
Fated Bonds

The adventurous tale of romance between a pirate and a mermaid. Thier love story ridiculed by others only said to be a myth never to be spoken but nevertheless the duo struggles to overcome and be with each other forever. Will they make it? Find out in this exciting story.

Bee_writess · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 11

"So which would you prefer first?" Kent asked cutting his steak with the cutlery.

Lilith blinked. "Prefer?"

"Yes, Would you like a tour of the manor first or a tour of the town."

"I would like a tour of the manor first please."


They both are in silence. The occasional sound of cutlery hitting the plates was the only thing heard.

Kent looked up at Lilith. "Lilith?"

"Yes sir I mean Kent." She answered.

"Are you perhaps a witch or some kind of conjurer or a magical creature perhaps?" Kent asked.

Lilith coughed choking on her vegetables.

"Please pass the lady some more water and a new napkin."

"Thank you," Lilith said to the steward with tears in her eyes.

"I apologize if my question made you choke."

"It's all right. I was just flustered by how random it was."

"Okay then. Well?"

"I am not a witch neither am I a conjurer but why do you ask?"

"For some months now I've been having these recurring dreams with a woman, her face never seems to show but it feels like I know her. And then you appeared, These dreams have been more frequent with glimpses of certain areas of her face but never fully…"

"Do you think I'm making you have these dreams?"

"Yes, I do."

"Sorry to disappoint you but I have no powers of any kind that could do that." She said in a weird tone.

"I know this may seem like…"

"Please excuse me," Lilith said, rising from the table and going up the stairs to her bedroom.

Her heart raced with every step she took and tears brimmed her eyes and she tried to hold them back. She turned the doorknob of her room, entering and settling down on the window seat.

The tears came out like a waterfall as her shoulders quivered with each sob.

He didn't know her. That was why he looked at her with no affection. That was why he saw her as just a person and not his person. Everything made sense.

He didn't think of the possibility of her being the one in the dream. He thought of her as a witch, some conjurer of dreams, and a night whisperer. It hurt her infinitely.

"You could always go back…" a voice whispered to her.

"No." She said aloud.

"I will stay here and be by his side and let him recognize I'm the one for him. I would gladly be a part of aristocratic society just to prove myself worthy." She thought.

"You would go through all this trouble just for a man?" the voice said to her.

"He's not just any man," Lilith whispered.

"Oh yes. For a man who may not realize that you're fated. You could just come back and get married to a merman and live a simple life." It said,

"But you choose to suffer for a mere human." It continued.

"Get out of my head right this moment," Lilith said, wiping her tears.

Lilith walks to her dresser.

"I am a strong, beautiful young lady and I am a part of society. I am going to build myself without the help of my powers just like a normal human." She said to herself drying her eyes and reapplying the powder and some lip tint.

She leaves the room with renewed confidence walking back to the dining area.

"I apologize for my demeanor earlier. I just felt overwhelmed." Lilith said.

"No. I should apologize for asking you such a question. I didn't know you would take it to heart. I apologize for asking such a harmful question."

"It is fine," Lilith said.

An awkward silence followed.

"I believe we are done eating breakfast." Kent suddenly said.

"Oh yes."

"It is now time for the tour."

He stood up walking to her side and dragging out her chair for her to rise.

"Thank you." She said with a blush.

They both smiled awkwardly at each other.

"I think the tour will start from the ground floor or would you perhaps like one first from outside?"

"Yes, let's start from outside. I've been meaning to take some air too."

The duo step outside, The warm summer sun hitting them. They begin to walk in the direction of the gate.

"These flowers were planted and tended by my mother. She would come out every day to check on her roses and almost have an attack if one of them had an issue." They laughed.

"If only she had paid as much attention as she showed the flowers to me." He muttered.

"Did you say something?" Lilith asked.

"I said the lovely day we're having isn't it?" Kent said.

"It is a lovely day indeed."

"Now let me show you the stables.". They walk in the direction of the fields passing a wide lake.

"This area of the manor was used by my grandparents to hold the occasional tea parties and whatnot."


"These are the horses," Kent said, pointing far ahead to some of them eating grass.

"They are beautiful," Lilith said lovingly looking at the stallions doing such a mundane task as eating but looking good nevertheless.

"Do you ride?" Kent asked suddenly.

An awkward silence followed.

"I mean horses. Do you ride horses?"

He asked again, his ears turning red.

Lilith laughed, throwing her head back at the funny behavior of Kent.

"I do not ride…horses." She said after a pause.

"Perhaps you would like to teach me." She continued.

"Yes. That won't be a problem."

He showed her all around the manor and they finally came inside.

"This is the waiting room and these paintings were from the famous artist, Benedict Ludwig," Kent said, gesturing to the paintings on the wall.

"They're very um… profound," Lilth said after a while.

"I take it you're not a lover of art."

"I haven't seen much in my life."

"Ah… Well then."

"This is the dining area as you know and the kitchen is just right down."

He said walking down the hallway and suddenly stopped, making Lilith bump into him.