
feather of love

They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you..' What happens when a sweet and gentle girl meets a cold hearted and overly possessive man ? While his distant and disdainful nature pushes everyone away, her warm and determined demeanor unconsciously make people feel comfortable. Two people, different from each other and yet quite similar. Unique and still, strangely too compatible. Special on their own, but somehow fate mysteriously aligns them together our life and Faith have another plan to change and play Like a board of chess the winner of the heart will keep it forever. Mia used to a normal noble girl with her loving family always beside her. Untill one fateful night of her 16th anniversary everything changed ... Her mother mysteriously passed away by an unknown cause. Rumours speculate it to be some sort of illness while others say she was poisoned! What seemed to be the happy family transformed into a prison.. a once free bird, now caged due to her father's controlling nature. However Mia is not your usual girl. She is smart and knows how to lie while her true goals hidden locked inside a box. While he knew, he chose not to ask anything untill she revealed it....

Aria44 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Embrace the distance

I smiled Softly, as I am getting scolded more and more, some by Sylvia, but some things make me so interested. It's just that Sylvia and this tower, most of the time, probably hear some rumors and all of that. So, I put my hand on her shoulder, full of excitement, unable to contain myself. One thing to know: all those secrets that my mother doesn't want to tell me.

"Sylvia, you know you are my best friend, right? You'd love to do everything for your best friend. You can't tell anything to your best friend, just let me know, right, bestie? We don't have anything without each other."

I look at her, trying to be the most innocent person, giving her the puppy eyes, doing my best to charm her. She rolls her eyes, lets my hand off her shoulder, and gets up, looking at me without hesitation, just ignoring my question. I stand up, with all her glory, of course. She's a girl that no one can be, a hot-headed one.

"Mia, tell me what you want. You don't have to give me all of those things, and besides, you know me, I don't have that patience," she says, looking a bit irritated.

I smirk happily, knowing what I need. I get up and go toward my chair because sitting on the bed is not the best. After sitting on my chair and making myself more comfortable, I look at her, turning my eyes with a smirk on my face. Sylvia takes a step back as if she can feel my evilness.

"I can't hide it if I need something, I wouldn't get it," I say, looking at Sylvia. "So, Sylvia, can you tell me more about the rumors of the Revolution? I'm just wondering because I have so many questions," I say, trying to appear serious.

She sits on the bed recklessly, playing with her hair without any concern. She didn't even make eye contact; instead, she was sitting comfortably, as if nothing happened.

"This place is full of rumors everywhere. You have more than a million people here. I can provide you with a little bit of them because I don't trust rumors, because most of them are false. But what I can tell you is that revolutions get all people hyped up for it. It's originally from the play Sweden, you know, the guild that place we become adventurers, and of course, who is the leader is simply Eric. Who else? Focus with me, plus, I just like the way you talk to me, so rude."

When I heard that all of that happened because of Eric, all of this nonsense, my anger was already hyped up. I didn't even listen to the rest of what Sylvia said. The only thing I was focused on was how dirty and ignorant this person could be. They literally made a revolution just to be a freaking King, even if they don't know how much responsibility it carries. It's like doubling the responsibility already there. My anger gets engaged as I slam the table with full power, not even wanting to say anything to Sylvia.

I just get up and go towards the door and slam it. When I close it, I get so angry that I can feel my emotions getting out of control. So, I go to the field just to get a breath of fresh air. No one was around, and my anger was not even calming down. I go as far as a place where no one can hear me, pleading that I can be alone. It's okay, the fairy can listen to me. I don't care. To me, it's just me and myself. I just want to understand the situation, so I yell from the bottom of my heart, as my heart is racing, trying to calm it down.

"This stupid person wants me to be a queen, taking it for himself. I am not even being cocky. I am just trying to understand my situation. If I want to live peacefully, always like me, people just make things worse. They live and let me live my life. I don't want to cry. I don't want to be this weak girl everyone sees! I just want to be myself!"

I help my sword and begin to swing it around, not even seeing who is around me, just to let my rage out. But suddenly, I feel something in the form of my hand getting hotter and hotter. When I begin to swing my sword even more savagely, not even going by their rules, my sword shines with a red glow that I feel I can't control anymore. Suddenly, I just hit it with a tree to stop it, and the tree is cut clean. I am surprised. I look at the tree; it's a thick, really old one, needing three months or more to cut it.

