

Fate is never to one hold. Even with a bursary run, things turn out eminent for the young star Liili Anderson. Love is always profound. With three gentlemen playing the scenes, who is the true love to her? With a mafia don on left, a young caring yet kept billionaire to the right, and a said friend Felix Madickson taking the same journey as her, who is her true love and how does she end?

David_Crespo_Imbe · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter twelve

The shopping spree.

The trio walked off the scene with Mr. Adams walking behind them.

I have never felt like this before, but what was the reason for that? My heartbeats went abnormal at ounce leaving me sweating in a place filled with air conditioners...

Brother, brother, brother.

Joanna called up to him yet he looked in deep thoughts. Walking to him, she made a slight tap on his shoulder trying to bring him to the current world yet this was to no avail. Seeing this, the two came to a stop and tried to look back only to leave Tobby in a loose lips stand.

Immessed in dip thought, Mr. Adams, walked steadily going for the elevator. Being used to the route, he never messed up even in off thoughts.

Seeing that he could not hear her calling, Joanna remained walking by his side as she tried to bring him back to the current world alarming Liili and Tobby and they stopped for a few seconds to look at the two behind them.

It was a few seconds yet to the on lookers, it was a time long event.

Mr. Adams came to a stop as he felt to have knocked off someone to the ground.

Snapping back to his senses, he saw Liili Anderson falling to the ground. She was before him, clearly indicating he was the reason to her fall.

Knowing how his sister protected what she thought was his, he knew what would come next the moment Miss Liili reached the ground.

At a flicker like speed, he jumped out and held Liili in mid air before she could reach the ground.

Tu tu. Tu tu. Tu Tu...

Holding her in his arms, his heart raced, even more, this time, his blood boiled at a high temperature as though it was water on high heat. Sweat started fussing all over his face at a clear eye sight pace.

Oh my god! Did the sunrise from the west today or it's my sight that is messing up with me? Is that the big boss I really know? One who cares not to love now holds a lady by the waist. This should be a real dream.


Seeing her dream, the fellow pinched her hard leaving a red mark on her right hand.

And what was that for? You better give me a satisfying answer least I tear you apart.

Nothing much wanted to check whether this was real. Who would guess that our cold heart boss to love was this of a man before love? He is even sweating like that, his heartbeats are now abnormal for sure.

First, he had to give Frank a slap for the ladies and in no time holding the same person in his arms now before the employee glances, how do you see boss now?

For sure, he is a man in love now, I think we are to enjoy even more freedom with him in love. But based on the lady's actions, she is not that in the boat but since it's boss in the field, everything will be solved as he has never failed to crack any nut.

Ridiculous, comparing business to love, a you also going out of your mind. Remember love always needs a calm heart to succeed.

So does the business madam. With our boss as the striker, the cup is ours to take.

Hearing the artisans' words, Tobby felt dumb for a moment. Hearing their words, he was the perfect partner she would wish for her friend Liili.

Wait, as though recalling something, she turned to Joanna who confirmed her speculation in no time.

So it's him, no wonder his character tried matching hers.

Pulling Liili to balance, he asked in a calm yet low tone, "Are you alright?"

Yes, I am. Thanks for the time.

With her answer, he turned and dismissed all the eyes with a single look leaving everyone busy as though they were never looking at them in the first place.

Leaving the ground floor, the trio left the second floor where the Mall was situated.

On arrival, the place was grandy with all sorts of necessities bit essential or nonessential. The mall held various fashion in shoes, clothing, jewelry...

Being their main aim, the trio walked to the cloth fashion side and Joanna played a designer's role.

Since everything was a free pick, Tobby chose over eight Jordan full set clothings leaving Liili in a pitch.

With Joanna for a designer, the trio chose over twelve dresses as the model tonight was a dressy brought. They then left to the dressing rooms for the two to try out the outfits.

As the designer around, I think you should start with the yellow dress for a day that starts with a rising sun is a clear blessing to the plants.

With her words, Liili went in to test the dress. She returned in no time. With her hair unrestrained, her beauty was off the charts. The dress reached her knees leaving her long jade like legs exposed to the eyes. She was a beauty that left men salivating on sight.

I can't tell for sure as your designer around for you are off the beauty chart hollers.

She went back to the dressing room. Since it was used by Joanna alone, the two were at ease with the changings they were doing.

Coming out of the dressing room, calling her a walking blue sky a little description of herself. She was the real ozone blue sky. The bright blue dress fell to her ankles leaving her whole covered except her long neck that looked bear.

Wait a minute, Joanna held the Sea blue Pearl necklace and put it on her bare neck leaving a lovely sight to catch. With the Sea Blue Pearl necklace on, her beauty was an earth to heaven gap.

Time went by as she won each dress to dress with each leaving her beauty off the charts.

buzz, buzz...

As the two were endorsed in the clothes, Liili's phone rang out only to see that it was Felix.