

In an era where wolves and vampires are being hunted,a young vae-wolf has to start life in a new pack and place. Get her mates but with lot's of rivalry.

vennehlisah100 · Fantasy
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96 Chs



Our journey to Devonshire coven border was taking longer than anticipated. More people in our pack had disappeared. Our headcount showed that we were missing both elderly and young members of the pack together with the five students.

What puzzled me most was that the missing persons had shifted completely to humans and they were no longer vampires or werewolves.

This was another war in the making as very soon humans would start hitting back at us and fishing us out of our hiding places since our missing park members had fully shifted to humans and decamped to the enemy human territory.

My entire body vibrated from the effects of the bond while Jake too was fussing and cussing. He wanted his mate, to cuddle with, bundle her and make love to her. He yearned to make Ania his own.

Jake was negatively affecting my work on missing persons dilemma. I was being driven to the edge, my mind was all over the place.

The mate bond was also calling out for my mate, affecting me even though I was miles away from her. I was being compelled strongly to turn and go back home to my mate.

Mylar, Joe and Lemmy gave me incessant reminders of how the city and the pack were restless with everyone fearing for their lives. As the Alpha of Mooncrest pack, I felt like a failure. My mind was bursting as anger and frustration flared. Everything now was aggravating my anger including the noise of car tyres gravelling the road.

We were not even three hours away from home when I felt an immense pain on my back. It was like someone poured hot water on my back. I flinched.

Jake growled in my mind, "MATE MATE MATE"

"Shut up Jake, this is not the right time to whine about her, I will get us another mate," I snapped at my wolf.

"I don't want anybody else, I want Ania" He scolded.

The pain on my back was becoming intense, what was happening!

My phone rung and I picked it up with a smile on my face when I saw it was Sky. She had become another good friend because she was assisting me with investigation.

She kept talking to me as the car moved.

I was laughing heartily with her.

Suddenly Jake opened the bond link.

I felt something!

My mate was in anguish.

I became worried and instantly dropped the call without notice.

If the pain I was experiencing was what Ania was feeling, then she needed urgent medical attention because my whole back was in severe pain. I opened a mind link to one of the doctors in the pack house requesting him to check on Ania when I realized the back pain was emanating from her. I maintained the link open, it took forever for him to report back, but in a panicked voice, he reported that he could not find her.

My stomach rumbled as I fought the urge to shift on getting that information. My claws sank into the car seat making the polyurethane foam of the seat splutter everywhere.

Mylar glanced at me nervously out of the corner of her eye. She looked quite nervous. I couldn't tell why.

"Excuse me" I snarled back through the link.

"Where is she? She is clearly hurt or injured and she is nowhere, what happened to my mate?" I continued interrogating the Doctor.

"Our Luna is not anywhere in the pack house or it's environs. Rina said that she left her a note saying she was going to start a new life somewhere far away and that she should not worry about her." He told me.

Jake was coming strongly at every word the doctor spoke.

"I warned you not to leave our mate unattended." He growled.

I was more than worried.

I closed that link and opened another one with Rina.

"You found a note stating that my mate was running away and you f***ng didn't care to inform me?" I snapped at her.

"I just saw it now when the pack doctor came looking for her." She hissed in horror as I cut the link.

Mylar glanced at me, I growled, my fist connecting with the dashboard, setting off the airbag. My claws slashed through it, making Mylar jump and nearly swerve our car off the road.

"Turn the f*****g car around," I snarled, infuriated.

She was as good as dead, how dare she run away from me, her mate?

To make matters worse, she ran away while I was in the middle of the assasination investigation, she being a prime suspect.

Why would she run when hurt?

"She didn't do it." Jake told me. I shove him back.

I opened the link to the security men in the pack house, the warriors and the young adults.

"I want everyone out in the city looking for Ania. She is a fugitive. If you get her before I do, do not harm her. Don't touch her, just bring her back to the pack house in one piece. She is probably hurt on the back so handle with her with uttermost care." I cut the link.

I explained everything to my travel companions as Mylar chirped;

"F**k that b**ch! let her go.

