

Fate is never to one hold. Even with a bursary run, things turn out eminent for the young star Liili Anderson. Love is always profound. With three gentlemen playing the scenes, who is the true love to her? With a mafia don on left, a young caring yet kept billionaire to the right, and a said friend Felix Madickson taking the same journey as her, who is her true love and how does she end?

David_Crespo_Imbe · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

The House Competition kick starts.

Sitting in the bed in total silence yet the lights turned off, Felix looked out of place on first sight. Being a Jolly man in life, he had never thought of a day thos. One to live him in clear darkness and amidst a sea of thoughts.

Walking in clumsily was Tasha yet he still failed to snap back to reality with the stubborn Princess brought up model.

Who got the guts to leave the great Madi Enpire heir in such drama? She asked after a shoulder tap that snapped Felix to the real word. The smiles of success written all over his face were a crystal clear sign that he had attained his goal in the inner self built world.

Escaping his question, he asked in pazzlement, when did you get in here?

Is it that of an issue? You were in deep thought reaching the level of turning your lights off, If I could not see such an act, how could I mention knowing the hell you are turning into nowadays? Why don't you just call her? Am sure she will fall for you in no time.

As though he had just got the best solution to kill from the greater one, he looked at his phone with reflex weighing on whether to call or text.

Call, text. Call, text. Call, text...

Doing a repetitive count of whether to call or text, he left Milly in wonder. Who can put his brother to such a state?


Back to the mall, Tobby and Liili were busy changing from cloth to cloth with Joanna as the designer around.

The place was lively with a change in beauty after every change. Wearing knee heights or the long dresses to reach her ankles, every cloth was worthy one sight. Accompanied by the high priced high shoes and jewellery to match the fashion, it was a clear sight needed to describe the word beauty.


In a well lit brandy office, it's arrangements were excellent. Highly praised furniture lit the office. The various shelves filled with business books of accounts, credit files, marketing files and product price stand etc, lit the whole shelves behind the young man.

To the right corner of the office was a clear long sized sofa seat that he used for a rest when deeply tired.

The place was grandy. A set of a computer was before him yet he looked uninterested in it. His eyes 👁️ 👁️ were fixed on the open laptop before him that looked to be monitoring something taking place at the moment.

In the video clips on the laptop screen were three ladies. Yes, three ladies with two changing into various fashions as the other acted more like a professional designer who has been running in the fashion field for as long as his life time.

On clear thought, the gentleman held his eyes on the lady who changed from dress to dress as Joanna made final touches on the fashion. This was Liili Anderson, far different from her old self that many would stand agape on her sight as she had held Mr. Adams, the work taken to a halt and started watching as though it was a fashion show in place.

buzz buzz...

All over a sudden, the beautiful scene was intercepted by a buzzing sound from Liili Anderson's phone that never for once reflected her beauty and knowledge.

Mr. Adams was ready to let go of the scene yet the name sounded brought him back to have a clear catch of what the matter was. Was he the same person he knew, the great old friend of his or it was a name resembles?

With the buzz, Joanna hulted, picking the phone from her pass before sending it to her.

It's Felix, she said in puzzlement looking at Tobby to her left.

That flimflam, what has he got to want from her friend to call at such a moment? Tobby thought to herself.

Looking at the puzzlement in the three ladies' eyes, Mr. Adams felt at ease as he anticipated to hear their conversation out yet he was left in silence as the phone stopped ringing the moment Liili made up her mind to pick up the call.

He has disconnected the call all over the sudden.


Back to the Madickson mansion, Felix looked puzzled as Liili did not answer to his call. It was certain that she was on another path for now, l must win her up in this run.

Can you call her back?

What do you mean by that?

Am I a man? Am a lady and I do know what her actions meant. She just wants to know if you are to call back.

That is worthless. I will just text then since the call has failed.

Hi, just wanted to inform you to be on time tomorrow for a brief meeting with the coach. Text me when you get this message.

What the heck, is that a criteria you could best come up with when in need of a woman's attention? I am telling you this, even if she reads that message, she will not even bother texting you back.

Then the loss will be to her shoulders not mine.

Just like Milly said, Felix waited the whole day and night in vain.


Liili read the message since she received it as the phone was still in her hands but she never replied to it. putting the phone back to her pass, she continued with the change in fashion for a while till all the dresses were done.

Since the clothing part is done, let's move on to the fifth floor.

What is on the fifth flow? The two asked in unison.

All sorts of electrical appliances. Look at that phone of hers, it will not match her cloth fashion for sure. We will need a knew phone for her.

With that said, they walked to the lift and were to the fifth floor in no time.

The place was filled with all sorts of electrical appliances bit small or big, home made or imported, the place was a clear heaven of electricity.

They walked to the smartphone phone shelves and Joanna picked a light blue Xiomi 12 pro smartphone for her. This Is the latest Xiomi release and it will work for the three of us.

Are you saying we are taking three of these in one go?

Is there a problem with it?

Not at all, Liili is just being emotional here only for her status.

Don't worry, we are only taking four of them. Moreover they only cost 1000 US dollars, taking four is merely nothing.

I see, a voice came from behind them.

Brother what brings you here again, I thought you were busy today so withheld from calling you out?

With the kind of shopping you are holding, I had to come out of course least see my workers off like what was to befall Frank.

Anyway, it is running late so I came down to see you off.

We were about to make the last pick then, I chose the Xiomi 12 pro and taking four of them.

But you are three in number, why would you like the forth one for?

That is my secret.

The trio left the mall in high spirit and drove off in no time. Dropping Tobby on the way, the two continued to Mr. Anderson's place.

Sitting in boredom was Will as the room looked dead silent.

The door slung open and the two ladies came to his sight with lots of shopping bags dressed in one word,"expensive".

Joanna held out her hand and handed him a brand new Xiomi 12 pro phone. This is for you wrapped in a wrapping paper before leaving to catch up to time.

Remember, we need to be in time tomorrow not on time Liili.

I will be ready to kill for sure, she replied.

The next day came in a hurry as though it was a prayer said asked for by thousands of believers from the Almighty.

This was the day to kick start the house competitions for the four houses and many looked forward to it. The school huge gates were wide open with students flogging in every now and then.

This was the day that two elephants were to start a battle in a small enclosed space which was enough to say it that only the victor would leave the small enclosed space in a spirit of delight.

Many students were dressed to kill on such an occasion. This was a one time hold for the university in a long run and it held much respect for the community.

All over a sudden, a black remo came to sight leaving many in anticipation of who the person was?

That should be one of the great three shots who has arrived, let's brace ourselves to welcome him, called out a few students yet the person that came out of the remo was never to their expectation. Who is she?

Greetings to you all, I would like to inform you that the first chapters were only a path paving stand. Welcome to the real stand of fated fate. Please 🙏 like, comment, review or rate the book. 🤣🙏🙏🙏🙏😁😀