
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 166 – Love 

Isaac looks at himself in a mirror. His skin was pale white, his eyes were abyssal black with endless depth, and his hair was long and raven black. He wore a casual set of clothes consisting of a black shirt and black pants, giving him an edgy but cool temperament that will make anyone feel like they're looking at a cosplayer.

Surrounding him were three other people, one was a muscular teen with flowing red hair and fierce red eyes. He patted Isaac's back while laughing: "Ohoho! To think Isaac would have his first date already. Shit! Why was he the first one!"

Another boy with golden hair and eyes said: "Hahaha, I hope you suffer from misfortune on your first date and embarrass yourself!"

Finally, a boy with long black hair and sharp eyes added: "One must feel happy when their friend is happy. But at this moment, I only feel envy."

Seeing the others cursing him, Isaac only laughs and responded with a smile: "Since when was this a date? We're just hanging out as friends! C'mon, you guys know that our time in America is limited so we would obviously want to have a lot of fun since we still have time."

"Shut up, I can't hear you."

"Shit, since when did this bastard meet her? If only I looked more like Isaac and not this young brother character!"

"Friendship usually blossoms into love, my dear friend."

Rolling his eyes, Isaac started to walk out of the hotel as he prepares to go out and 'hang out' with Clover.

*** (Fourleaf Manor)

Inside the luxurious manor of the Fourleaf family, a girl can be seen pacing around her own room as servants worriedly look at her outside the door.

"To think the young mistress is going on her first date so soon. I wonder who the lucky guy is?"

"She really did grow up fast."

Hearing their whispers, Clover blushed and hurriedly lock the door shut, causing them to chuckle and go away to respect her privacy. Dropping down to the ground, she sighs and grabs her head as her emotions overwhelmed her: 'This is only us hanging out, right? Then why am I feeling so nervous already!'

Standing up, she slowly walks towards her mirror and looked at herself. She wore a modest yellow shirt and a white skirt which complimented nicely with her flowing golden hair like a river of gold. But she couldn't help but worry as she started to pace around the room again: 'What if he thinks I'm ugly?'

'Argh! Why do I even care about what he thinks about my looks?! Aren't we just going out for fun?' She questioned. But as soon as she did so, she started to blush as she grabbed her beating heart that was about to burst, 'What… what is this! Why do I feel like my heart is about to explode right now!'

Slapping her own face to calm her down, she takes a deep breath and regained her bearings. 'Just trust in your own luck, Clover! Just go out there! The hard part is just taking the first step!'

Feeling her own confidence building up, she quickly opened the door to her room and rush out: "I'm going out now! Don't bother to take me home! I can just walk back home!"

Watching her leave into the distance, the gathered servants laughed while wishing her good luck.

"Good luck, young miss!"

"We hope that your first date goes well!"

And so, two teenagers rush goes out into the wider city to meet up with each other.


"Sorry! Did I make you wait long?" Clover asked as she arrived at their meeting place. Upon seeing Isaac in the distance, she felt flustered and walked up to him.

"No, not really. I just arrived here like a minute ago. But what about you? It seems like you just ran with all your might. Your body is already covered in sweat," Isaac chuckled and pointed at her sweat-ridden clothes.

Seeing that, she blushed as she felt embarrassment within her: 'Ahhhh! He already saw me at nearly my worst! I thought my luck is going to protect me!'

"Hmm?" Seeing her turn around with a red face, Isaac approached her and put his arm on her shoulder. With a pull, Clover suddenly found her body twisting and falling into Isaac's hold, along with his face directly in front of her.

"Huh, it's really weird that you smell kind of nice even while sweating. Did you use a perfume?" Isaac inquired while sniffing Clover, causing her to blush profusely once more.

'What… what do I do here?!' To suddenly be in this situation out of nowhere, she felt shocked and confused, causing her mind to be unable to process what was happening.