She doesn't even deserve you anyway.

You are worth much more than a she-wolf." This earned her a growl, she then whispered;

"I am sorry alpha."

"Louder." I growled.....

"I am sorry alpha" She said loudly.

"You will respect my Luna okay?" I growled. "Yes alpha!" She answered back.

"Pull over!" Joe commanded.

Mylar slammed on the breaks pulling the car over.

"Out!" He ordered and swapped places with her.

Beta drove off like a safari rally driver or an emergency service provider.

"Which road?" He asked behind the wheels.

My eyes flickered, I opened the bond feeling for my mate.

"Highway," I answered.

The intensity of her pain made me panic and washed through the bond forcing me to shift. Joe slammed on the brakes, I ripped myself out of the car before destroying it.

"You two go back to the pack house, Mylar follow me!" I ordered before I started running.

I let the bond guide me to her. To my fated mate. I found her running through the city buildings. She refused to submit to me when I got to her, she even had the guts to ask me to let her go. My instincts were urging me to mark her in the car, it was not an ideal place but I did it.

The car screeched to halt when we got back to the pack house with my marked mate still in my arms.

I stepped out of the car with her. Joe and Lemmy rushed towards us.

Mylar stepped out of the car with us.

"You f**ng marked her." Mylar thundered hitting my arms with a lot of bitterness.

"What the f**k is all the fuss about Mylar, she is my mate." I roared back not understanding her.

"You marked her." She fussed again as tears rolled down her eyes.

"What the hell Mylar, why are you like this? what is wrong with me marking my mate? Why are you acting like I have betrayed you or something?" I snapped and she walked away.

I could feel her hurting as her heart beat increased rapidly. What was wrong with her?

Lemmy stepped out looking at the blood that was dripping from Ania.

"What happened to her, why is she bleeding?" He asked.

"She is okay, I just marked her."

I said looking at my lady flaccid in my arms, she looked lifeless.

"You marked her even before her shifting? Do you understand what you just did?" Joe probed .

"I know, I know, it was the only thing that came to my mind when she refused to submit." I told him as I walked towards the house.

"Hold the f****ng doors" I snarled as Joe ran forward opening doors for me.

I took Ania to my room, cleaned her and placed her on my bed before asking Mylar to bring her clothes over through the mind link.

She came moments later, she was hurting.

"Mylar, what happened? Why are you hurting? It's my mate I just marked. You are acting like a jilted lover!" I asked her and she just walked away, without saying a word.

Too tired to follow her, I let her be.

I then cleaned up before joining Ania on my bed.

Using my phone camera, I examined my face. Her claw marks were deep, especially across my cheek and temple.

How did she manage to claw my face so badly?

Lycan claws could do some damage, but it was like I had been slashed with a knife, not a wolf's claw.

The only damage that caused this sort of destruction to a Vae-wolf was usually caused by another vae-wolf claw.

I laced my fingers with hers as I licked her mark .

I couldn't get the look of her eyes out of my head, how they glowed, and her strength as she struggled.

She must have been angry because it took nearly all my strength for me to subdue her. The other thing that bothered me was how she was able to resist my command in her anger.

She could not withstand my calling, yet she resisted my command. I was puzzled. My mate had more strength than what a typical lycan should have, and fought my command, yet could not fight the calling when I purred.

I kept trying to tell myself that it was because she was my mate, yet something nagged me as I pondered myself to asleep.

I woke up hours later after my alarm went off at 4 in the morning. I locked up my bedroom door, stashed all the keys in my pocket before going to Devonshire with Mylar and Joe. I ordered Lemmy to stay back and get whoever poured hot water on my Luna. They would not go unpunished..


I woke up feeling hungover as memories of the previous night surfaced.

"He f****ng marked me." I squealed in anger as I touched my mate's mark. My fingertips tingled, the sight stung a little. I remembered his teeth sinking into me. I looked at the wall clock, it was 5:30pm.

I was astonished. For how long had I been sleeping? I rolled out of bed and discovered that I was in Hunter's room. I walked into the closet hoping to get one of his t-shirts to put on, to my utter surprise, my clothes were neatly arranged near his. I shook my head and walked to the bathroom.

