

Roman of House Trambelio, or Roman Trambelio for conventional reasons happens to be the object of disdain for many a people and rightfully so, born into a major magus family with a partially defunct leg and lacking one eye, Roman would no doubt be disdained by the mostly elitist and aristocratic Magi. Maybe even thought of as a breeding mare. The fact that he was engaged already spoke volumes upon volumes regarding that. But, It wasn't as if all hope was lost. Yes he was slightly crippled and no type of healing worked but, had anyone sought to understand why it was so? If they did, did they ever succeed? The truth of it was, they didn't. Roman had died before and reincarnated, passed through the origin of all creation, the Root, retaining a self. Some part of his soul was sapped hence the dysfunctions but he'd gained much for it, a power that may shake the very world given time to truly manifest. Question was, what would he do with it? === You can find up to 7 chapters ahead at, patre0n.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Bull of Heaven

New York, America,



A battle decimated New York City, lighting up the night sky as if it were day with clashes of differently coloured lightning accompanied by the sounds of metal clanging against metal.

A mighty golden bull taller than that tallest of skyscrapers rampaged about, jumping here and there as it trampled all of man's creations under it...

That was all it really surmounted to in the end, structures built as monuments to their progress were brought down not too dissimilar to cardboard by the unmatched power of a Divine creature, trampled, distorted, bent and utterly destroyed.

Met with something so fundamentally.... beyond it, there wasn't much any could do..

That would probably be the conclusion those weak of heart would draw if not for the fact that someone was actually combating this beast with vigour rarely seen in the present day and age,

"Hear us! Beast that tramples the Earth!" With long grey hair that reached her knees and light dancing about her armoured figure, "We are the avatar of Bishamonten! And your vanquisher! Nagao Kagetora!" She laughed maniacally, distorted pupils swirling in a sick sort of excitement as she raised her one hand, manifesting a dark jagged blade much larger than her body and used her entire body weight to smash it down on the ground,

"This is great!"

The ground quaked and shook, more than ever before, collapsing under a sudden earthquake travelling outwards from her weapon, levelling entire districts.... Kagetora was far from done however, throwing herself into the air using the momentum generated as two long katanas appeared in either of her hands. The War God, in a show of raw physical strength, twisted her body midair hard enough that it launched her into a spin, the metal blades catching fire as she drew closer to Gugalanna.

The golden bull stared at the insolent human with large shining blue eyes, and roared, raising it's frontal legs and bringing them down to meet the veritable storm of fire Kagetora had become.

The Empire State Building fell down with a massive earth shaking boom before being swept away by the raging sea encroaching upon the city.


"You wouldn't believe this.."

Roman laughed lightly, a hand over his mouth as his eyes widened, "Jesus... They're not real Gods anymore, just Divine Spirits but still... holy shit." After the Scourge of God had stormed through the planet, killing off most Deities reducing them to nothing but Divine Spirits, they'd ended up retreating to the Reverse Side of the World to maintain their existences with the sole compromise that-

"What do you mean, Lord Roman?"

"The amount of eyes on this..." The sheer number of beings that had begun observing this clash was astounding, not as many as one would think but still, more than enough to shock even him to some extent.

Bar the Norse Gods, Ragnarok had ended with all of them dead or worse... Along with the erasure of the part of reality that was Scandinavia for a prolonged moment in time.

"Within estimation... however, I must ask." Heartless, now back on his feet and observing the chaotic battle from right behind Roman, lowered his gaze, staring at Roman's back, "Was that all your conviction amounted to?"

"Hmmm~?" The one eyed Magician hummed, glancing at the magus with a crimson eye, his body lost it's relaxed aura, becoming something that would make one understand how he had accomplished all he had..

"Without death among the masses, the world will never move.. You understand that but lack the conviction needed to follow through.." The 'heartless' magus spoke unfiltered, staring at the Magician with empty eyes, "I've overestimated your desires."

"...Oi." Roman looked back at Heartless, "Don't overreach." He then smiled widely, putting a hand over his chest in an exaggerated movement, "You'll never change my decision."

"Is that not hypocritical?"

"What about it?" The Magician tilted his head ever so slightly, "I'll drag you all if I have to. Wanna stop me? Try." He didn't flare his aura, or his magical energy but words alone were enough to make the red haired magus take a step back, intimidated.

"You would make an enemy of the world with no guarantee of reward?"

"Isn't that way more fun?"

Roman wouldn't change, always progress and crush any that stood in his way as he'd done so far.

"..." Heartless didn't speak further... This man... sitting in front of him was, insane... But maybe that was what was needed, to change this rotten world of theirs they didn't need a hero or an ally of justice, they needed an insane monster that moved with not a shred of hesitation, with supreme belief in himself, "Very well." He nodded, lowering his head ever so slightly,

"I apologise for my insensitivity."