'Is this… is this my luck affecting the situation? But… but why?!' Clover deep down knew why, her luck's outcome would usually be something that benefits her or something she wants to happen, but she wanted to reject that notion because why would she want to be hugged and sniffed by Isaac?

"N-No! I didn't use a perfume," Clover responded and was let go by Isaac.

"Oh, then I guess you really just smell good naturally. Aren't you just born with such great genetics," Isaac laughs while stretching out his hand. Quickly, a white magic circle formed and she felt a coat of mana covering her body and skin, and the sweat and dirt covering her went away in one single instant.

"Magic?" Clover asked.

"Yep, it's my own improved version of the Clean spell. It's a pretty handy spell for day-to-day life," Isaac responds while turning around.

"Oh, I guess managing to enter Seoul High does mean you're a genius," Clover nods her head and followed along.

"So, where do you want to go first?" Isaac laughed after a short while and they arrived at a road with no cars in sight.

"I was thinking of the arcade!" Clover responded and stood beside Isaac near the road.

"The arcade? Sure, why not," Isaac responded.

With that decided, the two went to walk towards the open road when out of nowhere, they suddenly heard a honking sound in the distance and saw a rapidly approaching car approaching in the distance. At that speed, Clover wouldn't be able to dodge it!

Seeing the car being so close and to appear out of nowhere, Clover felt the whole world slow down as she felt the fear of death deep within her. Even though she has boundless confidence in her luck, at that moment, she truly felt like she was going to die. All of her memories throughout her entire life played like a movie for her.

At that moment, one thought rang in her mind: 'Somebody, please save me!'

Even though she was a cheater, she was still a normal 15-year-old girl and would of course be unable to stay calm and rational in that situation. So, when a pair of arms suddenly grabs her from the back like a warm embrace that pulled her away from the gates of hell, she felt a burst of emotion deep within her as her eyes were met with the worry-stricken face of Isaac.

Like a ball of light appearing in the darkness, she was barely able to dodge the car and fall down to the ground on top of Isaac who hastily asked: "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere…?"

Feeling his warm embrace and deep worry for her even though they'd only known each other for a few years, it made her feel butterflies in her stomach as she blushed heavily like a bright red tomato. To feel such rapid swings of emotions made her mind almost stop working.

"Tsk, those damn reckless drivers!" Isaac shouted as the both of them stood up, and Isaac slowly let go of his arms that embraced Clover's body.

Instantly, she felt a deep urge within her to not let those arms go away, so without even thinking, she had her hand grab Isaac's. But upon realizing what she did, she blushed and cried out: "Let's go to the movies instead!"

"The movies? Are you sure? Maybe you should go home for now, because you know…" Isaac worriedly asks her while leaning down and grabbing her face with his remaining arm.

Upon the notion of leaving Isaac entered her mind, she felt like she wanted to stay with him for longer and responded with a burst of emotions: "No! I don't want you to leave me alone!"

'Crap! What am I saying right now!' Quickly realizing what she said, she blushed harder as Isaac sighs at her response of stubbornness.

"Sure, if you say so. But now, you should hold my hand tightly so I can quickly apply some spells to you at a moment's notice," Isaac says and held her hand tighter.

Feeling his warm and large hands grabbing her own, she meekly blushed and felt happiness from within. She could clearly feel his worry for her, and how he truly cared for her own well-being. And so, the unknown emotion inside her heart solidified slowly.

Just like that, the two went out and explored the city with each other for the entire day. From watching horror movies, buying clothes new clothes for Clover, playing games at the arcade where Isaac utterly lost to Clover's omnipotent luck, and having fun at amusement parks.

They did a lot of things throughout the day, and more random encounters greeted the duo. From the both of them being surrounded by thugs, to her tripping down and falling into Isaac's embrace; each of those lucky encounters allowed Isaac and Clover's strange relationship to deepen.

The more time Clover spent with Isaac, the more the strange feeling inside her heart solidified, and she felt like it was about to burst out already.

