

Fate is never to one hold. Even with a bursary run, things turn out eminent for the young star Liili Anderson. Love is always profound. With three gentlemen playing the scenes, who is the true love to her? With a mafia don on left, a young caring yet kept billionaire to the right, and a said friend Felix Madickson taking the same journey as her, who is her true love and how does she end?

David_Crespo_Imbe · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter Fifteen.

The real clash.

Everyone held looks of anticipation. The green housemaster Mr. Clagga held a pleasing smile over his face. He had lost the first round but he was to laugh out loud in this round. With Darious in the pool, the guy was like a fish in the water. His speed was that of a merman and his actions when in water were a clear of his victory.

Holding out his hand, the referee looked ready to let the guys go. The whistle blew and the four dived in almost in mere seconds.

As though proving himself worthy of the time, Simon, took a delay of about five seconds before he could start.

As if Mr. Evans expected it in the first place, he still looked very calm the opposite of what Miss. Aladah thought the moment she turned to look his way.

She was now calm as her champion was proving himself worthy. Nathan was leading the group in no time. His speed this time far surpassed the expectations of everyone present. It was clear that he had made a tremendous improvement from his previous House Competitions. The Red House members started cheering loudly with all kinds of words that showered their deep heart thoughts.

Nathan, you got this in hand. Nathan, you are my champion. Nathan, you took my small heart, Nathan, this race is yours to take... all sorts of praises were thrown unto him. They did believe he was the champion tonight.

It was at this moment that Simon made a dive in the pool as well. Everyone had a clear mind now that the Red House was to yield the first position again this time with the Yellow house members joining the flow and taking their last time seat in the previous competitions.

However, in mere three seconds, Simon had caught up to Darious who gave off a clear smile as though he was only delaying himself only to wait for the rocket-like speed swimmer.

For all the last chances he held were losses in the end whenever he did challenge Simon.

He always proved him to be a bit slow in speed whenever they did battle but today was different. he had to find the answers to his previous practices and the increase in his speed. He was sure, he would not lag behind this time lest winning him this time around.

Reaching his level, Brone started to put in more effort in the battle between himself and Simon, it was like he had prepared beforehand to give his best in this competition. This would make their fifth clash and he had given in his best, not to lang behind like last time.

Although many believed that the Blues, had messed up this time, it was him that knew what Simon was capable of if he was in the water. He was a real king when it came to water, making him a no-one match.

This time, the Blues and the Green House members cheered even louder. It was clear that the past at which Simon and Darious moved was clear that they could catch up to Nathan and Brone.

Simon and Darious swam at a gleaming speed and started catching up to Nathan and Brone. Simon, catch up to those wits. This race belongs to the Blues. Simon... Simon... all the rest are not your match Si... Simon, win the race, and I will love you. No not her, me I love you, Simon. Even my heartbeats are now very fast on the mention of your name. Please, win the race for my sake.

Darious, I love you. Go Darious go, go win this race dear. It is the Greens to grace. Darious... Darious..

All sorts of praises filled the place as students chorused their support to their house members. Many girls shouted their feelings for the guys out clearly not afraid of being mocked by their fellows. Who cares what others thought, this was a world where the freedom of speech was emphasized and most of all, they were adults who knew the reactions of their actions and they did shoulder every word that left their mouths.

Four seconds, three seconds, two seconds, one second, taah, the two reached up to Brone who was an arm throw from Nathan. It was clear he was saving up his breath for the last meters as he swam at a slower pace now than many thought. Although he was swimming at a slow pace he was still keeping close to Nathan meaning that when he would strike, it would be clear that the race was his but that changed in the instant the two caught up to him. Going all out to move at their pace

It was in no time that the three caught up to Nathan and all the four started swimming at a clear pase. It was a meter distance now to choose who the champion was.

Just then, Liili, Felix, and Joanna arrived at the scene. They walked to where couch Evans was standing with a few Blue House leaders and the captain.

What do you think Felix? You have seen Simon swim better than any of us, will we chair this one with him?

As though not surprised by anything, Felix looked at the four parties swimming in the pool, he still hasn't given up his best. He is only dragging it for a good scene couch, just let him have his fun. We will still stand atop this race and lead the table now. The 12 points are ours to take.

The judges were giving off a deduction of three points from the champion to the last person.

The first person received 12 points, the second 9, the third 7, and the last 5. The last two got a deduction of 2 points from the second and third's scored points.

Just like Felix had said, a tiny gap started to appear between the swimmers leaving Simon in the first place, Darious coming to the second place, and Nathan and Brone fighting for the third place.

five, four, three, two, one, tap, Simon made the first tap, followed by Darious and the Nathan and Brone followed in unison leaving the judges to clarify who was the third person here.