

Fate is never to one hold. Even with a bursary run, things turn out eminent for the young star Liili Anderson. Love is always profound. With three gentlemen playing the scenes, who is the true love to her? With a mafia don on left, a young caring yet kept billionaire to the right, and a said friend Felix Madickson taking the same journey as her, who is her true love and how does she end?

David_Crespo_Imbe · Urban
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

chapter twenty

The quiz takes a starts.

Just like the Green House team, the Yellow House lost flat to the Red House team. The results were as expected by the majority though not all could go in favor of the motion. Every debate will bring a dinner for both parties to be able to make a clear-sounding statement over the matter.

Just like before, the judges read out the results from the recent matches leaving the blues in first place with a total of 32 points from volleyball, netball, swimming, and basketball.

They were followed by the Red House as many expected. She was the defending champion of this competition, for that, many still believed in her yet Blue had flopped in out of nowhere. Standing with 27 points in all the finished games, her performance this time was far behind as of her usual stand in the previous competition.

Although she kept herself standing in the second place, many gave speculations as they compared Miss. Tasha to the couch, Evans who looked simple in actions yet his stand remained still.

The Green House then caught the attention of taking the third place with a total point hold of 25 which was way no that inferior to the Red House.

Who didn't know that the last place was well made with the Greens? As it was like gold to them that they dared not lose yet they had to stand in the third place this time with only a 2 points difference from the usual giants in this game. If things were to go in this line, we might end up seeing the last stand first hence clarifying the Bible as it stated " The last shall become the first"

Then in the last place stood the Yellow House, one known for its own brightness as though the rising sun yet when it came to viewed results, it was like taking the place of a dull and weathered but.


To the well-lit decorated building, its surroundings were the real deal. The place was all filled with pavers that gave off a clear sight on arrival. It's a short fence that was made of purely treated flowers was a great sight to behold giving off pure scent that lavished the nose on arrival.

The short time flowers gave out a chance for one to view out the clean and lovable sight within the large hotel building. The hotel housed a large parking yard that was filled with vehicles of all sorts.

Amidst the compound was a large fountain that poured water at a steady pressure leaving a nourishing air for the hotel's customers. Below the fountain was a sculpture of a dining family of three, a father, mother, and their little daughter being served by a waiter who held a tray of dishes in his right hand while placing the other on the dining table. With a glance, one could clarify that the sculpture was the work of an expert as it was purely clean and fault free.

The large green gate was wide open. As its top held a large concrete with a curving that read, " Adams Memorial Hotel." in block letters. This was the largest hotel among the queue owned by the Adams family. Being situated most in the catering field, their soul of business always remained in the queue of hotels in the various states and countries.

Every individual entering the hotel through the entrance was driving or riding and it was a rare sight for someone footing to walk into the hotel gates.

The entrance had four security personnel all armed with Glock 9 pistols a sign signifying the importance of security of the place.

Just then, a young gentleman made his way in on pad. His accord was off the people that dined in the Adam hotel. As though a piece of art, he was dressed in long brown trousers, a brown shirt, and a pair of brown sneakers that were of no way the class to entering the place before him. His neatly organized brown hair remained in a place befitting his well physic when given only a single glance.

The four security personnel looked at one another with mixed feelings. They were also dumb struck as none of them had ever witnessed one enter this hotel in such a manner.

What should do we do with him? One of them asked as in not to make a blander that might cost them their job.

Don't be fooled by his character, I have seen many comics with a big short making such an entry, and do you know what comes next? As through posing a question to the friends yet, he answered himself in no time. He leaves someone of the sorts of us fired from work. I worn you guys, we are good friends by now and if not in line, being out of the play with that lad.

What do you know even? This is a reality in manifest not your novel world to make a frog change to a dragon in life. Just talk about the possible things in this real world. Do you not know that the youths are the most arrogant brats in this world of ours? These guys can not take a walk when they hold cars except when the car breaks down and if that was the case, he would at least use a cabin, not a taxi. The short guard commented. He was the oldest of all the guards on this job and he had always held his ground with all sorts of people entering this place yet the young lad before him was an opposite history of all the guests to the Adams Memorial Hotel.

These are the guys that come around only to eat and dash. He must have heard of the cheffery skills of this place so he dressed only in this manner to scare us off so that we let him pass. This is very simple, let's just throw him out of this place even boss Adams will be pleased if he comes to hear about it.

Contemplating over it, one of them refrased himself and went back to his position. He was all ears dumb to their conversation and that is why he went back to his position joining the novel guy of earlier. Now it was two to two. Each one held his own side and decision over this matter. Just as they were still not sure of their actions, the young lad arrived at the entrance.

Stopping him from going further, they wanted to confirm with him his identity only for his phone to buzz. Feeling the concern, he let the guards wait as he decided to attend to the phone call first since the caller was a tad off his status and as he was here for her, he had to be humbled.

Picking the phone, hello, I am now at the entrance of the Adams Memorial Hotel, do calm quickly big sis as am not sure of the flow hear. His voice sounded calm and composed yet when he reached the big sis sentence, he was more like a little child who had just seen its mother calm to hug it with her hands wide open.

It was at this time that the anime guard noticed the phone the young man held. Being the youngest amongst the group, he was more informed of the latest brand releases bit phones or fashion wear. He always took time to research over many items and if not mistaken, that was the brand new release of Xiomi company in the last month. For the guy to possess that type of phone it only proved his status to be fit for the Adams Memorial Hotel.

With such a thought, he called to the two that were ready to question him. They were now angry as he had clearly ignored them so as to receive that so said phone call. It was an act of disrespect that they could not for once tolerate. If even their boss, the young master of Adam household would wave them a greeting salute, who was this young man that dared look down on them?

You guys better behave yourselves or else you might end up losing your jobs. With my research, the young man before us is no joke and if you continue this way, you might end up losing your job. Although young master Adams does listen to us, he may not take our sides this time as that guy should belong to a prominent family.

Just look at him from top to the bottom, those silver spoon fed brats always love to dress in uniform attires and the phone he is holding is the latest release that was out last month. It alone will cost you seven good months of your salary here without using even a single coin on feeding or anything.

Hearing this, the duo kept quite as they tried digesting what they were told but all over a sudden, the shorty decided to probe him first before accepting.

It was at this time that the young man put the phone aside and inquired what shorty was trying to tell him.

Recalling what his colleagues said, shorty only sighed before saying it was nothing much of a concern.

Okay, could you show me the vip side then?

What! He is even heading to the vip side, thank God I came with my ears today had I failed to carry them this time, God knows what may had happened to me this day.

Just keep to the right sir, he said in hurry so as to let him leave before things excalated. Oh, my God, that was really close!


Back to the House Competitions, the quiz participants had taken up their positions and everyone of them looked composed to this.

Each house presented three participants in this just like for the debates that had just been done.

As all games were presently done, they all came to witness the last game in this battle and who was to hold this last part of the games?

My humble apology for the delaod update of the book. However, from today, the book will hold a stay flow update. Thanks for the time but please 🙏 do rate, comment or share the novel.

For God and My Country.