
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 162 – A Mysterious Girl

Inside a large house—a mansion—a young girl around the age of 14 – 16 can be seen lying on a fluffy white bed. Her hair was long and gold, while her eyes that stared at the ceiling were blue. She wore a simple white dress, and her eyes held a trace of excitement to them.

Staring out of the window, she saw the night sky dotted with stars and she glances at her phone. The time was definitely late into the night.

Standing up with haste, she goes to her wardrobe and put on new clothes. From a simple white dress, she now wore a fashionable black hoodie and black jeans. With her already well-endowed body, she could easily play off as an adult, especially when most would think a girl of her age wouldn't be wondering so late at night.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she grinned, showing her pearly white teeth. Feeling confident, she opened the window of her room and looked down, and what greeted her was the ground a few meters away, one mistake and a normal girl would obviously fall down to their death.

But she was no ordinary girl! Quickly, she jumped out of the window and she landed on the ground with a soft thud, her body unscathed from any damage even though she jumped at such an absurd height that would have killed her.

"Ouch," She grabbed her knee and massaged it. "I really shouldn't have landed in a superhero landing."

She laughed lightly, before standing up and looking around with wary eyes. Quickly, she started to walk farther and farther away from the house and through the maze-like garden of their family estate.

But as she moved as silently as she can, she eventually slipped up and found herself tumbling forwards to the ground, causing a loud ruckus and sound to occur. Hearing that strange noise, one of the guards pointed their lights in the general direction she was in and she quickly stood up with an alarmed face.

He grew nearer and nearer, each of his steps was akin to a strike of thunder while the light grew brighter the nearer the guard got. But like a saving grace, she suddenly saw a bird from the sky suddenly landing in an area that was far away from her, which seems to have grabbed the guard's attention and he quickly went towards where the bird landed.

"Phew," she breathed out a sigh of relief and continued to sneak through the maze garden.

Finally, after sneaking around for a few minutes, she found herself standing at the wall of her family estate and she looked around stealthily. Her blue eyes had a mischievous charm to them as she crouches down and breathed deeply, 'You can do this, Clover. You're part of the esteemed Fourleaf family, jumping a wall this high is easy! You've done this already, so you can do it again!'

With a burst of strength, her body jumped high, so high in fact that she landed right on top of the wall which was a few meters high, definitely not something a normal human can jump on. Breathing out another sigh of relief, she jumped down to the ground and landed softly.

Looking around the area, she saw that nobody else was there and chuckled lightly. With haste, she quickly started to walk in a general direction and got more relaxed the further away she got from the house. 'Whew! The most nerve-wracking part is always leaving the house. Even with my power, I couldn't be so confident of leaving the house without some preparations.'

Taking down the hood of her hoodie, her flowing golden hair got out and received the fresh air, and she finally felt free after a few minutes of walking in silence. As if responding to her satisfaction, she turned a corner and saw multiple cars already on the street, with a lot of people walking around, breaking the previous silence.

Chuckling to herself at this peculiarity that only she seemed to have noticed, she felt the whole world around her turning brighter while crossing a street. The night ambiance, the people walking around in the night, the comforting silence that gets broken by the honking of passing cars, it was truly a spectacle she wouldn't be able to experience as the young mistress of the Fourleaf family.

She was a sheltered young lady, meaning her escaping her house was quite a peculiar action.

But out of nowhere, as she turned a corner, an arm suddenly grabbed her shoulder and dragged her inside a dark alley. If she was any normal girl, she would have been stricken with fear already, but as she found herself in a dark alley, her face remained unperturbed as if this was a normal activity for her.

'What thug is going to try and steal from me now?' She questioned in her mind as she looked in front of her and surprisingly saw something she didn't expect.

A man, a large fearsome man akin to a giant, with flowing red hair akin to a river of blood stared at her with his pair of bloody red eyes that gleamed in the darkness. His eyes were squinted, while his face was flushed, "Ohoho, so here you are, you little fucking bastard."

'Huh? Does he know me? Wait, it seems like he's drunk.' She raised her eyebrow upon seeing his flushed face, and felt quite intrigued by the situation.

"Uhm, excuse me, but I think you got the wrong person," She responded calmly and saw that the giant of a man looked at her with a confused face.

"Are you saying that I, the Myriad Beast Emperor, am wrong? I know that you're just trying to weasel your way out of this, Makoto. I know what you did back then," The man growled, his eyes staring fiercely at her.

Upon hearing his boastful claims, Clover became more intrigued and asked: "Myriad Beast Emperor?"

"Ohoho, it seems like after cheating my money out, you are already getting more arrogant! I'll show, I'll show you the power of a-"

"Fucking hell, I have been looking everywhere for you, Gal- What the… Are you…"

Both of their attention was quickly taken by a voice that appeared from the entrance of the alley and she saw a young teen whose age was unknown. His face was fair and childish, while his hair was fluffy and golden, and both of his eyes were also the color of gold. He wore a simple yellow hoodie and black pants, and a pair of black gloves covered both of his arms.

"Huh? Makoto? Then who is this girl...?" The giant man asked and blinked in confusion.

"Crap!" The golden-haired teen quickly walked forward and grabbed the man, bringing him far away from her as she saw them murmuring to one another.

If she was a normal girl, she wouldn't have been able to hear what they were talking about, but as she mobilized the mana inside her body to her ears, she was able to clearly hear them: "Jum, what the fuck are you doing here with your other form?! She's probably thinking it's strange that a 15-year-old kid is dragging a muscle giant!"

"Well, excuse me, but you-"

"I know you're accusing me of cheating, but you need to admit it Jum, you're just bad at gambling! And why the fuck did you start to drink alcohol when we're still minors?!"

