
Femboy maker, becoming a system Operator

one day a bored young man are chosen to be a system operator. more accurately, a femboy system operator, he is tasked to turn all male anime character into a bunch of sissy femboys, can he do it? how can he do it? what will he gets from doing it? how will his live change from now as a system operator? find out in Femboy Maker!

FemboyMaker · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Haku new memories

'Cold' It was cold, surrounded by the falling snow, everything was cold

It reeks, the smell of of blood filled the room with an intense sense of nausea

A normal civilian adult would've puked their guts out seeing this scene

Bodies scewerd up by ice spikes, frozen corpses turn into statue, internal organs, bloods, a non beating heart

It was simply a scene of cold hell

And in the middle of that scene, was a child

A small child no older than 5 are seen slumping on his own legs, hugging it for comfort

His parents are dead, he killed them,

His father killed his mother because of their blood, amd in turn, he killed his father.

Then the villager came and tried to kill him as well,

They met the same fate as his father, died frozen by his demonic ice power.

A child taking the life of his own giver,

What else can you call him except for demon?

"IS ANYONE ALIVE?!" Suddenly he hear a loud sound of a child

It doesn't sound like an old man voice or the villagers, it sounds completely unfamiliar

The owner of the voice came between the rubble of ice and corpse to see a child slumping on the corner

"Hey! You are-" but before he can finish His speech another ice spikes are shoot at him

But unlike the other villagers, he simply dissapear

The ice spikes flew away after missed their target and falls hit the walls

"That was dangerous!" The voice are back

The child hear the voice coming from his side and sees that the owner of that voice are still alive

He doesn't look mad that the child almost killed him, not even annoyance,

No instead he smiled, he smiled at the demon child that almost pierce him with ice spikes

His smile are so warm the never ending cold start to fade away

Without fear or prejudice he pat the small child's head

"What's your name?" And that's the start of their relationship

"Tatsuya sama!" A child wearing a kimono are seen running towards someone

The person she is running up to was a god,

A god on the child's mind

"Why Haku, i have only been gone for a week" yes this God is his brother,

Brother Tatsuya

"But Tatsuya sama, a week is a long time" The small child are hugging his brother

With a joyfull smile on his face he keeps rubbing his face against his brother's chest

"Haha, sorry sorry, But I really need to go to the other side" His brother are weird,

He dissapeard out of this world without a trance for 5 days,

And then he will comes back at the six and stay till 7

At the start of the week, he will dissapear again

He once ask where did he go to, and the answer he gets is "the other side"

But what is the other side?

"You are still far too young to understand that" is his response

"I am lonely here alone you know, i did all my trainings and my chore, but when i go back home you are not there" Haku said in a sad tone complaining to his brother

"I am sorry Haku, but brother have business in the other side, so I have to keep going there" His brother are no older than him,

Hell, you can even say that Haku is older

But the way He talk, the way he act, the way he held himself,

The aura of maturity coming out of him, can make anyone thought that He is the older brother

"Anyway, have you spot our target yet? He should be on the city now" The brother change the topic and Haku's expression change

"I spot him he just got pass the gate a few minutes ago" Haku's brother nodded his head and hug him tighter

"Well then, should we start now?"


"Forgive me! Please!" A man are tied upside down from the ceiling,

Around him are womans, childrens, and all kind of person naked with scars all over their body

That man is a slave trader

Obviously in a world filled with Power and curroption, this kind of things would be common practice

A slave trader capturing civilians to be turned into either a breeding factory for ninjas or just an entertainment

Either way this man can not be describe as 'Good people'

"Well, you have people around you that have been under 'care' for years, why don't i let them decide what to do with you?" A man with blue hair said as he pick ups all the gold and weapons in the room

The man are accompanied by a boy in a Yukata wearing a mask (I don't know what to call Haku's ninja outfit)

"Well then everyone, you got your toys hanging from the ceiling, do whatever you want okay?" The blue haired boy left the room with the masked boy while everyone present decide to punish their jailor

"Wait! Stop! Help me!" His please came to deaf ear as his prisoner clubber him up

In the forest outside of the town, two children at the age of 7 are walking

One look to them, and you will never thought that the boy are ninjas

The small black haired boy with a face so pretty even woman might get jealous of, look at his brother walking infront of him

"Brother, are we doing the right thing?" The black haired boy asked his brother

The brother keep walking without looking back at him

"Haku, in a world of Ninja there is no right or wrong

We might be considered hero by some but we will be seen as monsters by others

The most gentlest angel will be seen as a heinous devil by other

We might have killed a bad guy but who's to say he will stay bad forever?

