
Fated Bonds

The adventurous tale of romance between a pirate and a mermaid. Thier love story ridiculed by others only said to be a myth never to be spoken but nevertheless the duo struggles to overcome and be with each other forever. Will they make it? Find out in this exciting story.

Bee_writess · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 16

"Miss Donna, may I please come in?" A maid said quietly

"Yes?" She said, pausing the other maids, applying her makeup and tightening her corset.

"You have a guest Miss. Miss Matilda is here to see you and she looks agitated."

"Well, invite her in. Hurry!" She said to the maid.

The maids leave hurriedly only to come back moments later with Matilda.

Matilda rushes into the room in panic. "Donna, have you seen the new gossip article?" She asked out of breath.

"No, I'm just dressing up. I wanted to see the jeweler. Daddy said he was going to buy me new gold. I was going to pick some." She said, "Don't put too much in, if not I'll be as white as snow." She said to the maid applying her powder.

"Sorry miss."

"Well, the new issue has Kent in it and it has quite the news about him."

Donna stopped the maid applying her makeup. Walking towards Matilda with her half-tied corset and her tights to sit at the side of the bed.

Stretching her hand out to collect the price of paper from Matilda's gloved fingers.

"Lord Kent has caused quite a stir with his appearance with a delicate little lady. Is this his way of announcing a special relationship between himself and the lady…" Donna muttered to herself.

"All of you. Out." Donna said quietly.

"But miss, we're not done dressing-" One of the maids said.

"I said out!" She screamed at all of them as they scurried away, banging on the door.

"That little slut!" She shouted.

"I think she's actually a witch and she has successfully enchanted him because now he's introducing her to society? A measly girl he found?" Matilda said.

"When was this?" She asked Matilda.

"It was two days ago but the issue was produced yesterday," Matilda said.

"But when the papers carried rumors we were together and hinted at a possible proposal. He almost sued them and asked for the news to be taken down." Donna said.

"I remember he only did that because you paid the press and he only had lunch with your father once and your name happened to enter the conversation once when he asked your father to refrain from calling him "Donna's husband" ?" Matilda said quietly.

She looked at Matilda with eyes that could kill. " Did you come here to just make a mockery of me? It seems you have also been enchanted by that witch and you haven't even met her yet. It seems I have underestimated her powers."

"No! I haven't been enchanted by her. Her powers wouldn't even work on me and I would be enchanted by her or even allow her to be in the presence of someone like me. I would never make a mockery of you, you're my best friend." She said smiling.

"Do you think he's falling in love with her or maybe she also paid the press?"

"I think that's the case."

"You think he's falling in love with her?" Donna turned looking sharply at her bat friend.

"Oh no no. That's impossible. I think she paid the press."

"But why hasn't he taken it down? Mine didn't even stay an entire day and yet he took it down and threatened the press to close them down."

"I don't know what's going on," Matilda said, taking a grape from the bowl on the table.

"Maybe it's because she's good in bed and she has him tied around her fingers because of that," Donna said devastatingly.

"I doubt that's it. She has used her powers and wrapped him tight around her fingers. We need to find a way to stop it from happening and make him know you're meant to be with him." Matilda said, twirling her ginger hair on the tip of her fingers.

"He told me not to come to the manor anymore too," Donna said quietly, tears brimming in her eyes.

"Also Donna that's not all the issue said though. You should read a bit further."

Donna cleaned her tears reading further. Her eyebrows scrunched until they were almost one.

"They did what?" She shouted.

"Yup, an eyewitness said he even saw them together. They almost.."

"Don't," Donna said, stopping her.

"Her powers are really strong though to have him behaving like this. He wouldn't even touch you, I mean you!"

"She is such a powerful witch. I'm sure all she wants is his money."

"Isn't that all you want too?" Matilda asked quietly.

"Matilda," Donna said sternly.

"I mean she is just using her. Remember what we talked about the last time." Matilda said, her eyes twinkling.

"Yes." She said, smiling at Matilda.

" I think we should do it. Maybe at a public event or invite her for some lady activities. Poison her air or use some henchmen to make the job easier and take it off our hands." Matilda said.

"The henchmen does sound promising. Don't you think she'll use her powers to turn them around and then we'll be in trouble." Donna frowned.

"That is true."

"The poisoning does sound good. Maybe we can get some of his staff even against her and then that doesn't implicate us even though she snitches. Who would believe a maid over two high ladies?" Donna smiled.

"I do like the way you think."

"She's going to regret ever coming to New Ford and trying to steal my husband."

"Donna darling, Are you in there?" A voice sounded outside the door.

"Yes, daddy. Give me a second." She said putting on a cover gown.

He opened the door slightly.

"Good day, Sir," Matilda said bowing slightly to Donna's father.

"Oh Matilda you're here."

"Donna darling I heard from the maids you were screaming and you seemed quite agitated from a piece of news."

"Yes, Daddy," Donna said tears brimming in her eyes, her hand stretching the issue towards him.

He collected it from her, skimming through it.

"My my. I'll talk to him, honey. Don't cry I'll buy more jewelry for you and even Matilda."

"Thank you, sir," Matilda said with a huge smile.

"Thank you, Daddy," Donna said, cleaning her tears, a sinister smile on her lips.