says while rubbing his chin.

Then as he walks around on top of the wall, he sees more stains reminiscent to piss and shit, so something frightful has happened here.

'Oh?' he thought, glancing at the weird broken glass and an object reminiscent of an injection device.

'Drugs perhaps? Wait… humans, titans, human remains along with a weird syringe, and fear is prominent from the shit, along with violence…' he thought as his eyes widen, hastily looking around, he found a set of marks on the ground similar to two knees on the ground.

'Humans… are titans?!' he thought, shocked at this revelation from the set of clues he found.

'That means… there would be more to come.' He thought, a malicious smile donning his face as he glances at the raging sea in front of him that will bring him to a new horizon.

AN: This is 2076 words, you're welcome.

Writing is hard, so give me power stones.

(May 17, 2022 – 174th day of writing)