

Wanting to inspect him further Zhao Han was stopped by something poking her in her stamoch she looked down gasped.

Following her gaze everyone also let out a gasp in unison even Ethan was shocked.

Veins, muscles, throbbing, the whole bit.

Zhao feng reacted first and threw a yellow robe covering the criminal but it did nothing to hide anything but the shape.

"...did my cultivation cause it to grow" Ethan subliminally thought out loud waking up most of the boys from their despair.

"no that sounds really stupid" Zhao feng answered him blatantly

Quickly removing the robe from the meat sceptre Ethan quickly put on his robe.


Some of the girls gulped from the sudden tease.

"What happened did you awaken your bloodline" asked Zhao Feng

"Yeah it happened when I broke through to the body refining relm" Ethan tightened his first and threw a casual punch in mid air.

A gust of wind come from the punch shocking everyone there.

"how did you do it" asked jimmy from the side grabbing everyone's attention

"I didn't do anything special I just cultivated and reached body refining realm but" Ethan was explaining but got cut of

"but it seems that thanks to your bloodline you've skipped the body refining realmand entered the foundation establishment " Zhao feng said as he felt sad.

"that was your mother's bloodline" said Zhao feng as he touched his hair.

Ethan's hair had turned his blond hair to black hair admits the changes and it was slowly dancing like fire.

"Did you see it, it was like a monster"

"I wonder how it feels"

"Wouldn't it tear you in half"

"hmmm I could smell it"

Girls started gossiping and the boys turned green

"I'm going to cultivate even harder" shouted jimmy as the boys started going back to their places.

"Everyone back to sleep" with a red face Zhao Han turned to the girls left and told them to leave.

Looking towards the destroyed bus Ethan lamented.

Alex pulled out their tent and called for Ethan but he refused not know if another accident might happen again.

"stats" Ethan called out as he sat far against the wall away from the others


* Race: Human

* Bloodline: Seikatsu/Paragon of death/Phoenix

* Cultivation: 5th stage of the foundation establishment.

S.C.Points: 100

"System can you tell me more about bloodlines" said Ethan as he stared at his Stats

[Bloodlines are favourable characteristic one gets from their bloodline to help them deal with their environment and thrive in it at least that's what they were before people become nomads and moved around to different places]

"How does one make use of it"asked Ethan

[The bloodline is either a passive bloodline that gives the host benefits from within or an active one that presents the host with the benefit passively or if lucky it could be both]

"aaaaggg" Ethan suddenly heard growling as he was sitting down think

Slowly but surely the whole place was filled with growling causing those that have fallen asleep to wake up.

Looking towards the blocked entrance everyone saw zombies blocked by the bus some directly stood on each other and fell over but some were still trying to crawl under it.

Zhao feng started walking towards the entrance above him a boulder slowly firmed and turned to the size of half the entrance. Just as the first zombie who broke through was about to reach him Ethan sent the boulder towards the entrance.

The zombies following the first zombie were sent flying until the bolder was stoped by the bus.

Arriving in front of the bus Zhao feng threw a fist and it was pushed back along with the bus.

Zhao feng turned around when he saw the boulder stop. Just as he was a good distance the boulder stopped a while than it was sent fly towards Zhao feng.

"look out!" reacting to the warning Zhao feng stopped the boulder with both his hands but when he did it broke and a figure appeared behind it.

The figure was wearing blue robed like them and although his skin was green and filled with even greener vein's, and no pupils the surprising thing was that he had a solemn expression.

Zhao feng got punched in the face and was sent flying only to be stopped by the divider wall.

"hahaha I knew I smelt human's" a sinister voice came from the entrance causing everyone to shiver as they heard it.

" and it looks like like they started cultivating" laughed the zombie that seemed to have a paler green skin color and no hair with 6 dots on its forehead

The bald zombie walked up to the zombie that had just punched Zhao Feng

Getting up Zhao feng and Zhao Han walked up to both the zombies.

"Looks like the monk sect has also fallen" said Zhao Han as they stood a good distance.

"I'm the new General of the dead army what do you think" said the bald monk.

" and it looks like you two are only at the beginning realm of core formation meanwhile I'm at the peak"said the bald monk.

"I can't wait to tear your flash with my teeth" said the monk

[Go and help them cause if they die so will we] said the system in a hurried voice.

"Can't they just both fight him" asked Ethan as he suddenly felt scared

[and what do you think the other one will do that strange one seemed to be in the 9 stage if foundation establishment]


[Or you can run away] said the system.

"Che" with greeted teeth Ethan walked took his sword and walked up next to Zhao feng and Zhao Han who seemed nervous.

"You guys take on him and I'll fight his green cousin" said Ethan as he tightened his fists.

"are you sure" asked Zhao Han and Ethan nodded.

"and what are you supposed to be" said the monk zombie as he saw Zhao feng and Zhao Han nod.

Zhao feng and Zhao Han also brandished their swords.

"I'll take these two you take the other one" said the monk as the other zombies nodded.

Zhao feng jumped in the air and did a spinning kick towards the zombie but he caught his leg and before it could swing him, he was sent flying crashing in the slow zombies that Were coming through the entrance.

Looking at the scean Ethan tightened his fists And threw a punch at the zombies face of which disappeared before he could hit it.

[Behid you]

Turning around Ethan dodged a fist that was coming towards his face and retaliated with his own that didn't connect.

[Again behind you]

Ethan quickly turned and saw another fist being executed but this time it was face and landed in his face sending him flying and landing on the same spot zhao feng landed on kicking a cloud of dust up

[Quickly get up] shouted the system but Ethan was still dazed

Looking at the fight happening at the entrance the zombie saw that both sides were evenly match then he turned his gaze towards the humans standing in a crowd.

Gripping on a baseball bat a muscular teen ran towards the zombie and swung his bat aiming for the head.


The zombie didn't even flinch and just directly grabbed the boy by the neck lifting him in the air.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Seeing the boy repeteadly swing bat the coach picked up a knife but stopped soon after taking a step stopped as the zombie grabbed the boys hand that had a bat and ripped it out.

"Aggggg!!!" the boy screamed as the zombie removed his other head.

"Marco!!!" getting out if the dustcloud Ethan saw that his friends arms were ripped out he screamed in anger.

Running towards the zombies Ethan threw a fist at the zombie but made no contact

[To your left]

Ethan moved his feet to the side and then directly sent a kick and it made contact, the zombie that was still holding Marco was sent flying with him in his hand.

Hitting the wall the zombie didn't even let go of Marco and when it got up, it would directly bit on Marco throat and directly chewed while taking a few more bite, watch the scean Ethan's started boiling with fire and he ran towards the zombie.

[Ethan stop and think]

With the new power Ethan received he still couldn't make use of his power.

Picking up a rock the zombie threw it at Ethan who was distracted and sent a kick towards his gut.

Flying through the air Ethan suddenly felt another pain on his face as he got slammed onto the ground.

The zombie stepped on Ethan's chest and grabbed both his arms with his arms and pulled on them.


The zombie stopped when it was hit on the head with a bat.

Letting go of Ethan's arms the zombie picked up Alex by the neck.

Seeing this scene Ethan got enraged as a flame appeared around his skin, his hair changed to red as it danced like a flame.

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The_Sad_onecreators' thoughts