Maybe he will be a good person in the future, maybe he will decide to bring peace in this world

But we will never know that as we had killed him, so what do you think? Are we doing a good thing?" His brother keep walking without stopping

"I.... I don't know" the black haired boy can't answer that question, he doesn't know if what he is doing is right or wrong

"Well the answer to that question is actually very easy" His brother stopped walking and he looks back

"It doesn't matter" the blue haired boy smiled as he answer his brother's question

"It doesn't matter what is right or what is wrong, what matter is that you stay alive, there is nothing else to that,

Is stealing a bad thing? Not really it gives you food to eat so you are saving one life,

If you give the food to others you are saving a lot of life

So why is it a crime? Because it's annoying that's why,

Most crime are like that, it's not they are bad, but they are just annoying, so the government ban the people from doing it

Is killing a bad thing? What if you kill a killer? What if you kill a human traficker? What if you kill a human waste?

The answer is simple really, it just doesn't matter

In a world of Ninja you do what you have to do to survive, to protect those you cherished

And for me, that person is you, so what happend to other does not matter" Haku listen to that words while smiling at his brother.


"Can i come with you to the other side brother?" A boy around 10 years old asked his brother

The brother have a blue hair and he raised his eyebrow

"As in, death?" His brother said in confusion

"No, to wherever you are going to every day of the week, if you can't stay here then can you take me with you?"

"Oh that, yeah no, i don't think you can" His brother scratch the back of his head while smiling helplessly

"But why? Why can't i go? What is the other side?" The black haired boy has finally fed up of his brother keep avoiding this subject.

"Hmmm" the brother put his hand on his cheek and begin to think

"Alright" he open his eyes and The black haired boy look at him with star on his eyes

"No i am not gonna take you to the other side, i am just gonna explain what it is" and that star has been snuffed out the second it appears

Oh well at least he will know what it is now

"The other side as i call it is a completely new world from this one,

Imagine the earth, the sun, the sky and the sea, all of that together containted in a bubble is what i called a 'world'

It's like a bubble that containt everything and anything that you know.

Now the other side is a new bubble with it's own sun, it's own moon, it's own earth and it's own sky

I have the ability given to me by gods to teleport between those world

So you can say that i have 2 lives to live

That's why i can't spend all my time here because i have a duty in that one,

That's why you can't go there because nobody else can, only me, and probably this world's god but we'll talk about that later

Do you understand?" His brother exaine dto the black haired boy the concept of multiverse in a simple manner and he understand

The boy is a genius, so of course he understand

"I see, so do you have your own family there?" The black haired boy look down with his bang covering his eyes as he ask that question

'I am not his priority' negative thoughts begin to form on his mind,

What if he stay on that world? What if he never come back?

Why would he come back? For a demon child that only know how to like him?

There is no reason for him to come back

Suddenly that negative thought are driven away by the gentle hand caressing his head

"I don't really have a familiy there but i do have a few friend, the reason why i keep going there is to make sure that if this ability of mine will ever be taken away from me, no matter which world i stuck to i will still be able to live,

Am i lonely without you there with me? Of course i am, but there is nothing I can do about it, i can't take anyone with me when i crossworld

So i need you to be here, to be happy and strong so if i was to ever dissapear, you will be fine without me" Haku rub herself against the gentle hand of his brother.

'If he don't have a reason to stay here then, i just gotta be that reason'


Today, My Brother will stay here for a whole month

This usually happend twice ever year but this time i will use this chance to the fullest

I Will figure out a way to keep my brother here forever

Obviously i can't do that by force since he is stronger than me, so my only option is to make him willingly stay here

But the thing is, my brother never liked anything,

Food? He do like to eat food but he will always eat new food every week saying that he got bored of the last one

Pet? He never like those because they are useless

Shinobi pet? He got bored of them soon after a few days

But lately my brother has shown some interest in new things

He comes to the casino and win big money, he will then be showered with alcohol and women by the house thinking that he will lose focus with them

The alcohol never works because my brother never liked them

But the woman?