I was so surprised. I look around to find the little fairy that had been trying to calm me down all the time by whining in a cute way. She was behind a tree, shivering. I look at my hands, understanding the power I can hold. I look to see which sword I used and found it is a sort of my grandfather's. So, I begin to wonder if it's like a power that my grandfather had before. I don't know. Anyway, I sit on the branches that I already cut. I didn't mean to, but my anger kept better than me. I begin to think how I will see my mother's eyes.

Oh, I can't tell her that so many people really hurt me, that some people I trust betrayed me. How can I tell her all my feelings that I kept? It's just a pain that's really hard to explain. Softly, even if I don't want to show it to anyone, I will scream in the middle of the night alone. It's better than keeping it inside of me and torturing myself. But suddenly, I feel something getting close to me, so in a sudden moment, I get up with my reflexes. I was so surprised to see this tall and beautiful man I never saw before. But he was talking to the fairy, so I remembered him; he's the guy I met in the Forest of Faith. That makes sense why he's a bit weird.

"Do you want anything from me? I just need some time alone, please," I say as he begins walking closer to me, slowly getting so close to my face that I get embarrassed.

"Sweetheart, we see each other again. I don't want anything, but my little fairy told me everything. You look like a person who's already heartbroken. What happened to you? And the thing that you used was this sword. Don't use it again," he says, his looks getting more serious, but I step back slowly, fully knowing that he's getting serious. He rests his shoulder on a tree branch and looks at me curiously. I get a bit uncomfortable because it's a new thing to me.

"I just want to return, confirm everything to my mother, tell her that I will not be a queen anymore. But at the same time, so many questions are going through my head," I say, putting my hand and resting my head on it, trying to focus on what I want.

"I'm slowly getting tired, feeling dizzy, and restless. He's glancing at me as if he already knows what's happening to me. I try to get up, but my legs are too weak. Frowning, I realize the consequences are already taking hold. I understand I can't run from responsibilities. I have to accept them.

"I have to get it. I can't break my word. I didn't get up, and I don't think I will even talk to my mother. But this man gets closer to me and says beside me with a soft smile, his eyes a bit dark, 'Look, my little rabbit, you get away from me this time. You have a lot of excuses, a lot of things to finish. Go to your mother and finish this business. I already know everything. If you need me, just let the Siri call me. I can be your friend at that time. You just need.'"

I look at him, surprised, before I can ask about his name, he disappears like a small candle being blown away. But when I see behind me, the way he walked leaves a trail of flowers. I wonder about this man. Why does he want to help me? But for now, I need to talk to my mother.

So, I try to get up again. I still struggle with restlessness, but I manage to go to the Tower of Magi and see my mother. She looks at me with concern.

"Sylvia told me everything," she says, stopping me before I even reach my room. "Mia, you already look so messed up. I was trying my best just to make sure that you would be safe, even if I had to sacrifice my life."

I look at her, a bit confused. What did Sylvia tell her? I try not to dwell on it too much. "Mother, it's just that so many people betrayed me, making me feel terrible. If anyone does anything that seems uncomfortable to me, I just burst in anger. So, I just prefer to be angry alone. It's better, especially when Sylvia told me that the person who betrayed me, his best friend, is a leader of the Revolution. How can I trust this person?"

My mother looks at me as if she wants to shed some tears. I slowly hug her, knowing she didn't do anything bad to me; she's just trying to help me. This warmth and care are things I've never experienced before in my life. I promise myself to control my emotions better after all that's happened.

"I promise you, my daughter. I promise you. Let this evolution go as they plan. I tell you, you are a queen without their help. When they do the hard work, you can just go and tell the truth about your identity. You won't have to do anything else, and no one at this point will be there to betray you."

I think about her point of view. My mother is smarter than me. I don't think I inherited this smartness from her, but I'm sure that my bond with my mother is slowly getting stronger. Even if it's a small thing, all people can talk with each other. It's just different.

She looks at me more cheerfully, a smile across her face. "I promise you. I will train you so hard that you'll want to stop. I will make you the greatest Mage ever."