
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 191 – A Changing World


A black shadow can be seen rapidly flying through the blue sky littered with fluffy white clouds, leaving behind a trail of white smoke behind it as loud sonic booms rang from its movement. It poked through the clouds swiftly, continuing its trail without any hint of stopping.

Above it, the black shadow was greeted by a rapidly approaching thin sheen of blue light above the clouds of Earth. It was a strange sight, because that sheen of blue light didn't exist just a few days ago, but due to the certain manipulations of a near god-like entity, Earth has undergone rapid changes that would have taken thousands of years to accomplish.

Flying through the weird membrane of blue light, the black shadow continued to fly higher and higher towards the sky, until finally, it reached the point between Earth's atmosphere and Earth. It halted its movements, revealing a shadowy humanoid figure with a body that constantly swooshed in a chaotic manner just like black gas. Its shadowy head suddenly lit up with a pair of two silver lights just like eyes, and it stared at the world below it.

It was greeted by the sight of Earth, an Earth far from its initial appearance just a few days ago. One would even consider it to be an entirely different world altogether if they were ignorant of what happened.

Just a single glance alone would make a person who knows Earth on a surface level would have their eyes bulge, as a thin blue membrane of light covered the Earth's atmosphere. This was due to the enormous amount of mana being produced from transformed electricity by the nigh-invisible nanites surrounding the world, creating this brilliant light show as a byproduct.

But the figure simply didn't glance at the world below it to inspect the physical manifestation of mana as a sheen of blue light, no, it looked down to see the true changes that happened to Earth in mere days since Isaac conquered all of humanity in one swift blow.

"Ha!" A group of young men punched their fists forward, creating wooshing sounds through the air. They all wore the same attire consisting of a black nanite suit covering their neck downwards, enveloping their entire body, while also showing their defined bodies packed with muscles.

In front of them, their collective punch transformed into a mystical white fist, which flew toward the boulder in the distance. With a loud collision, the ginormous boulder the size of a house shattered upon contact.

But just as the boulder shattered, the young men hastily turned toward each other in a drastic manner. Their fists were reared back, thick white aura enveloped their fists as their eyes were emotionless and cold.

Within a single second, the group of young men fought each other ruthlessly without holding back. White phantom fists, ginormous projection of legs, long slender whips made of white energy, and many more techniques were exerted by the group of young men. It was as if they were ruthless killing machines, they fought without any care for their own safety as they struck merciless blows filled with killing intent.

Many of them had bruises and deep wounds formed over their body, some even had their entire limbs chopped off, but their eyes remained cold and distant, and their faces were constantly the same robotic gaze. Quickly, their damaged bodies started to regenerate in a gory manner, with veins and bones popping out, while flesh enveloped them to reform missing limbs and heal wounds.

The scenery then changed, showing an overview of an entire forest where more groups of people fought with each other. Some used the same white energy as before, some held swords where sword energy flowed, some projected out beast phantoms through mystical means, some used the same old magic, and many more power systems can be seen being exerted.

It was a gruesome scene filled with bloodshed and death, with humans fighting each other without a care for their own wellbeing.

The shadow above Earth turned its gray eyes to the side, its vision landing on a different area. There, the shadow saw a city, a city with infrastructure and architecture entirely alien to what it was before.

Gone were houses or buildings, gone were beautiful parks or statues, and gone were the libraries and schools. What was shown was a barren land of metallic gray, covering the entirety of the flat ground, with weird metallic protrusions popping out of the ground. Strange symbols were engraved everywhere, both on the land and air, some glowed with vibrant colors, while others remained motionless and lackluster.

Humans can then be seen inside weird metallic boxes. They stood there motionless, while a metallic tube that stems from the ground was connected directly to their heads, just like a dystopian scene inside a SciFi novel about humanity's doom.

In other metallic structures, humans can then be seen standing naked. Some were fucking each other, while some were inside strange pods. Some women had their stomachs inflate to a large degree in mere minutes, and out comes a baby. Some had men stuck in the same pods, while their stomachs inflate just the same, and out came a baby from their anus. It was a putrid sight, and yet it was only the start of the horrific experiments done on humans.

Directing its sight onto another building, it was greeted by more 'humans' standing naked. Well, those figures were definitely far from what you would expect of a human.

They had multiple eyes growing throughout their entire bodies, some had insect limbs popping out their backs, and some have their arms replaced with weird black goo that rapidly shift in form. It was a scene that can only be described as vile, and all of these evil acts were done by a single person.

"Test 647907, start," a woman's voice called out from the room, and the 'humans' in the room suddenly disappeared with a loud boom.

The next instant, a loud bang was heard and a body flew toward the wall. As it slid down to the ground, all bloody and battered, it is revealed to be the eyeball guy, now squished and smashed into nothing but a pile of meat.

The humans in the room stared at each aggressively, thick killing intent flowed out of their gazes.

