

The monk zombie fighting the duo suddenly shivered but before he could turn to look the brother and sister dealt a hug blow.

They where fighting further into the tunnel and the walls was riddled with holes and cuts here and there.


Suddenly shivering the zombie looked down at Ethan who grabbed it's leg that started to burn.

Grabbing the zombies leg Ethan sent a kick towards the zombies stomach, the zombie had it's air knocked out of its lungs.

Ethan was perfectly sane but his face was filled with anger

The zombie let go of Alex who struggled to breath as it threw a punch towards Ethan on the floor.


The punch landed next to Ethan's face who let go of his leg and grabbed the zombies arm and kicked it in the face.

The firely red light surrounding his body also healed his bruises.

Ethan went to pick up his sword while the zombies crashed to the ground, when he grabbed the sword it also got the coatting of firey red.

[Ethan finish this quickly] she system shouted in his ear

Heading the systems warning Ethan ran towards the zombie that was slowly getting up and swung his sword, the zombie slowly raised its arm to block.

The strike tore through the zombies skin and stoped only inches in the zombies bone but this didn't seem to be fazed and threw a punch at Ethan.

[Look out]

Ethan directly moved with the zombies hand were his sword was lodged in dodging the punch and pulled out his sword to swing again towards the zombies head.

His eye's were filled with determination as he swung his sword.

While Ethan was fighting with the zombie some distance away, zombies that got through were wondering towards the student.

The students were alerted when they heard a scream and turned towards it and saw zombies that weren't staggering slowly but were staggering at a normal humans walking speed.

"this is our last bat"Seeing the zombies to coach fatched a bat and ran towards the zombies.

The zombies were a lot in numbers and they slowly came at him seeing this a few of the muscular boys went to tear apart some of the steel pipes and came to help the coach fight standing a few feet away from each other.

Although the zombies weren't slow they weren't up to normal standards.

Admist the swinging of steel pipes a kid was grabbed by a zombie and tried to pull his arm but the zombie had a monstrous grip.

Just as the boy was about to be bitten by the zombie it was hit in the face with a steering wheel that kept bashing its head until it stopped moving.

"be careful don't swing like you didn't eat this morning" came a female voice that jumped towards the horde of zombies.

"Is that quit Ashley who reads books all the time"

"Is that really Ashley, who thought she was the violent"

"who cares look at her she looks strong"

"I always knew she was a psychopath"

Some students although scared seemed to have snapped out of their dispair.

Ethan admits his fighting seemed to be getting used to his strength as he pushed forward to move as fast as the zombie and kicked it in the chest.

The zombie left two tracks on the ground as it went backwards, it didn't relent and threw it's right fist at Ethan who moved to its left and swung his sword at its face.

He strike landed on the zombies face and just left a long flash wound.

[You've used all your Qi]

"buy more" shouted Ethan as he suddenly got scared

The zombie seeing Ethan's strike didn't waste time and directly threw another punch towards Ethan.

Ethan's body that stopped blazing started burning with even stronger flames as he swung his sword towards the coming fist.

Pushed back by the sudden burst the zombie lost it's arm.

After chopping the arm Ethan aimed for the neck but after he swung he saw that the sword he got was only a few inches long.

The zombies directly jumped towards the entrance and started running turning it's back towards Ethan.

Hot on it's trail Ethan got angry and threw his sword towards the zombie. The broken sword blazer with fire and closed the distance between Ethan and the zombie.

The monk zombie tore of it's shirt and threw it towards Zhao feng who was trusting his sword towards it and jumped towards Zhao Han who just finished an attack and was left exposed.

The zombie kicked Zhao Han and used the momentum to jump backwards to get some breathing room.

Just as it landed it felt movement behind it and turned around only to see it's comrade running towards him with a missing arm.

"What's wrong who-" just as he was about to ask what happened his companions face got split like a watermelon by a bright flash that came to his face in before he could react.

"Wha!!" before the demon could react


The broken sword was stopped by the zombie's skull but the power pushed it back and the fire directly tranfered towards the zombies body directly lighting it up.

"It bur-" before the zombie could cry out Zhao feng decapitated it.


The zombies body and head landed on the ground still burning.

Looking at the two dead zombies Zhao feng was exhausted but he quickly ran to his sister and gave her a small bead, who seemed to be on the break of breaking down from exhaustion as she was covered in sweat that drenched her.

"Your the man but I fought twice as hard...*huf* *huf*.."Zhao Han complained huffing and puffing as she looked at her brother who was also as exhausted as her.

After Ethan threw his sword he heard fighting noise from behind him and turned to see multiple muscular teens fighting including the coach and a female who he couldn't fully make out.

The zombies seemed to stop pouring in as the fight in the tunnels grew more intense.

Running into the hordes of zombies Ethan's fist turned red as a layer of fire appeared around his fists.

Still using the same strength from earlier Ethan sent multiple zombies flying as fire poured out of his fist and onto the zombies.

Suprisingly after the fire landed on the zombies skin they seemed to stop a few moments later and dropped to the ground and never got up again but Ethan was to busy to notice the finer details as he swung his fists.

More zombies turned around to address the commotion behind them only to be killed later.

After a while of fighting the rest finished their last zombies.

Ashley on the fare right side had two zombies left but she was tired, she mustered the strength to swing one last time.


The strike landed on the zombies head but didn't finish the job as the zombie grabbed her arm and she felt an intense pain.

"Ahhh!!" hearing the scream Ethan dropped the headless zombie he had just manhandled and turned to the source of scream and saw Ashley trying to break free from the a zombies grasp.


Ethan tried to run as fast as he could but his golden cover of qi suddenly stopped blazing as soon as he started running causing his speed to decrease but he didn't stop running.

"System buy more Qi" Ethan shouted as he desperately tried to close the distance.

[I can't] the system responded.

The zombie slowly moved Ashley's arm towards it's mouth attempting to take a bite as the second zombie also grabbed her other arm.

" f*ck stop!!" Ethan shouted as his hair stopped blazing and burning, his hair lost its color as it turned pitch black and small strands of it turned green, his eyes also turned neon light green.

"Stop!" Ethan shouted again but this time his voice was thicker and seemed to send vibrations that travel everywhere around him.

Hearing the voice the zombies stopped moving completely and seemed to have frozen, still holding onto Ashley's wrist.

Arriving only seconds after his shouted Ethan didn't ask and just swung his fist and a green color coated his fist as it landed on the zombie.

After hitting the zombie the flash of green light acted like a wave and travel towards the other zombie sending both heads flying.

Ethan's body slammed into Ashley's body and they both fell down.

Hearing Ethan's shout Zhao Han got up first as her body looked considerably better after eating the bead, she ran very fast and left her brother struggling to even walk.

"Useless" muttured Zhao feng as he struggled to speed up trying to catch up to his sister.


"Where is he"Every one was looking at the scene when suddenly they heard a female voice coming from the entrance as they all turned to look they say Zhao Han with tattered robes that exposed her skin, looking at her skin it looked so smooth that it looked like it was turning pink.

Enjoy the story and add the book to your library I'll be creating multiple chapters

The_Sad_onecreators' thoughts