I cleaned up, wore some fresh clothes and walked to the door. alas! I was locked in. I tried the knob countless times and still it couldn't budge. I went back to the bed, sat on it feeling hungry. I had to contact the Alpha before hunger killed me and so I mind linked him.

"Alpha." I begun and I could still feel his rage through the bond.

"It's Hunter. You are awake?" He asked.

"Yes and I am locked inside the room, I can't leave." I told him and he chuckled before saying.

"I know you are, I locked you in. You won't be able to leave that room until I say so." He said with no emotions whatsoever.

Hunter was still upset with me, I couldn't tell if he was pissed by my running away or by me being his perceived traitor.

"Have I made myself clear? No school, No nothing. You cannot step out of that room!" He snapped.

Warm tears streamed down my cheeks.

He had trapped me.

He had marked me carelessly, in a car. I mean couldn't he have waited and planned something romantic.

I sobbed because it seemed nothing for him to do all this to me.

"Am I under house arrest?" I asked him trying to control my sobbing so it wouldn't get to him.

"Yes, some sort of arrest. The house arrest would have been unnecessary, but I don't trust you," he said.

I heard glasses clinking in the background it was as if they were toasting to something as the voices of ladies laughing rang through the link.

"What for, why are you locking me up?" I asked, shoving away the uneasiness that was building in me. Was I that insecure?

"You tried to leave," he said so simply like it could explain his harsh treatment.

"You're scared, I can feel your uneasiness" he stated as I heard him sip something.

"Let me go, Alpha.

I have a life to live.

I don't even know why I am being punished," I stammered.

"Never, Ania. What part of "you are mine" did you have trouble understanding?

You thought that by being fated to an Alpha you could just leave without consequences?" he asked.

I swallowed my anger tears flowing down my face unsure whether I was uneasy because he had arrested me in his room or because I heard him celebrating with females.

Jealousy and possessiveness were taking the better part of me to a point where Claudia growled.

"You can't just leave; the bond won't allow it, not for me anyway," Hunter growled through the mind link.

"Then reject me and be done with it." I told him.

"Lycans can't reject their mates. I can't even if I want to. Unfortunately I don't want to," he said, though with the way he said it, it was like he was trying to convince himself that he wanted me. So it was not at all promising on my part. Nor did it offer me any form of hope.

I was now more convinced than ever that my mate still regarded me as a traitor.

"I will give you freedom when I feel that you can be trusted, and right now, through the bond, all I can feel is your anger, Ania. You will remain locked up until I stop feeling that anger, Do you understand?" Hunter said firmly, like he was scolding a child and not his mate.

"Is there anything else mate?" He asked

I could overhear a lady asking him in a very sexy voice: "Hunter are you going to spend the night here?"

I gagged feeling nauseated as jealousy filled me up.

"Who was that?" I asked him and he roared back:

"None of your business" before saying,

"I won't be back until tomorrow evening."

So he was going to spend the night there!

"I will have a vamp bring food to you, I can feel you are hungry." He stated arrogantly.

"You are being so unfair to me, you can't lock me in here with no one to talk to Alpha, I will go mad." I pleaded.

"You will remember that, next time you think of not submitting to me and think of running away again, I can't guarantee you will live to the tell the story." I jerked at his growled threat as the lady called him again asking him to give her attention. He sighed. My possessiveness becoming more aggressive the more the lady spoke.

"You will learn one way or another, Ania. Your place is with me and you have no say about it. There is no escaping the bond and you won't escape from me again." He growled.

"If you don't come back here tonight big bad Lycan Vae-wolf, I will find my way out of here. Trust me, tomorrow you will not find me in this pack house when you come back and I will be gone very far. This time around, I won't use a bus I will take a flight and by the time you find me, I will be having multiple marks sunk right next to yours from another mate, making you a thing of the past!" I threatened.

His snarl told me he had taken the threat seriously.

"You stubborn little thing, I will teach you your place." He growled before cutting off the link....