
Chapter Four - "Acquaintances On The Way"

Ferif relished in the fresh air of the forest surrounding the plain. Soot was unsure.

"Are you sure we should be doing this, Ferif? I mean, we are just kids..."

"And this is a chance to prove that we are more than that, Soot!" Ferif stood ontop of a log, looking down at him. Soot glanced back to the exit of the plain, Scorn was walking away.

"I guess you're right Ferif..." He started deeper into the forest. "The hyena territory is right in the middle of the forest, so we should just go straight." He said, tilting his head as he went into the forest. Ferif jumped down and followed him.

The only noises was the cracking of leaves and twigs as they trotted deeper into the forest. Ferif was looking around and walking around Soot. Birds chirped from the tree, some fluttering away from the two foxes.

"The forest smells so pretty..." Ferif said, poking her nose into every nook and cranny she could find.

"Careful. You might wake up a wolf or something with rabies." Soot said, keeeping his head forward.

"I won't-" Ferif was cut off by her own screech. She was thrown back by a racoon, it was scratching and hissing. Soot ran over, but didn't know what to do. Ferif smacked the racoon back into a tree. It fell, still growling and breathing heavily.

"What is that, Soot?!" Ferif asked, hiding behind him.

"...It's a racoon, Ferif.." Soot said, bending beside the racoon. It hissed but was injured and couldn't scratch. "It is okay little buddy.." He said, fully crouching beside the racoon. It shifted, seemingly trying to get away. It whimpered in pain and fear. "He's only a kid, Ferif." Soot said worried.

"I am not a he!" The racoon yelped out. She got to her paws shakily. She snarled, then stumbled off.

"That was...weird." Ferif said, shaking her head.

"Let us continue on anyway...We have a long way to go." Soot said, and the two foxes continued on their way.