The more Isaac held her hands and the more she felt his warmth, the more she wanted that warmth to be with her.

The more Isaac hugged her tightly, the more she wants to be in his warm embrace and feel his strong arms wrapped around her body.

The more Isaac complimented her, from her beauty to her skills, the more she wanted to be praised by Isaac.

Whenever Isaac smiled, the more she wanted to see that smile directed at her.

Whenever Isaac consoled her while they watched scary movies and he patted her head, the more she wants to hear his voice be whispered to her ears.

Whenever Isaac stared at the dogs passing by with an affectionate gaze, the more she wanted that affectionate gaze instead be looking at her.

It was like a pair of rose-tinted glasses were put over her eyes and Isaac appeared more and more dreamy in her eyes.

"We're home," Isaac said, taking her out of her thoughts.

"Oh…" Clover muttered as she saw the gates of her house and she felt something clawing at her heart as she could already feel Isaac's hands letting go.


"Hmm?" Isaac responded.

"If you want to, I can treat you to dinner at my home. You would want to eat the food of a Michelin star chef, right?" Clover responded while blushing lightly. She could already feel her heart about to burst out at this crazy plan she had in mind to keep Isaac by her side longer.

"Sure! I don't mind, but are you sure it's okay?"

"Yeah, my parents aren't at home right now and are out for a business trip. So you don't have to worry about introducing yourself to them," Clover responded and opened the gates.

"Oh! That's a relief," Isaac responded, and the two entered her family estate.

As the two talked, they greeted the servants of the house and many murmured about the two. As if he didn't hear them, Isaac only looked around in wonder while Clover blushed in embarrassment as she heard the teasing servants.

After a short while, the two arrived in the living room and Clover said: "The chef was already notified so we only have to wait for a while. But before that, you wanna watch some TV?"

"Sure!" Isaac responded and he quickly sat down on the couch while Clover opened the TV.

She took a deep breath facing away from Isaac, and she played a random movie and felt her rapidly beating heart that felt like it was about to explode. She could feel that strange emotion deep within her and she couldn't explain what it was for the life of her.

Turning around, she saw Isaac already sitting on the couch and she silently sat beside him, but as a burst of courage appeared within her, she followed the deep urge of her emotions and silently nuzzled her head to Isaac.

"Hmm? You feeling cold?" Isaac asked.


Hearing her response, Isaac slowly stretched out his hand and wrapped his right arm around Clover, embracing her lightly as she could feel the comfortable warmth of Isaac's body. She felt like she could melt under his warm embrace, and the emotion deep inside her bloomed.

And as her hazy mind looked at the screen in front of her, she heard the three words one of the characters said: "I love you! Will you please go out with me!"

Like an explosion was set off in her mind, she widened her eyes as she felt the seed deep inside her heart explode, 'Is this… Am I in love right now?'

Upon finally realizing her emotions, the seed of love grew into a majestic tree deep within her heart as she took a peek at Isaac's face, and let out a breath of turbid air, 'I really am in love with Isaac!'

Just like that, a young girl has fallen in love with Isaac. Feeling her intense gaze, he looks back and smiled at her, and he patted her head. Seeing her smile brightly, Isaac continues to pat her head while thinking deep inside his mind: 'Love, it truly is such a fickle emotion.'

With that, Isaac's eyes stared at the empty air in front of him and he finally saw an invisible book only he can see appear. On it, the symbol of a golden four-leaf clover is engraved on the green cover of the book. The endless stack of white pages within the book felt mesmerizing to see, and Isaac's breath turned rough for a short time before he calmed down and he returned back to his normal state.


AN: This chapter has 2434 words.

This Love Scheme truly is becoming a classic in FBM. But yeah, I really can't think of a feasible way for Isaac to actually kill Clover because her luck truly is just absurd, like Rank 8 Immortal Gu Luck Rivaling Heaven or something like that but more broken and overpowered.

(October 4, 2022 – 314th day of writing)

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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