
Chapter Five - "Bjorn"

Hyenas growled around the small rabbit entering the giant cave in the middle of the forest. The rabbit was shaking, it seemed terrified.

"M-My lord? Bjorn?" The rabbit asked, as it approached the big hyena in the back of the cave. It growled.

"Hello, Mossie." The hyena stood, snarling at the rabbit, who squeaked and backed away.

"On my adventures out in the forest, scavenging like you told me to, I found two foxes. Morticai tried attacking one but failed miserably. They're heading this way..." Mossie squeaked out.

"Very good..thank you, Mossie."

"You're welcome, ma'am! Now..maybe since I told you this information you can..release me and my family..?" Mossie asked timidly.

"Release you?" Hyena laughed out. Her laugh echoed through the cave. "Why would I release my most trustworthy slave...?"

"Because I gave you this information! That is very valuable to your kingdom!" Mossie raised her voice, glaring at Bjorn. Bjorn stood in silence, staring at Mossie.

"...Get her."

"W-What..?" Mossie asked, before hearing high pitched wheeze-like laughter. Hyena laughter. Before Mossie could even react, a hyena jumped on her, grabbing her by the neck with its jaws and shaking its head violently. Bjorn watched as the hyena put a paw on the rabbit's body and rip Mossie's head off, before eating it whole other than the bones.

"Porro." Bjorn said, as a medium sized scarred hyena walked up. "Find the foxes, and bring them to me. Alive, Porro." she snarled out, Porro softly growled.

"Yes ma'am." He turned, trotting out of the cave. Bjorn sat back onto her moss bed, some bunnies that were nestled behind her in the corner of the cave hunched together in a tight circle, they looked at her terrified, some had tears in their eyes.
