

In an era where wolves and vampires are being hunted,a young vae-wolf has to start life in a new pack and place. Get her mates but with lot's of rivalry.

vennehlisah100 · Fantasy
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96 Chs



The creaking sound of the door as it opened woke me up from sleep. I turned towards the door pivoting myself with my elbow in order to see the intruder only to feel Hunter's scent wafting slowly over the room. He strode in glancing at me.

My, Oh, My! He actually came back after my subtle threat? I felt like I had won the European champions league. I was still pissed at him for marking me so casually and also for locking me up in his room. I had a feeling that my rights had been violated.

"I want a lawyer" I mumbled as I sat up straight on the bed.

"What for?" he asked as he slid- off his jacket.

"Since I am your prisoner, I have the right to be heard in a court of Law" I quickly replied.

He gave me a lazy smile before walking into the closet.

"Is that the reason why you wanted me back to the pack house tonight so that you can ask for a Lawyer?" He arrogantly asked.

"Yes alpha. I want us to take this matter to court. If proven guilty, I be jailed and if proven otherwise, be set free. It is not fair to be placed on house arrest like a criminal for an offence I never committed." I snarled.

He walked out of the closet wrapped in a towel, then removed his eye patch and threw it on the bed beside me.

"I know you are thirsty of me scent, mate. Sniff that as I shower then we shall continue with our conversation" He said as he chuckled walking into the bathroom. I scrambled for the eye patch, waffling my nostrils with his scent on it. He was right, I was thirsty for his scent. The giggling from the bathroom door brought me back to my senses. I tossed the eye patch to him and he gripped it laughing then disappeared into the bathroom. Annoyed at myself for being too easy, I clicked my tongue blaming everything on the bond.

He came out minutes later, went into the closet and came out still wrapped with a towel.

'This guy has a problem with putting on clothes?' I thought to myself and observed as he opened a small safe, pulled out an i-pad, went through it, before walking with it to the bedroom coffee table, sat on a chair and tapped on the i-pad.

"Come over here and do you school assignments, I need to submit them to your teachers tomorrow morning." He said in a calm tone.

"What the f**k, Hunter! It's 1:00 am, and you want me to do my school assignments?" I squealed.

"You should have thought about that before dragging me home, now come and do your f**ng assignments" Alpha firmly said but I adamantly refused. I turned my gaze to the closet before lying back down on my side saying:

"I want out of this misery Alpha, No assignments, No school, No nothing! I want to go away to my freedom." I hissed knowing very well that with our heightened hearing, he must have heard everything.

The sound of his seat scraping the floor and his footsteps growing nearer told me he was walking towards me.

"Do you really want to leave Ania?" He asked getting closer to me with each step.

"Yes alpha" I told him.

"Do you really want to leave your mate?" He asked.

"Yes, Yes I do" I answered back.

"Look at me and tell me that." He spoke.

Words failed me when I felt his fingertips gripping my chin, he then tilted my face to focus on him as he climbed the bed with me.

The claw marks I had inflicted on his face had healed, leaving faint scars, which on him, added more character that could not deter his good looks.

"I f**ng told you, it's me and you, there is nowhere you can go neither can you hide anywhere. You are my mate and that's how it's always going to be. You are mine." He growled before he started purring while he straightened on me .

I started feeling the calling seizing me with its grip. He locked his hands on both my wrists, tugging them above my head, he pinned me beneath him. His chest vibrated against mine. Drawing out a side of me, I was beginning to hate. I fought him off, trying to push him away from me but I couldn't, he was too strong for me .

Hunter ran his nose across my cheek, inhaling my scent before stopping at my ear.

"You can fight me all you want, Ania, but I can use one thing you can't fight against. Should I remind you?" he purred before running his tongue across the seam of my lips.

The moan that left me angered me as my body relaxed beneath him, giving in to his demands; as he received the reaction he wanted out of me, tears dripped burning my eyes.

"I have told you that I don't want to force you to be with me, so please stop driving me to do it. I hate to be that kind of monster," he whispered in my lips before nipping them. Hunter thrusted his hips against my scantly clothed body. His hardened member pressing my thighs, made me moan but also whimper, I knew that if he wanted to, he could use the calling to force me submit to him and make me give-in to him. Sealing the deal once and for all.

"See, Ania I have power, don't make me abuse it. I don't want that, and I know you don't either." he growled before dropping the calling, the overwhelming feeling suddenly got extinguished.

He hovered above me for a few seconds as his eyes flickered and his body trembled like he was fighting a war within himself while l battled my own.