They wear skimpy clothes that showed their body to anyone watching them,

I had seen these kind of woman before, A Honey trap is what they are called

But my brother never shown a sign of attraction towards the woman,

No he like the clothes more,

How they are shaped, what they looked like, thier color, their texture, that's what he is insterested

When i ask what his favorite type of woman is, his answer are weird

"Instead of Beautifull, i like 'Pretty' and 'cute' more"

What does that even mean? What is the different between beautifull and pretty?

Why would i care about such a thing? Because i am trying to find a partner for my brother

I asked a few people of each city we visit, how can i keep a man from moving away too much?

Their answer are pretty much the same,

"Find him a partner, when he have a wife and kids then he will surely stay with them" is what they told me

So that's what i am doing, I am trying to find a partner for my brother,

So he will stay here and be with me forever,


'I need to share him' That thought keep clouding my mind everytime i tried to find him a partner

I know he is not gonna be here forever, i know he would leave

But if he has a partner then he will stay here right? That's what those people told me

But..... I need to share him,

It's fine, i can do it, so what if he loves other people than me? As long as he is here then everything is fine

So i only need to find him a partner right? Shouldn't be a problem

'Except it is a problem'

Every. Single. Time.

Every single time i tried to get my brother a partner, he will broke with them soon after.

Sometime in just a week,

Sometime just a day,

Sometime he just met them and he is already gone.

'Why?! I have search far and wide to find the perfect woman for my brother, and yet none of them can hold him down!'

Everytime when i ask him why did he broke up, his answers are the same

"I am bored" just, those damn words keep on haunting me


It's something My brother always have, he never get to hold anything more than a week,

Everytime he have something he will get bored of them in just a week,

There is nothing, nothing that my brother ever hold for more than a week

Except for.

"Me?" An Idea, a bright idea comes to my brain as i open up my eyes.

It's there, it has been there since the begining and yet i don't see it.

Me! It's me! He has been with me for more than 5 years! He never got bored of me!

Realisation comes to my mind, the one that can keep my brother here, are me

if i can't find the perfect woman for him, then i should just Be that woman!

Yes! It's perfect!

'I will be Nii-chan's wife!'

with that resolution, i begin to change

I learned how a woman act, how they talk, how they move, how they breathe

How they dressed, what do they like, what kind of thing they hate

I learned how to do make up, my face are feminime enough to pass as a woman already so that's not a problem at all

when i show my first change into a woman to my brother, he looks surprised

"Is this to hide your identity better? We do make a lot of enemies back then so i guess it's better to be save than sorry" and that is true, we did make a lot of enemy back in the day

But that's not why i am doing this silly, i want to be your wife, that's why

I ask him everytime i want to buy clothes, just so i know what he likes

But just like everything, what he likes changes every week so i have to keep changing my wardrobe

Good thing we have a lot of money

I let my hair grows because that give me more option to style as brother will often time get bored of just one style

I shaved my body into a silky smooth skin with no trace of hair left

Only thing left is that thing

I am almost tempted to cut that thing away but brother stopped me from doing it

"You know, you don't need to try and impress me with new clothes and hair style every week, you are cute enough as it is" That word might not seem important but coming from my brother that likes changes a lot, that is a huge thing

So i keep it that way and just continue on my development

5 more year pass, my brother has spend more and more time with me as i change

Looks like those advice are working

But lately he barely pay any attention to me

He is reading a book, when i ask him what kind of book it was he tell me that i am too young for it

'Oh so i am old enough to kill people but not enough to read a book?' of course i didn't say that, what if my brother got annoyed and left?

What am i gonna do then? Live? I don't think so

So like the good boy that i am, i bought the same book he read from the plaza and tried to read it as well

And what is containt inside of those book are a brand new world

~~~~~~~~~ To be continued ~~~~~~~~~

Why i hate background story?

Because it's too much, i gotta write 15 years worth of memories in 3000 words? Don't make me laugh

So yeah this will be part one, part two will come tommorow, and maybe a few R16 scene i don't know we'll see how it goes

Anyway, see you later!

Sorry i was too excited and click upload without giving it a timer, i guess it's fine but tommorow will be the same as it was scheduled to

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