
Felix Scarletwound: The Transfiguration Prodigy

"Felix Scarletwound: The Transfiguration Prodigy" is an enchanting novel that follows the extraordinary journey of Felix Scarletwound, a resilient orphan boy, as he discovers his magical abilities and embarks on a quest to become the strongest Transfiguration wizard in a world of mystery and wonder.

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Herbology and new way of mind training

Ravenclaw Common Room

Felix returned to the Ravenclaw tower after leaving Professor McGonagall's office, only to find Xeno searching for him anxiously.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you since you disappeared after class. I thought you got lost, and I was about to inform the professor," Xeno asked with a relieved expression on his face.

"I was just studying and practicing my magic with the professor's help," Felix explained as he entered the common room, followed by Xeno.

"I don't understand why Professor McGonagall helps you so much. Are you a relative or something?" Xeno asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"No, she helps me because I'm a genius," Felix replied proudly, his thoughts lingering on the necklace around his neck and his true family.

"Eh?" Xeno was taken aback by Felix's narcissistic remark.

"Now, I want to start my meditation session, so please be quiet or leave the room," Felix said as he started the music and cast a Soften spell on his bed to create a more relaxing atmosphere. He then lay down, closed his eyes, and began to unwind.

"What was that spell? It looks so comfortable," Xeno exclaimed as he saw Felix's bed transform into a softer, clay-like texture.

Felix opened his eyes, annoyed by Xeno's noise. He cast the Soften spell on Xeno's bed and said, "Here, try it. Just shut up." He closed his eyes again, resuming his meditation.

"Hehe, thank you," Xeno replied, feeling satisfied with having achieved his goal. He jumped onto his bed and started enjoying the feeling of lying on a soft cloud.

In the last few days, Felix made significant progress with his Occlumency training. He had reached a point where he could suppress most of his emotions and thoughts. However, he still couldn't achieve the state of having an empty mind. He felt that he had reached the limits of his current training method and needed to find a way to advance further.

The next morning, in the Hogwarts greenhouses, the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students gathered for their Herbology class with Professor Cassandra Greenfield. Professor Greenfield was a middle-aged witch with a warm and nurturing presence. Her vibrant emerald green eyes sparkled with enthusiasm whenever she spoke about plants. Her long, wavy chestnut hair was often tied in a neat bun, allowing her to focus on her work without distractions. She could usually be seen wearing earth-toned robes adorned with intricate patterns of leaves and flowers, reflecting her deep connection to nature.

Felix loved this class, not only because he had a passion for magical plants and wanted to study them for his transfiguration magic, but also because Professor Greenfield often rewarded him with numerous points.

Professor Greenfield faced the students and began the day's lesson. "Today, we will be learning about Spiky Bushes. As their name suggests, they are known for their sharp, needle-like spikes that adorn their branches. These spikes serve multiple purposes, ranging from defense mechanisms to aiding in the collection of sunlight and moisture."

She gestured towards a table adorned with several potted Spiky Bushes, their green foliage bristling with long, pointed spikes. "Observe closely, class. Each spike acts as a barrier, deterring potential predators and ensuring the plant's survival. They can even shoot these spikes at humans who come too close. But beyond their protective nature, these spikes are also instrumental in the plant's photosynthesis process."

As the students gathered around the table, Felix couldn't help but think about the next spell he would create to grow plants. However, he knew that he needed to study more magical plants to understand them and effectively utilize transfiguration magic. This realization made him realize that he needed to find a way to speed up his Occlumency training.

After the class ended and the students began to leave, Professor Greenfield called out to Felix, "Mr. Scarletwound, can you stay for a few minutes?"

Hearing this, Felix told Xeno to go ahead and leave while he stayed back.

"Mr. Scarletwound, are you okay? Something seems off. You weren't as engaged during class as usual," Professor Greenfield asked, noticing that Felix hadn't asked any questions during the lesson, which was unusual for him.

Felix was surprised that the professor had noticed something was on his mind. He decided to confide in her and seek her help since he was planning to ask Professor McGonagall about it after class. He apologized for his lack of focus and explained his problem.

"I'm sorry for not being focused during class, Professor. I've been trying to train in Occlumency. I've managed to suppress most of my emotions and thoughts, which helps me focus better and perform spells more easily. However, I can't reach the state of having an empty mind, no matter how hard I try."

"Occlumency, the rare magic of first-year students! I understand your problem," Professor Greenfield said, surprised that a first-year student had chosen to train in such a difficult magic. Nonetheless, she admired Felix's ambition and was eager to help him overcome his struggle. She provided some guidance.

"That problem is common among wizards starting Occlumency training. All you need to do is try to exhaust your mind by reading a lot of books or trying some mind games ."

"Thank you for your guidance, Professor," Felix thanked her, realizing that he had found a way to overcome his current bottleneck. He then headed outside to his next class.

Later that day, Felix went to the library to start his training. After confirming with Professor McGonagall that Professor Greenfield's method would be beneficial, he decided to spend all his free time in the library and temporarily pause his transfiguration training. He was determined to reach the first stage of Occlumency.

He began his training by immersing himself in herbology books since they contained the most detailed information. He selected a thick book titled "Enchanted Flora: A Comprehensive Guide to Magical Plants in the Wizarding World" written by an esteemed Herbology expert from a hundred years ago named Thaddeus Evergreen.

The book contained information on every magical plant that existed in the wizarding world. From the familiar and well-known to the rare and elusive, "Enchanted Flora" provided an extensive catalog of these magical plants, including their unique characteristics, growth requirements, and potential uses in potion-making, spellcasting, and everyday wizarding life.

Felix remained focused while reading the book, unaware of the passing time. He was interrupted by the old librarian, who looked at him with warm eyes, as if he were her own grandson. It was rare to see students with such dedication for studying these days.

"Mr. Scarletwound, your time is up. You should leave for today. You can come back tomorrow," she said while placing a borrow note in front of him.

Felix snapped out of his deep focus state and glanced at the book, realizing he had only finished reading less than half of it. Feeling mentally exhausted, he stood up, signed the note, thanked the old librarian lady, and headed back to his room to continue reading the book.