
Fear the Night

In a dark world, on a mountain lives a crossbreed that tries to survive. Even though he is part goblin, he just doesn't look like one and that makes his life harder then needed. His tribe is hard enough on him but in the outside world it will be only harder. And that he will learn the hard way.

Ro_King · Fantasy
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127 Chs

New year and trouble already starts

The snow was melting and the forest got some life back. The same goes to the Goblin village.

Two and a half more months passed since the winter break feast. The military of Rosch grew stronger, having nothing to do but train for almost 4 months with enough nutrition made each Goblin stronger. They grew bigger and more massive. While most were around 1 meter when they started, are now not under 1,20 meters many over 1,30 meters. But the most significant change was the discipline. Gorker was a very good instructor, he knew when to give food, when to train and when to reward, but to punish as well.

With that Rosch got 110 excellent warriors, now only equipment was missing. The craftsmen worked hard over the winter, producing many figures, necklaces and other stuff they believed they could sell. Now only time would tell, if they could get rich.

Rosch on the other hand had other stuff to do. He walked out of his room, looking around. He saw his females packing some food and equipments for their journey to the elven village.

The journey was estimated to be around a week, because of the melting snow, which sod the entire forest ground. Many places became a bit like swamps, because of that. Normally two days of travel to the elven village would be enough, but with swampy ground and Galia, who needs to be carried, it would automatically be a longer journey.

Rosch walked to his mother, as she hugged him happily, even though she was nervous, too, her enthusiasm couldn't be hidden.

"My baby, you grew so much. You are 1,20 meters now, that's amazing, but makes me a bit sad. To think you were born two years ago, while now looking like that masculine little guy, is weird. Why didn't you get more of my elven blood and stayed a much longer time small.", Lunara said a bit sad but more teasingly.

They decided that Lunara, Galia and Schajana would come on this journey, plus five guards. One Orc mix and 4 normal Goblins. Suz was against it, since she wanted to see the elven village, too, but having only Thulpina at home was a bit risky. She could get a little depressed, if they left her here alone, even though she gets more confident by the day. Schajana's belly got a lot bigger, while Galia has a small bump on her belly already.

She was beaming, since the day she learned that she would become a mother.

Even her paralyzed legs didn't bother her that much anymore.

Rosch, the group of guards and the females that would go with him packed up and went out. Outside stood Suz, Thulpina, Gerhard and Gorker.

"Guys, you know what to do. First, do as many missions as possible, since we need to pay the Dwarf mixes meat and pelts back, in masses. Do more hunting missions, if they are available, extermination of predators are only done, if one of you two is with the group. And if any other quest show up at Randans quest hall, it will be left to your judgment Gorker. You have more experience than anyone here. And secondly train the military as good as possible, I don't want casualties. Every death is a loss to us. Third and most importantly, always go in big groups. We have to be wary of the Goblin family. ", Rosch said sternly, but knew that Gorker and Gerhard would do a good job, as they listened with great care.

Rosch said his goodbye to his two females that are left behind, with kisses. Suz grew a bit just like Rosch. She was still a bit bigger than Rosch with 1,30 meters, which made her very happy. Not long till she can have real sex with Rosch. As they hugged each other, Rosch was again surprised. She really got bigger. Mostly in her breast and butt area, still the smallest of his females, but she will probably get bigger than her mother in those areas.

It didn't take long after saying goodbye, as they started to walk north. A huge road was separating the north from the south of the forest. The road connected the Eastern Human territory with the western beast-tribes. The beast-tribes are living in huge plains, because their ancestors were nomadic tribes. Some tribes are still nomadic, but most already built cities. South of the road was the mountain, where the Goblin tribe was. They were the closest to the road of all villages inside the forest, which made their village the most vulnerable, because being in the center of the forest. On the northern side of the forest was the elven village. They lived Northwest closer to the western plains where the beast-tribes lived. The Nightwalker city was much further north almost at the ice tundra, where the Daywalkers have their tribes, also called the northern tribes. There are other races, too but inside the forest only the Daywalkers would sometimes wander into.