Roman dismissed his words with a small wave of his hand, "Don't worry about it."

"Oh, is it going..."

"Oh shit."

Lightning clanged off the barrier protecting them, barely managing to perturbing them.

Gugalanna charged out of the city, once more levelling everything unfortunate enough to be caught up in it's movement and considering the size of the bull, it was decimating everything in the immediate vicinity which just so happened to be tens of, if not more than a hundred miles.

"Meh..." It was America anyway, no one was going to miss it except for Americans themselves.

He would simply continue sitting here, observing the direct consequences of his actions with his own two eyes, along with the rest of the world... With this, no longer would the world of magic be hidden and no longer would the Church hold the influence it presently did.

How would it?

Gugalanna and 'Bishamonten's Avatar' clashing with one another in New York pretty much flipped the table on the agenda of one True God proving that Deities and myths weren't just fiction but rather, very real beings.

Jets flew overhead, at speed barely perceptible, approaching the rampaging beast.

"You get what you fucking deserve I guess." Roman laughed to himself, hands over his stomach, they were the ones who started a war, he was just responding in kind... 'Heresy' was about to come knocking on their doors with a bloody RPG.

"This is far more magnificent than I had imagined."

Something like this would change the world, even if it would make them criminals... but then again, with a living Deity on their side, did the prowess of magi who could only recreate worldly phenomena really matter?

It didn't.

The two magi 'failed' to notice the several shadow concealed figures jumping across the ruined remains of buildings and making their way towards them.


London, England,

Trambelio Subsidiary Mansion,

Lorelei Barthomeloi barged into Roman's mansion with not a hint of respect or politeness, deeming such a thing unnecessary, her standing afforded her that much at least.... Only, as soon as she stepped in, she was met with a pink haired woman sitting on the red carpet with folded knees.

"Welcome home de-.. Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Lorelei Barthomeloi, I believe we have met before." The dark haired magus, while somewhat offset by not being recognised, hid that thought perfectly, "Are you some sort of uneducated barbarian?"

"I'm the barbarian? Not the sow that charges into someone's home without so much as a knock?" Tamamo no Mae put a hand to her chin, nodding sarcastically, "A rather terrible direction for the world to progress in, do you not agree?" It was no secret that to any besides Roman himself, Tamamo was less than 'nice'.

"What makes you presume you possess a standing allowing such behaviour?" Lorelei spoke amusedly, holding up a fist to the ignorant and foolish pink 'side chick', "Your relations with Lord Roman?"

"Yes indeed, exactly that." Tamamo no Mae stood up, staring at the magus with barely disguised hostility, "I presume to speak as his significant other, if not for dear allying himself with you I would have already escorted you out of our home."

Lorelei Barthomeloi drew a sharp breath at the insolence, noticing that the mansion looked far too clean and the smell of freshly cooked fish, "A tryhard, is what you are." Had she prepared all this for Roman?

"A useless whore that has no sense of duty, is what you are." Tamamo spat back instantly, "I simply attend to what is expected of me.."

"And this is what is expected of you, servant?"

"Yes." Tamamo folded her arms, a smug smile on her face as her hair swayed about behind her, "I've cleaned and cooked, prepared everything for his return. My only regret is not being allowed to accompany my dear and catering to his needs!" She spoke that with a totally straight face, with not a clue of the nature of her words..

"I...." Lorelei Barthomeloi didn't know what to make of such a vigorous declaration, "Aren't you just a house servant then?"

The pink haired woman dressed like a shrine maiden audibly gasped, "How dare you?" She was simply doing what was expected of a dutiful wife!

"How dare YOU?" Lorelei was going to have this woman understand the true way to speak to her superiors, "Being related to Lord Roman does not excuse such behaviour."

"You wouldn't be saying that if you understood what dear is."


"A Mag-"

Tamamo no Mae was cut off by Sakura, who'd just joined them, hurriedly shaking her head, pulling on her clothes harshly,

"Bad, no, don't."

Before the situation could progress any further, all three of them had their attention drawn to the adjacent room by the sound of dishes being shattered..

Curious, Lorelei walked over to investigate, first seeing the shocked pale haired maid staring at the massive screen in the room with a shocking lack of care for the furniture she'd ruined, then slowly tracing her gaze and almost losing strength in her legs at what it showed,


It showed a massive golden skeletal bull engaging a grey haired woman in astounding detail... A woman the Lord Barthomeloi recognised, how couldn't she? It was the same woman that was almost always hanging around the Lord of the Democratic Faction.


Share thoughts mfs.

Alaya can't interfere because Gaia actively sabotages every single attempt made by it in an attempt to aid Roman now that he's a Beast.. He's also one that's already thrown the human world to chaos so his importance is greater than others.

Note that this can easily be noticed and I'm only pointing it out for those that can't notice it.


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You can find up to 7 chapters ahead at patre0n.com/stoned_face