"Tread carefully, Ania. You don't want me to snap," he growled before rolling off me. The moment he rolled down, my entire body shuddered like it was going through withdrawals. It took everything in me not to throw myself at him and rub myself on him, coveting his skin, wanting to bite him. He smirked before his face fell when I didn't give in to the urges. Anger feelings overshadowing those urges. I gritted my teeth.

"You're resisting them" he snarled.

"You would rather, wallow in pain and anger than have me? He asked.

"Yes alpha, I loved the first time we shared an intimate moment but now you showing me that you are in control, I hate you for it." I poured out my heart to him in displeasure .

"Then don't pressure me to thrash your freewill. Stop fighting the bond and never run away from me again." he stated.

"You're a hypocrite! You are asking me not to fight or deny the bond, but you broke mine, you broke me. I won't allow you to do it a second time," I screamed at him so angrily that I felt breathless.

He seemed startled by my outburst before getting up and storming towards the door.

"If you attempt to leave this room without my permission, you will find yourself back in the dungeons again," he snapped.

Alpha walked out and slammed the door behind him. I jumped when the door banged as the bond flared to life, making me want to chase after him and beg for his forgiveness.

It had taken me days to have the bond ease a bit allowing me breathe, yet it took him only seconds to force it back. One bite and he was destroying me all over again.

Only then did I recognize the signs and the influence he had over me. The twisted way the bond worked against me. I didn't think I could suffer the push and pull from the bond, suffer through losing it again if he so chose to. Yet I was determined to try because one thing became startling obvious: he was fighting the bond just as much as I was. He had the calling, but I wasn't entirely powerless. I had the bond on my side and if he wanted to break me, I would make sure he broke too.

My mate locked me up in his room for a whole month in which he was barely even around. The killings had gotten worse setting Hunter on edge most of the time. The days which he was around we didn't get to spend time together. We shared the same room but not the same bed. He could always sleep in the closet. I knew he was avoiding me, I was the number one suspect in all that.

I spent all that time with my wolf although different teachers were sent to me every day to teach me as I caught up with my studies.

Hunter came home one afternoon. He was too tired that after showering he threw himself on the bed and slept off while I was being tuitored on physics. The lesson lasted for two hours and I realized the door had been left open when the teacher walked out. I had already made up my mind to stay at Mooncrest pack. I didn't want to run away anymore, after all there was no where I would run to without Hunter getting me. I had his mark. I only wanted to stretch my legs, get fresh air and some sunlight. When I looked at him and saw him sleeping, I walked stealthily out of the room into the compound.

There were few people in the compound, I knew that other members of our pack were still in school. The few that I met slightly bowed their head in respect, acknowledging me as their Luna, which was strange considering the fact that Hunter wasn't treating me as his mate, leave alone his Luna. We hardly spoke apart from casual greetings and him ordering me around to either eat, sleep or complete my homework.

I walked round and round in the compound then when I was about to turn behind the house to the stores. I overheard two people speaking saying how I was the master mind behind the killings and disappearing of everyone and how Hunter had locked me up in his room to protect the rest of the pack from me. It seemed like I had alibi outside. They even spoke of some bodies that had been preserved in a nearby morgue and that I was responsible for their deaths. A total of 100 people had died.

My heart churned. I had to see things for myself. My mate must have really put on with so much, if I was still alive at that moment. My instincts told me it was all too much on him as I walked out of the pack house. Luckily the security men at the gates didn't question me and after a few minutes, I walked to the morgue.

The morgue attendant didn't want to give me access to the bodies until I mentioned that I was Hunter's partner. He pulled the bodies out of the freezers as horror washed over me. Those bodies were mutilated so badly that it was had to recognize them. I whimpered walking over body to body wondering what everyone was thinking of me now that they thought I was the one behind the murders. No wonder my mate couldn't even look at me twice without getting offended. I broke down crying as I opened body bag to body bag. Seeing bodies belonging to kids, teenagers, adults and old people. Who could be this cruel?


My phone rung stirring me from sleep. I looked at the caller ID, scoffed when I saw it was Sky who lately was throwing herself desperately at me. She was in the city. Knowing she wanted us to meet for either dinner or drinks, I ignored the call putting my phone on flight mode. She tried mind-linking me but I shoved her out as I walked into the bathroom seeking out for my mate. She was not in the bathroom or the closet. I walked out into the compound infuriated, she had disobeyed me again. She left our room without my permission and I could only hope that she had not run away again.

I walked all over the place in search of Ania, when I couldn't get her anywhere in the compound, I walked to the gate. I was afraid of opening the bond because I thought she could be far away as she had earlier threatened. All security men stood at attention starring at me as Jake stepped out roaring one word, "ANIA."

