

Fate is never to one hold. Even with a bursary run, things turn out eminent for the young star Liili Anderson. Love is always profound. With three gentlemen playing the scenes, who is the true love to her? With a mafia don on left, a young caring yet kept billionaire to the right, and a said friend Felix Madickson taking the same journey as her, who is her true love and how does she end?

David_Crespo_Imbe · Urban
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32 Chs

chapter sixteen.

Chapter Sixteen.

The House Competitions Flow.

The expectations of all the many present were all in vain.

Say who could not tell that Nathan had the race in his hands a moment ago yet in the end he had to stand in line with Brone his old contender. It was like the race was divided by the bracket stand with the freshers as heads and the oldies as the abdomen leaving no place for the tails to stand.

How comes it was the blues to win this race. That guy started late by at least five seconds yet he had to come out of the race as the winner. Those two are real monsters to be that of swimmers.

Miss. Aladah looked at couch Evans who stared at her casually as though he had everything planned.

He is going to be a real stone in my shoe if I fail to lead the next game. If this is his game, then I got to show him who is the king in such a place.

The three judges held a few discussions over the positions of the two for they had made the tap at the finishing line at the very moment.

When they thought of marking by the first-hand gesture, the answer was still the same. For it was like the two held a single mind that was running their bodies as they were doing their actions in unison and at the exact time leaving the judges in a pitch to decide who would hold the tail this time.

After wrapping up with their discussion over the third and fourth positions, one of the three made use of his feet. Walking to the center of the students, he stood and held the mic.

I know that this is not the final stand of the House Competitions however, it does mark the real start of the House Competitions. You should always remember that your destination will remain in place but the momentum used to reach it is not always your starting speed but a clear and determined mind.

We do appreciate of being part of this huge rising stars' show of talent. I really like seeing this for you will come to find that every generation comes with a tremendous improvement in what we used to call fun.

Based on our analysis, the ladies held an easy view race with the following stands.

Red held the first position among the ladies with which it soared to the sky by 12 points.

Like the Reds, the Blues came in hand with a whooping score of nine points to stand the second in line.

The Yellows took 7 points and the Greens struck the tail with a whopping 5 points.

Leaving a clear stand for all the houses. As the score was to our expectations.

However, when we came to the men's side, things had to make a u-turn. For the unexpected did manifest itself before us and we had to go by the wind.

Our expectations are always this of a thing when reality does manifest for it leaves us in complete amazement.

Though we stand up day and night to think of a various remedies for our conditions and do think we have braced ourselves enough, reality will still come to face saying, bro, that was still not enough to stand such a hurricane.

So this is what we saw in the men's race. These are creatures that have to always think of a better solution for the better tomorrow. So we find that many do slack as a few do put in great of efforts to reach higher steps than where they stand.

So it's what we have seen a few meters as these men have given us the real statuses of men, their characters, or say their duties talk of life.

When we reached them, we got to see the various flows of life paths that we do walk in this world and the way we do need to stand up in various situations.

Say, at times we don't need to act fast but need to observe the situation flows before we could think of deciding to walk the journey. And this is what our champion of the race Simon did.

So the Blues held the first position going with 12 points. Adding the nine points from earlier, they end up with a total of 21 points.

The Greens held the second position here, holding a score of 9 points. Adding the five points from the first race, they end up with a total of 14 points.

So then comes the issue at hand. The two houses are before one position which is the third. We did try taking a hand gesture time of arrival but the worst came with the same issue. And for this, our decision was as you are to hear.

Since we failed to come to a complete decision of who did win between the two, we came up with a convincing approach that won't affect the stand of any House.

So we decided to give the two the third position on the condition that we all agreed. Since we do know that we needed to have the fourth position in such a race whose points are reduced by 2, we decided to replace the subtraction here with a share. So the Red House will hold one and the Yellow House will stand the same. Leaving the a total of 6 points in this race.

So with that, the Red House ascended by 6 Points adding to the first race, they now hold 18points.

And lastly, the Yellow House which got a score of 7 points. Adding to their previous score, they ended up with 13 points in total leaving a clear stand between the four of them.

So this makes up our sight of the previous flow of the House Competitions in the four parties.

buzz buzz, buzz, buzz.

Standing a few feet from Mr. Evans, were Joanna and Tobby who had just joined her to take a glance at what was going on. She had arrived just a few seconds to the completion of the race and she did witness the long flowing speech from the short potbelly judge who talked as though he were writing a novel in a day. As the two were enjoying the chat, Joanna's phone rang.

On receiving, a gentle but youthful voice crossed her ear leaving Tobby in smiles as she had heard of the masculine voice.

Hello, are you that busy now?

Not really, are you in need of me for now? I can come and meet you if we are not to spend much of the time.

Sure, it only needs a little talk but it will need to be a face-to-face talk.

Are you that burning to call me with such vigor? You should be tired of your life.

Not really, big sis, this is a burning deal that I need your help to accomplish. You do know that I couldn't bother calling you for vanity.

Ok, I will meet you in an hour. Like choose the venue and text me. I will be there in time.

Who was that? Tobby asked the moment Joanna hung up.

Someone that needs a hand to climb the ladder to stand atop.

I see. anyway, it is coming to our volleyball match, How about we head to the field and you watch this lady smash the pride of your Red House aloof captain.

Sure, why would I fail to watch a clash between a tomboy as a captain and a slay queen for an opponent? That is some kind of history that will come to place once in a good number of centuries.

The two walked to the field where the Greens and the Yellows were competing from.

Being a huge ground, it took them a stall of 20 mins to reach the field.

What is the current stand between the two?

Tobby asked one of her teammates the moment they reached the place.

It's like we speculated. The two at first were not giving in their best as they were only strolling time, But things changed the moment she entered. Pointing at a lady in the Greens volleyball team.

She is quite versed in the field and she has turned to the center of the match. It's like the Greens wanted to keep the Yellows calm at first but she never held such a thought. For her arrival sparked off the Yellows' loss of the match.

So, what is the stand for now?

It is a clear win for the Greens, for they hold twenty-five goals and the Yellows hold sixteen. It is a complete difference of nine.

Just as speculated, it took not much of the time for the match to come to the final moments.

The Greens ended up leading the match by six goals leaving them to wait for whom they were to challenge next.

For the game was quite simple. The winner matches the winner while the loser goes for the loser.

Since the two now held their seats to the winner and loser side, who is to challenge the who in the next settings?

Please do forgive me for the slow update for the novel is really short and it is in the contract signing process. For this, I can't rush it to completion. Do bear with me this little. However, I am to try my best to publish at least five chapters in a week.