
FGO: Destruction

What happened when a casual player of Fgo get transported to the start of Humanity Ends, But not only that, he became a character from one of his favorite manga “Bleach”. What will happen? What will he do? Will he save humanity or run away. Hell if I know, I’m just making shit up on the spot. ————— Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these works, pictures, or characters, I only own my oc and the non-existent plot for this. —————

God_Pink · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


Have you ever experienced that fleeting moment where you pondered, "What if I were suddenly whisked away to a different world?" Yet, as time passed, the thought slipped from your mind, only to resurface again later.

In my case, what once seemed like a passing idea has transformed into a tangible reality, and I must admit, I now find myself regretting ever entertaining that notion once more.

Looking down at the shorter girl standing before me, raising her voice in my direction, I can't help but notice that her personality leaves much to be desired. However, her captivating beauty does compensate for it to some extent.

"Hey, are you even paying attention to a word I'm saying? First, you mysteriously appear in my Chaldea, and now you're blatantly disregarding your superior!" Her frustration was building rapidly, and it felt like she could explode at any given moment if I failed to respond.

Sighing with irritation, I replied to her without sounding too harsh. "Look, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but this is just as frustrating to you as it is to me. I'm just confused how I end up here".

She cast a skeptical gaze upon me, her eyes filled with doubt. "Are you seriously expecting me to believe that you just randomly appeared here in Antarctica? Not only did you manage to bypass the freezing blizzard, but you also somehow penetrated the protective bounded field surrounding this mountain, which is designed to prevent any intruders from entering."

As I prepared to refute her claims, the words seemed to catch in my throat, leaving me speechless. I realized that I had no substantial argument to counter her statement. And so I just sighed, resigning to my fates.

"And what's the deal with that bone mask on your face? Moreover, you need a change of clothes. Have you no sense of shame walking around half naked!" she exclaimed, her cheeks visibly flushed with embarrassment.

Ah, looking down at my appearance. I forgot to mention that my body is no longer the same. When I came over, I think the person who brought me here also give me a new body to inhabit. [Reference Pic]

I mean I'm not complaining, but they could've given me more time to adjust. Also there was no hole on my stomach, so I can assume that I'm still human, albeit with hollow power. How do I now I have hollow power? I don't, I just know I have them.

Looking back at the girl before me, I decided to just ask her for some spare change. "You wouldn't happen to have any extra clothes to spare would you? Unless you like what you're seeing, then I don't mind staying in these clothes". I said with a sly grin.

Flushing with crimson, she gave a quick jab at him for making such comments, but she didn't know how hard his skin was. So when her fist make contact with his abdomen, to him it felt like a soft tap. But not so much for her.

As she gingerly cradled her throbbing knuckles, it felt as if she had just punched a solid wall of reinforced steel.

"Damn, what is your skin made of" she said as she carefully massaged her throbbing knuckles. "Anyway, I'll have someone bring you to one of our spare room and get you a change of clothes, but I want an explanation on a later time".


"Yes LATER, I have a briefing to get to and don't try to do anything suspicious or I'll have one of my workers send you out into the blizzard". She said, threatening him before quickly leaving for somewhere.

Sigh, how the hell did I get myself into this scenario. All least my hopes of finding love will be more successful with this appearance.

Taking a more personal look into my body, I see the large scars that go from my shoulders to my waist diagonally.

'Cool scares'

My face has a head full of light blue spiky hair and chiseled jawline. Sharp blue eyes with green line below them, similar to the eye markings on the Panthera genus of cats.

Grimmjow is a tall, muscular man and with his look and animalistic demeanor give him a aggressive temperament.

Bringing me out of my thoughts was the sound of a shifting door, looking over I see a man and in his hand are folded clothes. Realizing why he's here, I quickly thanked him before taking his leave.

'Wasn't he also supposed to lead me to a spare room?'

Shrugging my shoulders, I just put the spare clothes down on the desktop not bothering to even put them on. Why would I put on something else when what I'm wearing is already enough. It will just take away from my awesomeness.

Yeah, there was no way I can wait in that room for more than an hours.

Currently, I'm was just taking stroll around the area, getting a feel for the place and just trying to find anything that can quench my boredom.

As I was about to take another step, I stop momentarily, not moving an inch. I just had a realization, she said she was going to a briefing and the only briefing I know of doesn't end well after the meeting.


Running with all my might, I ran towards the control room I remembered passing by.

Once I arrived there, I saw scientists and technicians working on computers and others stuff, looking at something to complicated for me. While the others looked upon the candidates that are getting inside their coffins.

Hearing the sound of my arrival, Olga turn around and noticed me at the door way.

"You- You! Why are you here!" She said angrily, exploding with anger.

Not minding her apparent outrage, I race towards her, grabbed hold of her "wha- what are you doing!" I ran towards the doorway, trying to get us out of the room before it exploded.

But it was the moment I reached the doorway that the bomb that was inside the room exploded. I felt myself slipping from consciousness and everything turning black.


An: how was it. Good, bad? Any idea for how I should go about this? cause I wasn't thinking when I made this.

This has NO PLOT.