
Fate/ Zero : Flugel follows the war

Synopsis: Matou Kariya was always nicknamed the Cripple, Failed as a magus, Failed in his love, failed, failed and failed; that's Kariya's life, but what if the turning point changed when he tried to take part in the cruel holy grail war, because of his good intentions to save Sakura he was given help by the gods, instead of summoning a mad knight, he instead summoned a Flugel, -and his name is Jibril. The final unit created by the god of war Artohs who was given the title “Imperfection”

kirigaya_afi · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

27. Their Strongest Attack

Clang!! Clang!!!Clang!!!

Many sparks scattered in the darkness of the night, Lancer and Saber tried to withstand Jibril's hot attacks, now he used the black sickle faster and more fiercely than when fighting him before.

"Is Berserker stupid, if he was together with Lancer against saber then this fight would be easily finished"

Kayneth, Lancer's master who saw the battle was now very angry, he had used command spells for nothing, now Lancer was also in his worst state because he would always attack Saber, but was always interrupted by Berserker's attacks. This is because the command spell tells Lancer to "fight with Baserker to defeat Saber" this makes Lancer unable to fight back against Basserker, which means he can only defend.

"Damn…my condition is unfavorable in this battle"

Lancer held his sore jaw when he was kicked by Jibril. In this battle he had no choice because he couldn't control his body, Lancer would just attack the saber again and again. And the Berserker who attacked the saber didn't want to be disturbed so he would attack Lancer if he was in front of him. so this battle became three-way by accident.

"What now rider?"

"Hm..this is getting more chaotic… but this battle isn't bad hahahah.."

Waver was very worried about the battle not happening, he was worried that Lancer would join Berserker to defeat Saber, but Bassarker refused by attacking Lancer suddenly and now the battle became three parties. He wished for them to die and he would be the one to take advantage of this.

"What do you mean rider...please don't make this any worse...it's better if we just wait until they're tired-"

"No... How could I... King Iskandar do such a despicable thing... look at them..."

"Saber fights with strength and Lancer with determination resists the anger that tarnishes his dignity…while Bassarker with his arrogance rejects the superiority he has gained and bravely challenges all the enemies alone"

"How is it possible... I, the great King Iskandar, don't participate in this magnificent celebration... come on master... this is our time."

"ahhhh...You're stupid"

Rider excitedly drove quickly forward with his Chariot towards the confrontation, Waver who came with him was afraid as he hugged Rider's thigh. How can he, who is a weak Magus, even fight directly into the midst of the enemy? For a Rider, a master must have guts and he will bring anyone under his banner to the battlefield bravely.

Rider rode above the sky with the roar of the Bantam god, looking at the battle through the sky and preparing to start the confrontation.

Saber is starting to reach the limit of his body's endurance. If this continues, Saber will lose without much resistance.

"Looks like I don't have a choice anymore..."

"Irisfield!! Run...away from here...I will use it"

Irisfield who heard Saber's words started running towards where Kiritsugu was, he understood that Saber was likely to use the true name of his sword.

"Maiya we will retreat further...this will be a bigger confrontation"

Kiritsugu also began to make a protection plan for Irisfield, Irisfield who ran towards Kiritsugu also began to understand Kiritsugu's plan.

"Iris...we will stay away for a while"

"What about Saber?...He's already injured and at his limit."

"Don't worry... if he is no longer able to fight then we have no choice but to retreat first."



"My hands are starting to go numb, I can no longer endure this battle any longer"

Saber who raised her sword and began to supply mana into it, now its shape began to appear. The golden sword is now starting to emit a dazzling light, this is the sword of legend, the sword that brings its wielder victory, the sword that bears the burden of the salvation of its people, the name of the sword is;

"Give me victory—EX..."

Jibril who saw the saber start to use its strongest attack started to smile happily and the mana in the circle of light on his head started to grow bigger, he climbed up and started chanting his spell;

"Good….You deserve my respect…"

Above Jibril's circle of light a Black meteor formed and started heading towards the people below.

"HEAVEN's Strike….."


"You two are crazy....I don't have large-scale attacks like you...."

The Lancers between the two sides began to panic with the large scale attacks used by Saber and Basserker. he doesn't have a large scale attack like this and if he doesn't get out of the way immediately then he will definitely be eliminated in this fight, Lancer doesn't mind losing, but if he loses without being able to do anything then this will only make him more humiliated.

The people who saw this had also started to panic, using their strongest attack near the dock was a crazy idea,

"Damn it... lancer come back as soon as possible..." Kayneth who saw this no longer had the will to fight and he ordered lancer back and brought him as fast as possible before these two attacks clashed.

"Yes Master..."

Lancer appeared in front of Kayneth and immediately took him to a safe place.

Rider also began to speed away from the scale of the attack that was about to occur....

"What is this crazy attack... hi Rider... can we win against an attack like that..?

"Hm! This will also be troublesome for me.....the only way is to dodge the attacks...after all I don't have defensive Noble-Phantasms or Crazy Attacks like them....but with Chariot I should be able to avoid crazy attacks This"



The two attacks collided, the Gold and Black Delivery began to condense and expand, Saber's attack temporarily blocked Jibril's attack. but black Meteors started to explode and engulfed the sabers all over the Beach, black clouds started to rise upwards and the sea air started to rise, a big hole started to appear.

"Hm? Looks like he managed to escape"

"You really scared me Jibril..."

"Oh yeah~ I forgot about you, master before...but at least you survived in the end...that's the most important thing...you don't need to think about the rest."

Jibril and Kariya are now flying over a large hole resulting from the previous clash. Kariya managed to survive the attack because he was teleported by Jibril to his side after trying to run from Jibril and Saber's attack.

"So it looks like it's finished right? Are Saber and Lancer killed?"

"Not yet...it looks like the master used the Command Seal to forcibly summon him"

"It's a shame that after using that powerful attack they haven't died yet."

"But the other masters will start to be wary of us and they will find a way to fight you"

"Don't worry...even though Heaven's Strike is my strongest attack, I have others hidden. This will make them only alert to one thing and careless about another."

"That's good news...now what do we do after this?"

"Let's celebrate our victory with food"

"That's good..I'll take Sakura too"

Kariya, who was worried before, began to calm down with Jibril's victory, with a strong server, beating Tokiomi is not impossible from now on. then the angel and the young man flew and began to disappear towards the city feeling happy.