

Fate is never to one hold. Even with a bursary run, things turn out eminent for the young star Liili Anderson. Love is always profound. With three gentlemen playing the scenes, who is the true love to her? With a mafia don on left, a young caring yet kept billionaire to the right, and a said friend Felix Madickson taking the same journey as her, who is her true love and how does she end?

David_Crespo_Imbe · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter nineteen

The Blues stand atop.

Scanning the whole court stand of her opponent, Tobby gave her opponents a large scare to their hearts. They had all witnessed this clear move when going against the Reds team. Though their stand was termed equal, the team still never had the chance to stand in defense of it.

Though the team was filled with shock, the vice-captain who was the target of this move was carefree for now. Although she was a little focused, her focus was nowhere near enough to hold out to the coming move. This was what her actions brought to her.

Such a scam in a world of games. Tobby detested them the most and whenever one surfaced in a game, she would stand up to give her a lesson.

And just like that, the vice-captain tried using such a move clearly trying to win the game with an act of injuring an opponent. She really had to give her a nice payback. It would sound bad if she let things pass. What would people comment over her quickly to anger character?

Taking a clear step, she collected almost all her energy into this move. As she needed to give her a good lesson, one she would remember for her lifetime.

With great force, Tobby pulled down her strike to the vice-captain, and as though the winds exited not, it went straight to her.

As usual, her motive was condensing the ball for the team. So her actions were of a pro in this kind of part yet...

Holding out her hands, she got ready to take action yet the force alone that the ball carried knocked her a little bit leaving her with two steps for support.

Not ready to lose the game, she forced herself out to stop the ball leaving her to use all the three chances for the team.

Even though she struggled to defend the team, she was left with numb hands, and the ball finally landed on the court.

That was another goal, leaving the Greens with a leading difference of 1 which was got in no time leaving the two teams in a complete balance.

This left the Blues cheering even the more. With all sorts of comments, they did exclaim.

The Greens started the game in no time, they were now eager to get the leading goal in no time. Who didn't know what would come next if the Blues were to hit the spot first, they would then lead them for good and the match would then end in their favor.

Keep calm and do think before taking any strike now, we need to keep our court clean for now so that they get no chance of taking the lead. The Greens captain noted to her team. She was now worried, with her opponent standing a tie, how will she compose herself to winning the match if the two experts are already her opponents.

Taking the first round with a draw, the teams alternated and did commence with the match.

Although everyone on the Greens team was focused and ready to face off the Blues to the end, their vice captain still felt numb hands from the strike that Tobby sent her way yet she never once wanted to show this out to the team.

Seeing her reaction, Tobby and her vice looked at one another with clear thoughts in mind. Who said we will strike in your positions when we already got our target around here.

Tobby looked at her team as though giving a go ahead command to her colleagues who then made a start of the match. Her concern was letting them pass the rush of showing how the Greens vice captain was toiling to keep her stand in the team. With her hand in pain, who knows what awaited them?

Taking time to let the Greens go loose, the team went with the wind for a while, but then changed their reaction in no time the moment Tobby gave out her order.

Like an aligned battalion of special troops, the Blues changed in no time at the sounding of the order, and they all took their positions and waited for the chance to come flying.

The ball flew to them in no time and with a clear move, one condensed the ball as she hulled it over to the friend who set it for the vice-captain to take the strike.

As she was ready for this a while a ago, the vice took a step forward before jumping to let the cat loose.

Seeing the ball come her way, the Reds team vice prayed to her God for a chance to hold out this strike yet the results had to leave the Greens captain in worry.

Putting her hands up to condense the ball, she was clearly able of taking the save yet when the ball hit the injured arm, she did let go as of the reflex reaction of her muscles when they did react to the pain the hand felt.

Although she felt like crying, she still didn't want to show it to her team as it would crumble in spirit.

Are you alright? The captain asked the moment the goal sounded. Though she knew there was a higher possibility of the Blues taking the lead in this match, her vice was no spot to choose if they wanted to score yet the reality was this of an appearance at them.

Wait, were you injured by the previous strike? As though picking her senses back to the present, she noticed the sole. reason to why the Blues had a successful move this time. Like I warned you not to use such a move in this play yet look at what you had to bring on yourself.

With such a spot, the Greens had to end up with a loss of the match.

At first, it was one goal followed by the second third and the fourth. Though the Greens captain did score in the last minute, her struggles had to end in vain as they were still led by three goals.