The insect human had its white skyhopper legs inflate, pushing itself forward as the ginormous mantis scythes from its back gleamed with sharpness. In response, another human with two black hands akin to black goo waved its arm to the side, its black hand extending outwards to barely dodge the insect human.

But it didn't stop there, as its other hand extended towards the eyeball guy with ferocity, the end of its black arm transformed into a monstrous maw that swallowed the eyeball human with one loud chomp. In mere moments, before the insect human could even stop the black goo human, eyeballs started popping all throughout its body. Some were demonic, draconic, angelic, and all kinds of eyes formed throughout their body, turning them into a more monstrous form.

One of its eyes stared directly at the insect human, which then gave off a burst of energy, halting the insect human in its steps. Without mercy, the black goo human stretched out its black hand with ferociousness, a ginormous maw opens once more to then swallow the insect human.

Just like last time, more mutations occurred throughout its body. Both of its legs turned white and slender, just like the skyhopper's legs, a mystical bug that is just like a grasshopper, but it can also hop in midair. A pair of mantis scythes popped out of the human's back, and it was colored the same white color just like its legs.

"Test results: Devourer Human won."

The black shadow in the sky then stared elsewhere, its pair of emotionless silver-gray eyes moving towards the sea in particular. There, it saw a mystical sight that elevates Earth into a classical fantasy world.

Above the blue sea, and just below the fluffy white clouds that rolled over the surface of oceans, it saw a series of floating islands in the sky. Those floating islands had rocky bottoms, with varied ecosystems laying atop them. Some were dense forests, dry deserts, lush plains, lively jungles, calm lakes, hot volcanoes, and many more.

On them, life flourished. Some had birds with nests, wolves living in packs, dens packed with rabbits, foxes living inside caves, and so much more. Not only that, but the seas below them had marine life booming as well.

It was a scene filled with immense vitality, as life was brimming nearly everywhere. Due to that, immensely powerful beasts were rapidly produced these past few days. Now, even A-Rank creatures roamed on the floating islands, flew in the air above, and swam on the seas below. At this rate, S-Rank beasts would eventually take their place, creating a mystical area with a thriving ecosystem full of variety and diverse connections.

On the other hand, due to the immense amount of life living, an immense amount of death also happens, especially to creatures who hold short lifespans or due to the fierce nature between beasts, resulting in a lot of bloodshed between one another as they thrive to claim the throne for themselves.

Due to that, a cycle of life and death cranked to an unprecedented magnitude was formed, where both life and death thrive from one another. With life comes death, and with death comes life. Both laws are simply two sides of the same coin, one can't exist without the other.

And so, the shadow in the sky continued to silently stare at the rapidly developing world under it.

More mana enveloped Earth, humanity continuously turned stronger and more monstrous as more experiments were done on them, and both life and death thrived all throughout the world as artificial biomes were created to accommodate all kinds of beasts to form a complex web.

Isaac expanded his reach all throughout the world, enveloping the sky with floating cities, while swallowing the undercurrent seas and creating infrastructure over the seafloor. With the help of his immensely powerful artificial intelligence that now grasps an entire world of resources, Isaac could simply utter a word and the whole world would inevitably be truly his.

Nanites dug out the area beneath the Earth's crust. He hollowed out thousands of kilometers, forming more and more layers not just above the surface of the Earth, but also below it. Seas were conquered with his magical and technological might, forming underwater buildings and facilities without any happenstance. Floating islands and other floating constructs littered the sky, creating a dystopian aesthetic for Earth.

Humanity also grew in strength, as more and more powerful human champions were born under rigorous training where death doesn't matter. His number of Demigods rose at an unprecedented rate, but this rate would be expected if an experienced Demigod who already has one foot into the realm of gods gains control over billions of beings.

With his own experience and immense foundation, raising a single person to Demigod level would be easy even with limited resources. Now? He has an entire world at the palm of his head, with control far beyond what Demigods could ever hope to achieve.

One can say that even as a peak Demigod expert with a single step into the realm of gods already, he actually has strength far beyond what any Demigod could ever hope to achieve in thousands of years.

Imagine facing a single person, a single person that has Demigod slaves, Demigod slaves with all peak Demigod battle strength and are entirely immortal, Demigods that don't fear death nor any threat that may take away their life, and act as perfect pawns to use that follows every order the person gives.

At his current strength, conquering other planets brimming with life would be akin to bullying a child, but that would only be feasible if the planet only has Demigods and have no gods presiding over it. If so, then even with tens or hundreds of demigods under his control, he won't be the god's match.

This was the terrifying difference between demigods and gods, even though they are just divided by one realm, that single difference is as large as the gap between heaven and earth.

And so, a month fully passed ever since Isaac Deathwill took control over Earth.

AN: This chapter has 2090 words.

(November 21, 2022 – 361st day of writing)

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