The south was getting swampier the further you went south. The trees changed, too becoming more tropical and colorful. The Goblins never went far south, because of venomous animals, insects and a climate they weren't accustomed to.

The group traveled peacefully for three days, as the first arrow was shot in front of them into the ground.

"This is elven territory. State your business or get killed right now.", a green haired elf shouted down at Roschar's group. Rosch felt his presence, but didn't think the Elf would attack.

The Orc mix and the four normal Goblins got enraged. They took their weapons out, but stopped instantly, as a hand gesture from Rosch showed them to be silent.

Lunara was the one who went forward.

" I am Lunara Moonshine. I want to go to my family that is inside Treetops City. You probably heard of the Moonshine family, right?", Lunara asked the Elf emphasizing her family name strongly. She knew he would know her, but asked anyway to make him regret shooting at them.

The Elf looked closely and saw that she was an Elf and saw even more. She had silver hair. Inside the Treetops City, there were only two noble families. The Moonshine family and the Sunshine family. Both families are named after their hair, the silver moon like hair and the golden sun like hair.

"I am sorry Milady, I hope you can forgive me. I should show you the way. Those monsters, are they threatening you?", the green haired Elf asked with hostility against the various other races presented.

He didn't even look at them for more than a second, but was shocked after seeing another noble.

" I am so sorry. To think in this group would be another noble, even a pregnant lady. We should get that filthy being away from you, Milady.", the green haired Elf said further.

Insulting Rosch, that held Schajana's hand to help her over a tree root. The Goblins and females of Rosch got angry. But before anything could happen Lunara's voice sounded.

" You should shut your fucking mouth, useless trash. How dare you say that to my child.", Lunara said that, being completely enraged. She made water blades, while walking towards the green haired Elf.

Everyone was shocked. Schajana and Galia never heard Lunara say insults at anyone. No she was never angry before. They couldn't believe that she would say something like that even Rosch was surprised, his eyes wide open from shock.

He was still small when she screamed at Randan for hurting Rosch sometimes and later on she didn't dare to attack Randan anymore, because he would threaten her with killing Rosch. But to see her like this was Roschar's first time, too, while he vaguely can remember her screaming sometimes, it was never like this.

"Stop it mother. It is okay. He probably learned from his mistake.", Rosch tried to calm her down, surprising the green haired Elf. He thought he would get killed.

He started to go on his knees, while nodding as if he wouldn't dare to say anything anymore. She stopped, looking at Rosch to calm down.

" I am sorry my baby. You know, that was one of the reasons I was nervous about coming back home. It may be that you are being treated with disgust. Many Elves aren't open for mixing races.", Lunara said, her mood a bit down. Right now she was ashamed of her own race.

" It's okay mom. I wasn't raised to be a cry baby. I can live with that. It's okay, I am here to heal Galia and helping you reunite with your family, after that I need to go back. ", Rosch said without caring much what others think or say about him.

Lunara was happy. She really had a strong child, but was a bit shocked. She thought often how to connect Rosch into the Moonshine family, but hearing him say that it is her family not his was shocking to her. She gestured for the green haired Elf to stand up and show them the way.

"What should I do? I never talked about my family, because it hurt me. But I never thought he would grow up with the idea that they aren't related to him. But will they accept him? Goddammit what should I do?", Lunara thought getting sad and teary-eyed.

It took them another day and, as they stood in front of the city Schajana, Rosch, Galia and the five guards were shocked. They have never seen a city, which was so magnificent and beautiful.

Houses inside the treetops, some inside the tree trunks or built on platforms that connect multiple trees together. On the ground where all the stores, from elven merchants to all other races, who sold their own goods from their homeland.

All trees were connected with suspension bridges, which made it look like a huge spiderweb.

It was truly a wonderful and spectacular scenery. The green haired Elf kneeled again and run into the city wanting to end all contact with this group.

"Let's go. I want to know why they didn't come to save me. ", Lunara suddenly said taking all her courage into her hands, walking forward towards her families house, which was on the biggest tree in the middle of the city.