They looked at me astonished, before Jake could say another word one of them gushed out.

"She left over an hour ago, didn't inform us where she went to" One security reported.

I would deal with them later because they had strict orders not to allow her leave the pack.

I opened a mind-link to Mylar, Joe and Lemmy asking them to help me find my mate again, she was beginning to be a notorious escapee. Shortly, Jake growled the morgue.

It was a walking distance, my heart thumping, wondering what was Ania doing in the morgue. What if she was dead like all the other cases that I had on my desk?

I could feel vampires floating in space as I walked into the morgue.

The moment I laid my eyes on the attendants they simultaneously pointed to the freezer room.

Joe and Lemmy walked right past me swinging the door open, I entered into the freezer room my eyes searching for my mate, she was on the furthest end struggling with opening a bodybag.

My bond feeling for her intentions.

Lemmy and Joe both halted on their steps looking at her. Who informed her about the bodies? I had tried for weeks to shield and protect my Luna from everything that was going on.

Shoving past them, I growled. Seeing Ania in so much pain that it tore away my heart. I growled again and this time she turned around to face me. I noticed how sore her eyes were most probably from too much crying. I walked to her and grabbed her soft hands which were blistered. I yanked her to me as my mind link opened:

"HUNTER!" Joe snarled through the mind-link.

"Quiet, don't interfere when I am dealing with her," I ordered, ignoring him.

"Why are you out here? You disobeyed my orders again" I snapped at her before gripping her arms.

"You f**ng disobeyed me and left the room without my permission or knowledge " I growled at her.

Didn't she know I was doing all that to protect her?

I tried dragging her out but she started thrashing, managing to yank out of my grip.

"ANIA!" I snapped at her disobedience. Reaching for her and just as I was about to toss her over my shoulder, Lemmy and Joe moved closer. I growled at them.

"I'm not f*****g hurting her, now step back," I ordered as she grabbed the zip of a bodybag, trying to close it.

She hiccupped and started to cry, making me look at her and whisper:

"My Luna? I got it. I will close the body bag ."

She looked at me. Her white eyes now bloodshot as her tear marks etched into her skin. However, what she spoke at that time made me realize something was wrong. I should have paid attention to the bond instead of my anger, though the bond was still simmering in my veins.

"Everyone thinks I have a hand in their deaths, I did not kill them. I am not a sick monster, I am not a murderer, I can never do those henious acts." She broke down crying, letting herself to the floor.

"Hunter please believe me, I didn't do it. Please, please believe me." she continued sobbing.

Kneeling down beside her, I took her hands and placed them on my chest.

"I know you did not. Im trying everything within my powers to prove your innocence my Luna." I told her honestly.

I was working my a** off to get the perpetrators for two reasons: First to make them pay for all their henious acts and secondly to clear my mate's name so that she could freely move around.

"You all think I am the brain child behind all this, you always think that I know what's going on. I am not a traitor?" she said as tears burned my eyes seeing her so distraught and helpless.

"No, you aren't, we will get the ba***rds that did this, and I believe you are innocent." I tried telling her, but she wouldn't listen. She continued rambling about how innocent she was.

I knew she was innocent the moment I did thorough investigations and nothing could be pinned to or on her. Still, I was a bit sceptical when I couldn't get any other suspect.

I looked to Joe, wanting to know what to do, only to find him gone before he dropped beside her, trying to get her to go with him. Not even then would she move.

I dismissed them to wait for us outside.

"My love, you can't stay here, the bereaved will come to pay respect to their dead, I wouldn't want them to find you here, we both know why." I whispered before sitting in front of her.

I pulled her between my legs before tugging her to my chest. She shook her head in refusal as she pushed me away. I growled at her before locking my legs around her and using the calling to calm her.

The moment I purred, she lashed out, hitting and clawing me. I didn't stop purring, the calling taking over her.

She pressed against my chest, listening to my calling for her, only then did Ania let me scoop her up in my arms to take her back to our bedroom.

It's was time to change and be a good mate to Ania.

I had denied her the bond for so long but not any more.

She had been hurt the most,

I resolved to go every where with her, making sure that she would not suffer in the pack anymore.

Enough was enough!

It was a few months since I met her and in those months she experienced nothing but misery.

I kissed her lips as I sat with her on our bed dropping the calling.

"I am so sorry for hurting you over the months putting everything first except you.

That must change! I promise you my Luna." I whispered tilting her head, slowly kissing her while she nodded.

Our bond flared up as I felt it grow stronger.