"Minor this, minor that. This Myriad Beast Emperor can do whatever he wants! Besides, isn't it already illegal that we've been entering dungeons as minors?!"

"Tch, enough. Just return to your high schooler form! She probably doesn't know who you are luckily enough. Now, just walk away and say you're sorry while I give her some cheap pendant or shit."

"Fine, fine. But fuck you still, I know you did your weird alchemy bullshit under the table and created some cards out of nowhere."

"Now that's just false logic. You could have clearly noticed the bright golden light then!"

As she noticed the two nearing her, her eyes couldn't hide the deep curiosity that she found upon this peculiar duo.

"Hey there, little girl, I'm sorry for my previous actions, goodbye," the muscular man simply apologized with a monotonous tone and quickly walked away.

"Tch, and there he goes. Hello there, miss, I'm sorry that my… uncle here has offended you. In return, I would like to give this to you if you could please forgive us, many thanks in advance," Stretching out his hand, the boy gave her a golden pendant and she stared at it in curiosity.

As she sneakily stared at them walking away, she poured mana into her ears once more and listened closely: "You're lucky that the dark alley hid most of your appearance, if not, we would have been fucked!"

"Yeah, yeah. Stop worrying about it, it's not like we're here for any serious business anyways, we're just here on a trip to have some fun before we do some nefarious shit like always."

"Shush, you're making us sound like we're criminals."

"Criminals? We are criminals, entering dungeons while being a minor is strictly prohibited, and here we are…"

As their voice faded away, the girl looked in the distance with shining eyes fueled by curiosity. 'Did they really consider a pendant that allows me to automatically teleport away into the safest area possible at the sign of danger cheap? Who are they?'

Feeling her curiosity piqued, she hurriedly walked out of the valley to see where they went but upon getting out, she saw that the two were already gone!

Surprise, shock, curiosity, a swirl of emotions entered her mind as she felt saddened that she wouldn't meet those guys anytime soon.

Quickly continuing to walk forward, she glanced down at her phone and checked that she was going in the right direction. One step, two steps, three steps, a hundred steps. She continued to take one step to another until her eyes were drawn to something quite strange.

A thousand-dollar bill lay on the ground right in front of her, while an extravagantly dressed old woman stood in the far distance in front of a luxurious hotel. Put two and two together and she knew that the thousand-dollar bill belonged to the old woman.

'Lucky me! Though this encounter doesn't compare to the previous one by a long shot' She smiled and picked up the thousand-dollar bill.

Walking up to the old woman, she tapped her back and the old woman turned around: "What is it dear?"

"Hello lady, I just found this thousand-dollar bill back there on the ground and was wondering if this belonged to you?" She asked while showing the old lady the money.

Shocked, the old lady quickly perused her pursed and chuckled brightly: "Oh my, it seems like my old age has made me quite clumsy. That indeed does belong to me. But since such a young lady like you didn't steal it, I'll even add in a small gift for being so nice."

Taking out nine other thousand-dollar bills, the old lady gave them to the girl which surprised her as she asked: "Ma'am? Are you really giving this to me?"

"Of course, of course. Back in my day before the whole world went into shit, I was an avid Chinese novel reader and have ingrained the philosophy of 'Pay back goodness ten-fold and harm a hundred-fold.' So, take this as a tiny little gift, young lady."

Nodding her head, the girl continued on her way and stopped once more. Looking to the distance, she saw an old man looking dazedly at a lottery card, and her interest was captured once more. 'Let's see how lucky you are, maybe I can do one more good deed today.'

As a golden four-leafed clover appeared over her pair of blue eyes, her vision of the entire world rapidly changed and she saw that a brilliant golden flame covered the man, many times larger than his own body.

'Ohoho, lucky you. Here, let me nudge you forward like a guide of fate.' Laughing to herself, she walked forward and went up to the man.

"Yo, bro. Are you doing some lottery too? Here, take these ten dollars, if you win, remember to give me a portion of it, okay?" Out of nowhere, she gave the man ten dollars and went on her way, leaving the man confused and bewildered before he quickly rushed into a store once more to test out his own luck.

Laughing at how cringe she was, she continued on her way and faced many more wacky encounters one by one. From helping a kitten get down a tree, to getting a canned drink from a vending machine and accidentally getting three extra drinks.

Until finally, she arrived at an area that made her eyes gleam brilliantly, "Finally at the casino!"

As a pair of golden four-leafed clovers covered both her blue eyes once more, she expected to see the same sight just like before, but this time, she saw a spectacle that made her eyes bulge outwards. A flame, a flame so large it could reach the very sky! Its brilliant golden aura made her mind stop for a split second to process what she was just seeing.

'This luck… This luck clearly belongs to a single person! Such high luck, this is the first time I'm seeing another person be so lucky! It's even higher than my own initial luck back then as a kid… But compared to what I have right now…' As she looks to the sky, her eyes glowed brighter and a large pillar of gold quickly appeared with her body as the epicenter.

The pillar of gold reached the very sky and above, with a circumference that can cover the brilliant golden flames of the casino many times over! Her own luck was infinitely times higher compared to the golden flames of the casino, just like when a hill is compared to a mountain or a small lake compared to the vast ocean!

'It's nothing more than child's play.'

AN: This chapter has 2372 words.

Symbolism is fucking everywhere! A solid pillar of golden light shows absolute stability and foundation, while bright golden flames indicates that it would probably die out later on.

Then the color and four-leaf clover, her name is literally Clover Fourleaf!

Anyways, she's definitely gonna experience a bad ending later on in the story.

And I just realized that Gal Jum essentially looks like Yujiro Hanma but with rainbow-colored tattoos of beasts.

(September 26, 2022 – 306th day of writing)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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