
Fate/ Zero : Flugel follows the war

Synopsis: Matou Kariya was always nicknamed the Cripple, Failed as a magus, Failed in his love, failed, failed and failed; that's Kariya's life, but what if the turning point changed when he tried to take part in the cruel holy grail war, because of his good intentions to save Sakura he was given help by the gods, instead of summoning a mad knight, he instead summoned a Flugel, -and his name is Jibril. The final unit created by the god of war Artohs who was given the title “Imperfection”

kirigaya_afi · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

23. nice to meet you

"Oh my, it looks like archer found an enemy that suits his behavior, they both have great fighting abilities and their condescending nature is no less great."

The rider who saw the battle exclaimed in a tone that didn't know whether to praise or insult, but he definitely had to admit that compared to sabers and lancers, the abilities of archers and Bassarkers were at the top of their league. even archers who had a lot of Noble-Phantasms were a little pushed.

—No, saying he wasn't injured was only from a third party's perspective.

The Archer's anger had apparently reached its critical limit. The crease between his eyebrows turned his good nature into a bad sign.

"You deserve to die for your humiliation. You mutt, I won't leave a single part of your body behind!"

In anger, Archer howled at Jibril, his eyes bloodshot. For the third time, the space around him warped and allowed a swarm of swords to appear...

The next number of Noble Phantasms that shined reached thirty-two. This time, even Rider remained silent. Jibril had withstood the continuous attacks of sixteen Noble Phantasms with ease, but no one knew if he had any way to resist twice that number. The same thing happened to all the other Servants. No one could estimate the limits of the golden Archer's latent power anymore.

"Gilgamesh is serious. He intends to open the 'Gates of Babylon' even further."

Tōsaka Tokiomi held his head at Kotomine Kirei's comment coming from the jeweled communicator.

The basement of the Tōsaka mansion had none of the discomfort of the far away storehouse town that had become a battlefield. Kirei, manipulating the Assassin, was bringing results. The conditions were perfect.

The only thing that wasn't part of the calculations was— maybe that the strongest Heroic Spirit, Gilgamesh, had come to the present time in the Archer class.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say the characteristic of the Archer class is the strength of its Noble Phantasms; for Gilgamesh who owned an extraordinary number of ones with the rank EX, it might have been inevitable. But in the end, the skill of the Independent-Action of the self-conceited King of Heroes was high ranked as well, and that certainly was Tokiomi's biggest miscalculation.

Tokiomi respected the high prestige of the King of Heroes as much as he could, and as much as he deserved. But to think that his tolerance would be tested so much, so early...

Gilgamesh must be the last to move. Right now, this is still the Assassin's turn to act and gather information. Something as rash as exposing the Gate Of Babylon again to everyone— and throwing all his strength against the mysterious Berserker, this just can't be overlooked.

To a Servant with the skill of Independent-Action, who doesn't rely on the Master, the only way to give him orders are the Command Seals. This grants the right for only three absolute orders. To make a Servant out of Gilgamesh who doesn't have an ounce of respect for his Master, they are all the more precious.

Always maintain your elegance— this is a family precept handed down for generations in the Tōsaka family. To him who keeps it close to his heart, to be pressed into using a Command Seal before all the other Masters...

"Master, your decision?"

Kirei urges with a hard voice from the other end of the communicator.

Grinding his teeth, Tokiomi stared at the back of his right hand.

Staring at the Berserker with a burning hatred, the Archer slowly looked away.

He faced south-east. Over there is the hill of the Miyama district and the high class residential area. How many people can guess it being the direction of the Tōsaka mansion?

"Do you think a sermon from someone like you could appease a king's anger? You're quite presumptuous, Tokiomi..."

With a tone of abject annoyance, the Archer spat in a suppressed voice. The glow of the countless Noble Phantasms around him disappeared at once, off to somewhere else.

"... You dodged death by a hair, mad dog."

He was containing his resentment, but his crimson eyes had already lost the flame of the killing intent. With his firm haughtiness, the golden Archer glared at the row of Servants.

"You mongrels. Cut down the mob next time. I will tolerate no less than a real hero."

With this careless final remark, the Archer aborted his manifestation. The golden armor lost its materiality and disappeared, leaving only its afterglow.

The confrontation between two knights, gold and White, reached its end in a way that no one expected.

"hm? with all his great words in the end he ran away?... you cowardly monkey"

"Here I thought finally someone could cheer me up..."

While Gabriel was waiting for more conflict and bloodshed, his enemy suddenly left with words as if he had won, wasn't that ridiculous? He was just a little annoyed but it didn't matter, there were at least three of his enemies left.

"Hmf. Apparently this Master has a tougher character than Archer himself."

Amazed, Rider exaggerated while smiling bitterly. But everyone thought this was not the time for careless comments. The Berserker who was evenly matched with Archer was still standing in front of them.

Wide eyes glow, first wandering in empty space, missing their target... Then, finding new prey, they light up again.

Being stared at by eyes tinged with red, Saber felt a chill run down her spine.

"... You..."

This was the Berserker's voice, the first time the others had heard it.

"--I see!! Looks like I haven't introduced myself yet"

 "My name is Jibril, nice to meet you─and"



Like a human-shaped curse, swelling with killing intent, the Angel Girl attacked the silver Knight King.

Thank you for the suggestions you have given...I will always improve myself in writing

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