
Fated Bonds

The adventurous tale of romance between a pirate and a mermaid. Thier love story ridiculed by others only said to be a myth never to be spoken but nevertheless the duo struggles to overcome and be with each other forever. Will they make it? Find out in this exciting story.

Bee_writess · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 17

Kent's POV

My curtains being pushed upon by a maid signal the start of a new day. The sun's rays are in my eyes and I use my hand to block it away.

I want to kick the covers off him but then I feel a pleasant sensation in my groin. I keep it the way it is.

"Please leave, I'll call you when I need you," I said to the maid.

"Okay, My Lord." She leaves after holding the curtains back.

I groan as I remove the covers away from my groin, sighing pleasantly at the sensation.

It was always that same girl in different dreams with the same marks each time.

Maybe I am a madman to have such unsightly thoughts about a woman I have barely seen and never met in real life. I think to myself.

I think about how I had such a good time with Lilith. Her skin is fair and smoother than freshly baked bread. Her teeth are like a flock of sheep that are even shorn. Her eyes are like doves beaconing to me. Her lips were like a thread of scarlet and her speech comely. And her breasts-

A knock obstructed my thoughts.

"May I come in, My Lord?" My steward said from the other side.

"Just a second!" I said hurriedly putting on and tying the belt of my robe and willing myself to not think such thoughts.

I then sit down in a way that my groin won't be visible, reading some papers so I may seem normal.

"You may come in," I said to him,

"Good morning My Lord."

"A good and hearty morning indeed," I said.

"I would say so to my lord. I see you already have the new issue in your hands, sir. You are the talk of the town My Lord."

"Talk of the town?" I asked confusedly.

"You're with the papers but you haven't read them yet?" He inquired, also confused.

I look at the paper in my hands skimming over the words and finally seeing my name with a "delicate little lady" and debauchery by the River.

"This press amuses me each day." I muse, a quiet smile on my lips.

"Should I call your lawyer sir?"

"There's no need for all those bothersome calls and letters if the news is true. Don't you think so?"


"You can read out my schedule now," I say rising from the bench.

I enter the bathroom pulling off my robe and gently entering into the already warm bath water.

I trace my fingers against the ripples and lean back against the tub as I listen to him read my schedule.

"You have a meeting with Miss Donna's father at noon. Should I cancel that or I should tell him you'll be available."

I groan. I knew this dreaded conversation was going to come sooner or later. Better to do it now than never. "I'll be available."

"You have a meeting by 9 with the Duke of Northernton and I remember you have dinner with Lord Ershire and Lady Geraldine. When would you be available for that so I can add it to the schedule."

"Two days from now sounds good."

"I'll inform their butler." He said, clearing his throat slightly.

"Is that all?"

"That is all sir."

"Thank you. You may leave now."

"Hold on just a second. How's Miss Lilith? Is she awake?"

"Yes sir. The miss is awake.'

"Tell her I sadly won't be available for breakfast but I'll join her for a late lunch."

"Will do, sir."

He leaves quietly while I soak in the water. Groaning as I feel my tense muscles relax.

Lilith crosses my mind again. There was just something about it that just drew me. It just captivates me.

"Could I be attracted to her?" I say to myself.

I burst into a fit of laughter. I find that very amusing. I've barely known the girl for a month. She lied about how she got on that island and I'm yet to find out why. I should have a guard around her. Maybe keep her as a prisoner until she spits out the truth. But a deeper part of me wants to treat her right, make her smile, and adorn her with the best jewels and clothes across the country.

I get out of the bath water, drying up my body and beginning to anticipate my daily activities. I feel a headache coming on as I think of my meeting with Donna's father. Who knows what she has told her father about Lilith or about what has happened on the ship?

I ring my table calling up for my manservant to help me dress up.

A knock comes immediately.

"Good morning, Lord Kent," he greeted me with a bow.

"Good morning, Thomas," I replied, "We have much to prepare for today."

Thomas nodded and proceeded to lay out the various items of my attire for the day.

He began with my linen shirt, its crisp whiteness freshly starched and ironed. I slipped it on, feeling the cool fabric against my skin, and Thomas expertly fastened the mother-of-pearl buttons.

Next came the breeches, made of fine wool in a deep charcoal gray. I stepped into them, and Thomas adjusted the fit, ensuring they sat perfectly at my waist.

He then handed me my stockings, a pair of white silk hose, which I carefully pulled up to my knees, securing them with garters."Your waistcoat, sir," Thomas said, holding up the garment for my inspection.

It was an elegant piece, woven with a subtle pattern in shades of green and gold. I put it on, and he fastened the buttons, making sure it lay flat against my shirt.

The tailcoat followed, a masterpiece of tailoring in black wool with satin lapels. I shrugged into it, feeling its weight settle comfortably on my shoulders. Thomas adjusted the fit, smoothing out any wrinkles and ensuring the lines were impeccable.

Finally, he presented my cravat, a length of fine white linen. With practiced hands, he tied it into an intricate knot, adjusting it until it was just right. He stepped back, allowing me to inspect myself in the full-length mirror.

Thank you, Thomas," I said, turning to him with a smile. "You have outdone yourself once again."

"It is my pleasure, sir," he replied, bowing once more.

"It is time for quite a tiresome day," I said to myself.