
Chapter 2: Wolf Soul

At this time, in the woods not far from Lin Fan, several golden-haired, murderous hyenas appeared.

Among them, some were facing each other, some were looking sideways, all of them were staring at Lin Fan, and the awl-like eyes flew towards him, almost shooting Lin Fan into a hedgehog.

The closest to him was a giant wolf, as big as a tiger, half-length longer than what he had seen in the Beijing Zoo. Its neck, chest, and abdomen were covered with large grayish-white hairs, radiating platinum-like light, dazzling and dazzling. Show the power of tigers and wolves.

As Lin Fan turned around, the other big wolves who were sitting on the ground all stood up with a 'bass', their tails upturned, like sabers about to be unsheathed.

"It's over, it's over."

Cold sweat broke out on Lin Fan's body.

So many wolves have only been seen in the zoo from a distance, and the few in front of them are obviously much stronger than those in the zoo.

Just as Lin Fan was thinking about it, he saw the gray-white giant wolf growling lowly at Lin Fan, then took a big step and slowly walked towards Lin Fan. The figure shot out wildly, and at the same time opened his bloody mouth.

Feeling the piercing sound of the breaking wind in front of him, Lin Fan no longer hesitated. A donkey rolled on the spot, plunged into the river, and swam towards the other side of the river.

One claws slammed into the air, splashing mud and turf all over the ground. The giant wolf didn't think that Lin Fan would hide. He raised his head and stared blankly at the figure swimming in the river.

Lin Fan hurriedly climbed up the river bank, wiped off the water stains on his face, his whole body softened, he let out a heavy breath, and his heart trembled slightly.

The scene just now was really dangerous and unusual. If it wasn't for the river behind him, I'm afraid that the plan to marry Bai Fumei would be in vain after reaching the pinnacle of life.


Accompanied by a wolf howl, the gray-white giant wolf on the other side of the river suddenly took a few steps back, followed by a rapid forward charge, and two strong and powerful retreating slammed the ground. He rushed towards Lin Fan again.

"I rely on!"

Lin Fan looked at the gray-white giant wolf that was flying fast. After a moment of sluggishness, his body suddenly arched, and he climbed up from the ground like lightning. Without the slightest pause, he ran wildly into the woods.


The gray-white giant wolf looked at the small figure running wildly, and the anger in the beast's pupils was even stronger. How could it be possible for a small human to escape from his hands? Wouldn't it be a disgrace to the wolf king's prestige.

Thinking of this, the giant wolf roared violently, and stomped on the ground with its palms and claws. The speed suddenly increased sharply. The huge head slammed straight into Lin Fan's back vest. Looking at this posture, if Lin Fan was caught In the collision, I am afraid that the crisis of the body falling apart is inevitable.

Lin Fan was also aware of the violent energy that suddenly came from behind him. With a red face, he made a sharp turn and hid behind a towering tree beside him.

Although extremely embarrassed, he escaped the fatal blow of the giant wolf.

Then, ignoring the roars, Lin Fan desperately ran in the woods.

In this way, one man and one wolf, one fleeing and one chasing.

At the time of life and death, Lin Fan's potential was deeply excavated. Taking advantage of the terrain, he was tossing and turning in the woods. For a time, the giant wolf couldn't help him.

At the same time, in the woods, a beautiful woman in a red robe and a middle-aged man in a beige robe were on their way.

And Lin Fan's escape direction happened to be where the man and the woman were.

Suddenly, the beautiful woman in the red robe stopped and turned to look at the woods behind her.

"Uncle Hao Jian, do you feel anything?"

The voice of the woman in red robe is very charming, giving people a feeling of being so crisp to the bone.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man in the beige robe also turned to look behind him.

Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged man frowned, and a nervous expression appeared on his face, and quickly blocked in front of the red-robed woman: "Be careful, there are monsters coming this way."


The red-robed woman frowned, but there was not a trace of panic on her face, and then she said suspiciously: "This is the periphery of the Warcraft Mountains, how can there be Warcraft?"

