
Chapter 1: Huangquan Ghost Emperor

"Damn it! And it fell into a box, this product is definitely a hang!"

Looking at the big words "Keep working hard, eat Chicken next time" on the computer screen, Lin Fan slammed down the mouse, venting his anger.

Ten minutes later, Lin Fan sighed, "Forget it, it seems that today is doomed to not be able to eat chicken."

Twenty-year-old Lin Fan is a freshman in college.

Because of the relatively homely reasons, he looks a little fat, but compared to his height of 1.8 meters, it is still well-proportioned.

Although the appearance is not called handsome, but it can be seen in the past, a little stronger than the standard public face.

In normal times, Lin Fan's two favorite things to do, besides reading novels, are playing games.

Recently, I have developed a strong interest in a game "PUBG Mobile" that is popular all over the world.

However, due to the rampant use of plug-ins, and Lin Fan was originally a vegetable B, not only did he not eat the chicken once, but he always fell into a box.

Lin Fan closed the game interface and glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the screen.

November 30, 2018.

"Hey, time flies so slowly, it will take almost a day for the second season of "Douluo Continent" to be updated."

Lin Fan was a bookworm, and he was deeply fascinated by the various characters, exercises, and moves in the book.

The previous TV series "Horse Breaks the Sphere", adapted from the novel "Fighting the Sky", made Lin Fan unable to complain.

The anime adapted from the novel "Douluo Continent" was the only psychological comfort he was somewhat satisfied with.

Compared to the previous TV series "Horse Breaks the Sky", this anime is really a work of conscience.

Not only is the novel highly reductive, but also the various special effects are more realistic, which is more than ten thousand times stronger than the stunt of the "Fighting Horse" in the TV series.

Tomorrow is December 1st, the day when the second season of the "Douluo Dalu" anime will be updated. For Lin Fan, who has been waiting for more than half a year, this is a day he is looking forward to immensely.

"What ghosts and legends, what ghosts, ghosts and monsters, only the heron eagle is there..."

Lin Fan's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a pleasant ringtone of his mobile phone.


Why is she calling me? "

Lin Fan looked at the caller ID with two big characters, Su Mei. Su Mei had always been Lin Fan's dream lover.

In the dream, Lin Fan also dreamed countless times that he and Su Mei did some shameful things.

However, that was only in a dream.

In reality, Lin Fan was just an otaku, and he never thought that Su Mei would like him.

The confused Lin Fan finally answered the phone.

Soon, a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, very sweet and clear.

"Lin Fan, I... I'm lost in love, can you... accompany me?"

"What the hell?"

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment.

"I heard that Su Mei recently fell into the arms of a tall, rich and handsome man, and she lost her love so soon?

But even if I fall in love, I won't remember me.

Could it be that this phone call means...I want Lao Tzu to be a pick-up man? "

After being stunned for a while, a wicked smile hung on the corner of Lin Fan's mouth: "No problem at all."

"Really, that's great, I'll be waiting for you at the school gate, come over quickly."

Su Mei's surprised voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Okay, I'll be there soon, don't worry."

"Lin Fan, you are such a nice person. I'll wait for you at the gate of the school right away. I'll hang up first."

As soon as the voice fell, Su Mei happily hung up the phone.

"Hey, how could I be a pick-up man!

The diaosi are still the same, so how can you do a takeover? "

Lin Fan shook his head and sighed, then clicked the checkout again to get off the plane, and then walked out of the Internet cafe.

"I really envy the protagonists in the novels, who are constantly encountering adventures, hugging from left to right, enjoying inexhaustible glory and wealth.

If I become the protagonist in the novel, then it must be the same, the beauty is reversed, the harem beauties are eight thousand, hahaha..."

On the way to the gate of the school, Lin Fan kept yawning about some things in the novel, and couldn't help but laugh out loud.


Suddenly, a car galloped towards him and hit Lin Fan directly.

The next moment, Lin Fan only felt that his body was smashed into the air by a huge force, followed by a mouthful of blood, and then his eyes went black, and he didn't know anything.

At the same time, there was a sudden thunder in the sky, and the sky suddenly lit up.

Amidst the thunder and lightning, a black shadow suddenly flew out and flew directly towards Lin Fan.

"What an unlucky ghost, to be in trouble with the old man, no matter what, there is a fate to meet, I will take you for a walk."


clap la la....

A few elk were drinking water by the river, when a broken log in the distance suddenly moved, and the elk fled in shock.

"Boy, wake up, wake up..."

In a daze, Lin Fan suddenly heard a weak voice from an old man.


Lin Fan agreed in a conditioned reflex, then turned over, his eyes just opened, and then he couldn't move.

"Little guy, I'm too weak to control this body right now, so I'll take advantage of you, kid!

You have to remember, I am Huangquan Ghost Emperor, we come from the same place, and my hatred will depend on you in the future!

Dou Qi is respected here, but your soul and this continent are mutually exclusive, so you can only practice the exercises I gave you.

You have to remember, help me find some medicinal herbs to restore my soul, let me wake up quickly, remember..."

The voice slowly disappeared. Lin Fan was already sweating profusely. He couldn't move because he heard the voice, as if he had been pressed by a ghost.

After the sound disappeared for a while, Lin Fan tried to move, but then he jumped up violently.


There was a long whistle, but then it stopped abruptly. Lin Fan looked at the river in front of him with a confused expression.

He clearly knew that he was hit by a car, but why did he suddenly run here.

Standing up and looking around, the scenery here is quite good, with beautiful mountains and rivers, just like a paradise.

"Damn, why are my hands so dirty, and..."

Lin Fan quickly touched his face.

The feeling of starting is completely different from his slightly fat face.

"Must be dreaming."

Lin Fan pinched his thigh fiercely.


With too much force, Lin Fan jumped up and down in pain.

"This is real?

Not a dream?

This is... time traveled?

Oh my god! ! "

Lin Fan sat on the ground, his eyes dull.

Although I have fantasized about the scene of countless crossings, when it really happened, it was somewhat unacceptable.

Without a mobile phone or a computer, Lin Fan, who was accustomed to modern life, had no idea what to do.

After a long time, Lin Fan finally came back to his senses.

"Since we have crossed over, we can only accept this fact. First of all, we must know where this place is."

After walking to the river and washing his face, he carefully observed his current appearance from the reflection in the water.

Her hair was a mess, her hands and face were dirty and disgusting.

The clothes on his body are also extremely shabby, with only a few rags covering some important parts.

The most important thing is that there is only one shoe, and the thumb is also exposed.

"Damn, when others cross, they are either princes or generals or martial arts masters. How can they become beggars when they come to me!"

Lin Fan muttered in a very dissatisfied voice while washing his face.

Judging from the reflection in the water, the distant owner of this body is indeed a beggar.

"Who was the person who was talking to me just now, he said it was Huangquan Ghost Emperor, is it true?

Could it be that I also have a white-bearded grandfather on me?

Then I'm not going to be the CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and go to the pinnacle of my life from now on? "

Lin Fan began to recall the words of the Huangquan Ghost Emperor before, but he didn't have any exercises on his body, and how did he cultivate it?


Suddenly, there was a shrill, long howl from behind Lin Fan.

Lin Fan shuddered, turned his head sharply and looked behind him, but almost fell into the river in fright.