
Fated Bonds

The adventurous tale of romance between a pirate and a mermaid. Thier love story ridiculed by others only said to be a myth never to be spoken but nevertheless the duo struggles to overcome and be with each other forever. Will they make it? Find out in this exciting story.

Bee_writess · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 10

The chirping of the birds and the sounds of chatter awoke Lilith from her slumber.

She opened her eyes slowly trying to figure out where she was suddenly remembering she was in Kent's residence. A smile appeared on her face right that moment.

She groaned, stuffing her face in her pillow, her cheeks a flaming red.

"Breakfast!" She thought to herself.

She got up from her bed stopping for a moment to fully enjoy the view of the room once again. She walked to the wide windows slowly. It overlooked the main yard and she saw a man glistening in sweat, his back muscles all glistening tending to the garden.

She watched dumbfounded as his hands dug the soil trying to replant another plant. After he did that successfully, sweat dripped down his brows as he used his forearm to wipe and clean his already dirty hands on his dirty breeches.

"Kent is simply breathtaking." Lilith thought to herself.

She continued to stare at him through the window willing herself to look away and stop ogling at such an amazing specimen.

A manservant walked to him, stretching him a towel and suddenly he looked up to the windows that Lilith was standing in front of.

She audibly gasped, moving as fast as she could away from the window.

"Did he see me?" She asked herself silently.

She hurriedly burst into the bathroom willing herself to calm down. Placing her hand on her racing heart.

"I need to take a bath, get dressed, and go downstairs for breakfast." She said to herself in the mirror.

A knock sounded on her bedroom door.

"Miss?" An unfamiliar voice sounded from outside.

"Just a minute I'm coming!" Lilith said a bit too loudly.

She walked to the door and pulled it open, coming in contact with some unfamiliar faces she had never seen.

"Good day, Miss." They all said bowing slightly.

"Good day," Lilith said, also bowing slightly.

The maids looked at each other in surprise, confusion, and a twinge of mockery.

"We were sent by Lord Kent to dress you up and help you take a bath and get you ready." One of them finally said.

"Oh, that's so sweet."

"May we come in Miss? Surely you do not plan on keeping us at the door all day." One of them chirped.

"Oh! I apologize. Do come in."

The maids came in marveling at the sight of the room.

"The Lord never lets anyone in here." They whispered to each other.

"I think she must be some kind of whore he brought home." One of them whispered not so quietly.

"She must be some kind of special whore to be treated in such a special way. Look at the size of this room and look at the view. My goodness." One of them said."

Lilith turned looking at all of them with a small smile.

"Is anything the problem ladies?" She asked with a smile.

"No miss."

"I remember Kent asked you to come here to help me get dressed up and not to gossip and make presumptuous assumptions hm?"

They all gasped at the form of the intimate address.

"We apologize, Miss, for getting carried away."

Lilith smiled whilst walking to the bathroom.

"I'll wish to take a bath all by myself."

"But Miss…"

"That'd give you time to talk about me in my absence. Please don't refuse me this little favor." Lilith said.

She walks into the bathroom shutting the door and starts to undress.

She hums a little tune as she fills the tub and enters inside. The cold water slightly chills her as she leans her back wondering whether to send a message to her mother or to leave it just for a while.

She decides not to but to send the message for later.

She washes up rather quickly. The fragrance of the soap made her feel like she was in a large flower field.

She could still hear the slight whispers of the maids but people would always be people.

She rinsed up quickly, raising a slender calf to come out of the tub. She trapped a towel from the counter and wrapped it around herself.

Walking out, the whisper quickly vanished. She walked to the counter allowing them to bring out different lotions to use. She picks up on which word sounds a bit familiar and rises for them to tie up her corset.

"Miss I must say you have such a lithe waist." One of the maids said.

"Thank you."

The corset was tightened to perfection.

"That's enough." She said to the maids.

But they just kept dragging the ropes of the corsets.

"I said it was fine. Leave it."

"We apologize."

They step back while preparing a gown for her to wear.

The maids chose a stunning lavender dress for Lilith. The dress features long, billowing sleeves that gather at the wrists with delicate lace cuffs, adding a touch of elegance.

The bodice is intricately embroidered with silver thread, creating a subtle shimmer that catches the light. A fitted waistline, accentuated by a satin ribbon, flows into a full, floor-length skirt made of layers of tulle and silk, giving the dress a graceful, ethereal quality.

The neckline is modest yet refined, adorned with small, hand-sewn pearls that complement the dress's soft lavender hue. This exquisite gown makes Lilith look more beautiful than ever.

She looked at herself in the mirror. The rose tint on her lips and the natural blush on her cheeks. Her hair was pinned down with a big princess bow. She admired herself in the mirror breathing deeply.

She walks down the stairs for breakfast with Kent. Her heart beating faster and faster in anticipation.

He's at the head of the table in his glory. He is now fully clothed much to Lilith's dismay and tapping on the table rather impatiently. His brows scrunched in displeasure.

Lilith's kitten heels make a sound on the marbled tiles as he looks up slowly and takes in her figure.

She walks closer holding eye contact and finally, he breaks it looking at the steward.

"You may bring the food now."

"Good day, Kent," Lilith said bowing slightly.

"Good day, Lilith." He said, looking her up and down.

Lilith's insides felt like jelly. She sat down slowly.

The steward brought the food, setting it down on the table.

Lilith looked down at herself, noting that it was the magic of vegetables and some type of meat. She gagged.

"Are you okay? Is the food not up to your liking?" He asked.

"I- I don't eat meat."

"Oh, you're a naturalist then." He said with a laugh.

"Steward prepare a salad for the lady with no meat please."

The steward quickly brought the salad and they ate quietly.

"Hurry up, we have a lot to do today."

"We do?"

"I can't just keep a girl at my residence without an explanation. We need to introduce you to society before it breeds out some gossip we wouldn't want."


"We're going on a tour now, hurry up."