In the Demonic Beast Mountains, no one in the Dou Qi Continent knew about it, and no one dared to enter it casually. At this time, Lin Fan was in this mountain range.

"It should be attracted by someone, but I don't know what the intention of the person who attracted the beast is."

The middle-aged man didn't look back, still staring at the position behind him, his face even more nervous.

Not long after, with the sound of wolf howling, a gray-white giant wolf appeared in the vision of the two.

"It's the first-order monster, the storm wolf."

After seeing the giant wolf clearly, the middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief. If it was only a first-order monster, he could still deal with it.

It's just that the giant wolf's running track is a little weird, from left to right, fast and slow.

After they got closer, the two discovered that not far from the giant wolf, there was a figure in ragged clothes, which was constantly dodging the attack of the giant wolf. Always dodge the attack of the giant wolf.

The one who was being chased by the giant wolf was naturally Lin Fan.

As the giant wolf continued to attack, Lin Fan's physical strength gradually became somewhat exhausted. If he continued to use it up like this, it would only be a matter of time before he was caught up.

Lin Fan naturally saw a man and a woman standing not far away, but he didn't think that the two would be the opponents of the giant wolf, so not only did he not deliberately lead the giant wolf over, but he planned to lure the giant wolf away and let him The two run away.

"Isn't that the little beggar of Wutan City?

What did he do in the Warcraft Mountains?

How could it provoke the storm wolf? "

A series of question marks suddenly appeared in the red-clothed woman's mind. After she lowered her head to think for a moment, the red-clothed woman raised her head, pointed to the giant wolf not far away, and said, "Uncle Hao Jian, can you save him? , he is very poor."

The tone of listening to this sentence seemed to be asking, but it came out of the red-clothed woman's mouth as if she was acting like a spoiled child. It was numb to the bottom of my heart. I am afraid that after hearing this voice, no one would refuse her request.

Of course, the middle-aged man known as Uncle Hao Jian was no exception, and nodded immediately, "Miss Yafei, please wait in place for a while while I clean up the monster."

After speaking, Hao Jian turned around and rushed towards the man and the wolf who were still chasing.

His speed is very fast, much faster than that giant wolf, and in the blink of an eye, he has reached the giant wolf's side.

"Beast, take your life~

Gale Fist! "

With a loud shout, Hao Jian's fist suddenly burst out with a light blue gas, and then with a fierce and indomitable momentum, he slammed towards the wolf's head.

This punch was originally unexpected, but also because of its fierce momentum, so the wolf king had to give up the pursuit of Lin Fan and dodged sideways.

The giant wolf figure just retreated, and then Hao Jian came close again, clenched his palms tightly, and punched with a savage face, slamming into the huge wolf head again.

This time, the giant wolf was unavoidable, so he could only narrowly avoid the key position and punch him hard with his body.


With a muffled sound, like a muffled thunder, the giant wolf's huge body was hit several meters by this punch, and then rolled around the ground and screamed.

Seeing this happening, Lin Fan couldn't believe that the giant wolf like a ferocious tiger was beaten down with one punch. It could be said that Wu Song was alive.


The sound of broken bones awakened Lin Fan, who was in a daze.

Looking back, the previously fierce and unusual giant wolf was lying motionless on the ground at this time, and there was a blood hole the size of the bottom of a bowl on its head. Milky white brains are mixed in.

Next, before Lin Fan had time to be surprised, he saw a somewhat illusory wolf figure suddenly stand up from the giant wolf's body. At this moment, he was looking fiercely at Zhong Hao Jian in front of him.

Hao Jian turned a blind eye to all this, and took out a dagger to himself, then stepped forward and squatted in front of the giant wolf, constantly flipping over where the dagger was inserted into the wolf's head.


Just as Lin Fan was about to speak to remind, something inexplicable suddenly appeared in his mind.

"In "Soul Eater", cultivators can increase their own strength by devouring any soul.

"Ghost Destroyer Palm"...  


"Oi, are you scared stupid?"

A numb voice suddenly interrupted Lin Fan's thoughts.

In an instant, Lin Fan had goosebumps all over, and as soon as he turned around, he was stunned again.